Blizzard favors druids and leaves all other clases in the dirt

mage tower appearances for all! not just one class


They only gave the bear skin not the cat skin as well.

They should add the combat rogue rapiers.

But only one of them.

You can only transmog one. And look all lopsided.


The weapons aren’t coming back


Is there any other flail options? If not pretty sure that would fall into same category.

there are benefits to being a hybrid class that fill every role in the game i guess :revolving_hearts:


The entire purpose of the warrior mage tower was for the Legionbreaker transmog, since it’s the only flail accessible as far as I know. I’m pretty much not interested if it’s not coming, since I don’t want a baby vomit tint of the ToS tier set.

yeah i’m sorry but that warrior tier does not look cool to me in the slightest. yall got shafted on this one

Blizzard’s trying to play both sides of the fence, give back the appearance most wanted (werebear) while also not giving back appearances (everything else) to appease the gatekeepers and the people who asked for them back at the same time.

Unfortunately Blizzard’s higher ups have proven they aren’t very good at their jobs at all anymore, and this backfired into pleasing neither side, most likely costing them more cancelled subscriptions if anything. Just another fumble to add to the very long and growing list of errors Blizzard’s made in judgement.

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You made another thread within an hour? Hoo boy. I’ll say the same thing again as I said in the other threads. It’s fine druids are getting the exception to the rule because of the circumstances surrounding their bear form. That doesn’t mean it needs to be done for everybody. It does not mean they’re being favored.


Is it a slap in the face?

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Isn’t everything on this forum a slap in the face



Druids > you.


I don’t feel that it’s okay that guardian druids are getting more art team production time than other specs. I’m fine with the changes to rewards, and I definitely think druids need more form appearances; however, no matter if it’s only a couple hours or even minutes of work or whatever, Blizzard is still dedicating additional production time to guardian druids than to other classes and specs. Even if creating the art for this look of the werebear only took a small amount time, Blizzard is always implying how scarce and precious art team time is yet here they are putting this extra effort just for one spec…I’m not even arguing that every single spec should have got something unique since they were not doing anything related to the other artifacts: no, I’m saying that if no one else was getting anything beyond T20 recolors, then guardian druids shouldn’t either.

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Two things we can always count on in WoW:

  1. Ion’s disdain for the alliance
  2. Devs’ love for druids.

holds her flask at the ready

I need an answer to this question!

Yeah, should have just left it at the tier sets instead of muddying the waters…but they never think these things through

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What better class to leave all other classes in the dirt than the class of leaves and dirt?


It wouldn’t. There are hundreds of weapon transmogs. There are a whole 8 bear forms.


Tier sets and the book mount. I feel like that’s a great reward.