Blizzard favors druids and leaves all other clases in the dirt

I’m fine with it, no bear butt 24/7 in my face.


Heck, maybe more Druids will be tanking to show it off (and trigger people)

This is true.

I am happy. That Soaring Spell Tome is awesome. Blizzard is giving people a chance to experience a version of old content they have been clamoring for - the Mage Tower. And they are giving players - old as well as new - reasons to do it.


I hope this brings more tanks so I can show off my exclusive feral Druid skin that they can never get(and also dab on them with my superior bear colours)

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The flails are unique. But I hope they create more looks in the future.

The plus side is we may not get the endless favoritism, but at least we don’t have to be a druid


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I think you spelled ‘bears’ wrong.

Feral druids get absolutely nothing from the tower, at all.

Those flails are unique. I hope they make different looking flails in the future, ones not tied to tank specs.

Druids have always been favored…That is why they have 4 specs.

That’s exactly what I posted.

no, people wanted it for the bear skin. hello?

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Ok I wasn’t sure what you meant.

Been reading too much druid stuff and people posting about “new” druid looks instead of recolors.


Fire Mages > druids

I don’t know how you can handle that. Well, I hope.

Nah, Blizz actually made a completely different flail look for Shadowlands but it never made the cut. It’d be nice to be able to get that somehow.


I want it!

Me too!

I bookmarked the post so I can show people they made another flail item already. Thank you so much. Gosh I want that so badly now, with the ice weapon enchant for my DK.

Everyone thought Deathknights and Demon Hunters were the hero classes of WoW. Turns out it was Druids all along! :bear: :tiger: :owl: :palm_tree:

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I don’t think we should all get the mage tower appearances but I agree they favor druids. New travel forms, New Warebear form ON TOP of the transmog, Were able to mount in the Maw in 9.0, constantly getting new shiny things.

Just like hunters, constantly getting cool things. And that’s great, I think it’s cool. I just think all classes need some flavor stuff to make us feel cool too. Where are the different colored DK eyes? New Pally chargers? Mage tomes or something. New warlock demon skins. Just something for us too.

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No, I didn’t because I realized the linguistic shenanigans you were trying to pull by deliberately misframing the events and the arguments of both sides. You tried to frame it as a typical “Oh these people want something that is really cool, and this other side doesn’t want them to have it.” Then punctuated it with “It’s easy to see which side is weird.”

You’re talking to someone who once specifically had to read over things before they were spoken. I know the linguistic BS when I see it, you might not be aware of it but read your post again and it’s very clear to see what you were trying to do.

Yeah, when you divorce literally all context from the discussion it comes off as the side saying no being weird because “amagawd, why do like people like not want people to like have things in this game?”

What I did was cut you off and remind you of the context because with the context it’s easy to see the complete inverse of the scenario you were attempting to portray.

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Druids are better than the other classes and everyone knows it.


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