Blizzard favors druids and leaves all other clases in the dirt

I think they thought it through just fine. Hundreds of weapon transmogs vs. eight bear forms.

The brought back 1 artifact skin. Anybody could have seen the uproar that it was going to cause when they first had the idea.

Bad recolors do not equal Artifact skins

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Blizzard favours the Paladins because we are the Greatest of All Living Things.

Get used to it.

I’m feeling pretty good about the Tier recolors OP. Speak for yourself.

Yep. The unique rig and model for bears who only have 8 forms. Feral’s different model comes from hidden appearance. And they need to put back Claws of Shirvallah as an appearance.

But y’all have hundreds of weapons to transmog. Bears don’t get that luxury.

People will survive. It was nicely done, imo.


I’m sure they will. But Blizz sure found a way to taint all of their “good will” efforts in a single posts.

No they didn’t. LOL

Oh, are all of these complaint threads people celebrating? My bad.

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They were lucky to even get the bear druid one(though it’s the ugliest version so it’s not so bad) though they should have designed a new model that looked different for those of us who already got the skin when it was new. At least they didn’t release a glowing kitty so we still get they to flaunt over everyone and no one tanks anyways so we don’t really see many of these fel bears.

I disagree, only in that, like the recolors of the MoP sets we got through Class Halls, these rewards will also have that cheap knockoff patina.

If I flip a Warebear over, does it say “Made in China” on the bottom?

I mean i was expecting them to be the t20 set recolors , which im fine with , i dont care much.

But now it has a werebear druid form(recolored) … might has well give a new tint out for all … feels slightly bad now that the rewards arent just the t20 recolors but them with a DRUID only reward


Was definitely a bad PR move.

They pleased the people who will never quit no matter what Blizzard does, and angered the masses who asked for the Mage Tower back in the first place.

Blizzard’s got a great track record these past 365 days.


One vocal group on a forum of roughly 1% of playerbase doesn’t mean Blizz lost their good will. To those of us who wanted these appearances kept limited time, it’s perfect.


Never know. And it’s still not the same werebear.

It isn’t that neither side is happy. It’s that one of these sides was never going to be happy unless it was a literal recreation of the Mage Tower to give them the appearances they think they’re entitled to for playing the game at the present and by virtue of wanting them.

The things both sides wanted were diametrically opposed, one side was going to have to get shafted and Blizzard couldn’t handle another lawsuit. Especially since if you advertise something as “limited time exclusive” then dial back on that promise legality gets involved because you’re creating artificial scarcity. Bethesda learned this lesson in Fallout 76 when they deliberately jacked up the price of something to only discount it to a reasonable price but selling it off as a holiday discount to make people buy it while it was cheap.

Like I’m not defending Blizzard here, I think bringing back the Mage Tower period was a stupid move and you can check my post history to prove that claim. Especially since the people they did it to cater to were going to be absolutely livid if it wasn’t their chance to get the Legion rewards, while if they did they’d have a lawsuit on their hands for deceptive marketing causing players to invest far more time and effort to unlocking something on the premise it was only attainable then later “jk it’s back.”

One side asked for the Mage Tower back for appearances that were unique and defining.

One side said no.

If you’re looking at this from a third party perspective, it’s pretty apparent which side’s a bit weird.

Be a bit more honest. One side wanted Blizzard to break the promise they made to players in Legion, one that encouraged some people to invest far more of their time into unlocking them for every class and spec.

The other merely wanted that promise upheld.

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Did you purposely ignore the last line? Lmao

I think Blizzard made a good choice. They did a nice compromise. I am not making a thread about it, though. Just because someone makes a thread doesn’t mean their opinion is universal.

As far as the bear form, well, people can mog all kinds of weapons. But Druids have always had a limited number of forms. Especially Guardian Druids, but also Feral. Even Balance and Resto can at least play the 'Mog game. But Guardian and Feral are very limited.

What’s wrong with Blizzard throwing the Druids a bone? If indulging in meaningless trivialities makes them happy, so be it!

They will never come close to the glory and majesty that is the Paladin.