Blizzard failed again! Winter Veil Mount

If you want the winter veil mount, good luck getting it unless you got your garrison up. I missed WoD dude to family business. Now I can’t get the quest to get the items needed for a chance at the mount.

I have to grind up my garrison on 8 different characters cause I missed a few expansions. They could have moved Izzy Hollyfizzle to IF/Org and made it so any one can do it but instead they favor only those who played WoD. So all the new players and returning have to work twice as hard to even participate in half of this holiday event.

Thanks gain for the let down. This is a major reason to leave the game. This is 3 holidays in a row where blizzard has messed up. Brewfest was a let down, Hollows end and now Winter Veil.


Since when was there a Winter’s Veil mount?


Yeah I feel stupid, which mount are we talking about?


Its the gorilla in jumpsuit idk the name


Is there a barrier to making your garrison now that I’m unaware of?


It takes roughly like 10 to 15 mins and 10k gold to get the lvl 3 garrison


It’s the Minion of Grumpus. It’s a pain to fly all the way over to Shadowmoon from Frostfire, and then back, for the Horde Dailies.


That dumb grinch? Is there a new one? I dont remember needing the Garrison for the grinch.

Not that it doesn’t take like 20 minutes to finish the storyline and get the base garrison. Get off your lazy butt.


This part confused me. Why does it take 8 different characters?


Are you talking about Minion of Grumpus?

Oh yeah that one. When I got mine, I found it best to wait until they were only a few k gold on the AH once people started flooding them. Saved hours of time.



The box savage gift drops the mount and to buy savage gift you need 5 winter veil tokens which you can only get from daily questa from garrison lvl 3

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I didn’t play when Warlords was live, so I can’t try for the mount either without a long grind I don’t want to do.

Blizz could have just moved Izzy to a major city, but they didn’t. I guess they don’t care about new/returning players.

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Well, its like a 1-2 day job to build her to level 3. I’ve done it on like every toon, mostly for the hearth.

Or you could buy that thing on the AH, I’ve been thinking of selling mine, but always forget.

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Takes like 20 misn tops and 10k gold

Seriously, there’s no reason to freak out over it.

The mount is BoE. Give it a week and the AH will more likely be flooded with people trying to sell them for 3k gold a piece. This happens every year.


Lol no that mount sells for ballpark 90k


I think it takes a whole hour, maybe less, to get your garrison up and going since you’re level 60.

Do the intro of WoD and a couple quests, you get your garrison.

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If you’re paying 90k for that mount then you’re either super-impatient or buying it mid-year.