Blizzard failed again! Winter Veil Mount

Respectfully, the garrison is pretty simple to set up now. Maybe an hour tops if your unfamiliar with it? After that maybe 12-20 mins per garrison.

Then I think about 30 min to an hour per building tier?

if they were going to rehash WOD…they could have done this better.

Me I am thinking when Bolvar said take the sigil to the Jailor (what we did basically, delivered it like a pizza) we’d say hell no fail king.

Ima take this to my garrison. Draenor has no rip in the sky. and my garrison has cleared platinum assaults many times. let the mawsworn come. if they can come at all.

this mount sells for chump change in the AH most servers when outside the event, if you cant or wont make the garrison wait until then.

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You get about 175 garrison resources a day. Which comes to 500 twice a week. You NEVER get 500 every day. I’ve put a lot of characters into garrisons over the years. You are misleading people by telling them they get 500 daily.

This is possible for those with gold. My new characters on a new server don’t have 5000 gold when they enter Draenor.

Buy it on the auction house

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Garrison resources are in 60% of the treasures around Draenor.

Get the add-on that shows them on the map and go get them.

I was throwing them at low level guildies lol

WoD still exists. Go do the stuff to get it. What’s the problem exactly?

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this isn’t anything new - has been like that since WoD - 6 years now?

this seriously is probably the answer if you plan on leveling up 8 garrisons

I bought it for 2k a few years back for a friend. Why did it go up so much?

I have one you can buy on the AH right now :wink:

I bought it for like 200k in bfa. Prices depend on servers though and time of sell.

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Geebus. O.o

Yea, doesn’t hurt sometimes to click uncollected and look through the auction house for mounts/battlepets/transmogs. Sometimes you get good deals.

You can get the Minion on the AH. You might not have been there in WoD to setup your garrison for farming it, but you can make ~40k gold in any expansion to purchase it from someone who did.

How do you grind out 2,000 garrison resources in that short a time?

Many quests give garrison resource. And also building the lumber mill gives free garrison resources by cutting trees.

Rank 3 scrap yard requires an achievement that will take a while to unlock for a new person.

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Yeeeeeeeessssss…setting up a level 3 Garrison and doing the quests is impossible at this point, best to give up and buy the mount on the AH instead… :smirk:

…what, me? Where am I going?

Totally not to cycle through my ten characters a day farming the mount like I do every year, DEFINITELY not. Or the Yellow Snowballs, Medallion of the Legion, Huge Snowballs, Ogre Caches and Fallen Arms of the Hero that also sell quite well. You’ve mistaken me for someone else!

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I got garrison on all my toons. I found it easiest to just not care about farming it and wait for it to flood the AH at a low cost and just buy it then rather then complaining you dont have all this auto unlocked for never being here to play that expansion.
