IF you do not have a level 3 Garrison SHAME ON YOU. 19 of my toons have their garrison at level 3, and 2 others ar level 2 and can be easily raised to level 3. Each toon can do those four quests every day.
Around 100-150k in Europe. Not everyone has this option to get it for “3k”…
I think thalia got lucky as someone who didnt knew the price posted it for less
OT - This year is better than last year scalingwise as my lvl 60 toons are not dying from 2 hits and my lower lvls are not tough . It takes me 4 mins to complete all 4 quests as so many people are doing it its tag and move .
Lumber mill helps over time.
And it has fun titles too.
I will use lumber jack title in ashran as horde. Because at some point we are cutting down treesus.
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