Blizzard failed again! Winter Veil Mount

I think you are confusing minion of grumpus with the follower table mount .

The winter veil mount people are talking here is

If you got minion for 2k i think someone posted it w/o the knowledge of how much mounts are important and the market for it . I started in wod end on retail and instantly iwanted this mount but being a new player didnt have neither the gold nor the alts so i just waited and buided myself an army and then did it :slight_smile:

I dont think garrison cache gives 500 daily and i have no idea how much it gives weekly coz quite frankly i never really depended upon that as i used caches spreaded all around dreanar . And at this point in wow 5k gold isnt much IF you have a bit of knowledge about wow . But if you are saying 5k is a lot for NEW players(not new toons) yes 5k is a lot .

This is personal… Brewfest a let down? How so? Did you just not get the mount? BOO HOO. Same w/ Hallows End… what didn’t get the horse? BOO HOO. You don’t NEED to level up 50x toons w/ garrisons, that’s your choice. You could just do one character. The mounts are RNG and there’s no promise of success.

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I keep getting oil. I guess I was so bad even charcoal is too good so its oil. most don’t even have a port up to use the oil.

and resources.

Oh for gawdsake.

Let me give you a hint. There is a shortcut for starting up your garrison. You can skip all the opening WoD questline and arrive immediately at your garrison site. It takes about 5 minutes to do a handful of quests to open the garrison. And it only takes a little longer to build up your garrison so the npcs for the event quest will appear. Even a small amount of research would tell people that certain things are required to do other things in the game like this.

Otherwise, feel free to make some gold and buy the mount when it hits the AH, which it probably will in decent numbers.

They can? How?

250 boxes 8 mounts last year :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think most of the people lack the knowledge and just get frustrated because of it . Making a lvl 3 garrison is by no means a big job at this point as you can skip all the hoops and just do it within 15 mins . A tip for you if you dont know what i use is i have engineering and i use dreanar engineering wormhole (lava and snow) you need lvl 1 dreanar engineering to use it so i take the quest and use the item it sometimes port me in air sometimes on ground so keep a glider and then i go to the quest point complete it and log off right there coz garrison heartstone is 20 mins and i go to another alt do the same thing and as soon as i m done with my 5(this year i m doing just 5)toons i go to first toon and garrison heartstone is off cd and this whole debacle of 5 alts takes like 20 mins tops .

Buy a huge orc cache

Ah, the Ogre Cache. You can also do it in a roundabout way by buying WoD mats like herbs and ore, having a level 1 Trading Post and putting in work orders. I think its up to 12 work orders at Level 1, not sure about the amount for higher levels. So you just need multiples of whatever the currency herb or ore etc is for that day.

Link here shows various ways to earn the resources:

Garrison Resources - Currency - World of Warcraft (

A major reason to leave the game? One lousy mount?

It was definitely Minion of Grumpus, but I’m also on a dead server and this was before BfA.

I mean, the vast majority of the time I get 300 garrison resources. Woo-hoo, a currency I’ve basically been overcapped on for the last decade!

That’s why it takes ten characters a day every day in the hopes that I’ll get one or two :laughing:

Oh THAT mount? Has it been a year already? Isn’t that mount sellable? With my luck prolly sells for 10 gold on AH.

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Oh snap. I forgot I had Warlords Path, from WoD and doing all of that malarky back then. Can totally teleport out to Frostfire, instead of flying.

This is a win.

I’m not sure if this helps or not but I’ve got the mount :grinning:

But, but, my outrage!!!

You had all year to get your garrison up

Takes an hour at most to farm resources by flying round collecting chests, you can have level 3 garrison in that time.

If I remember right it was BoE so you can buy one off the AH very cheap now.

I’ve had the Minion of Grumpus since WoD. It’s almost like it was, at one point in time, current content.