Then I’m not sure what the chaffing is about… I mean that is like doing Korthia one day.
If you have half a million apexis crystals laying around, and maybe ate all your legion medallins over the years to get exalted reps, you should google and fly around the various vendors. Some really crazy mounts and a few whatever toys out there. Also a 1-hour cooldown kind of teleportatoin toy that teleports you to rares in tanaan jungle.
Legion medallions, the mount, and caches of resources still sell alright on the AH too. As do some of the ‘gift of’ enchants. And I think people still seak the crafted armors for xmogs at decent prices.
Oh yeah, Captain title off the shipyard is a nice simple and awesome title to pull out. OP will want to get an oil derrik on their shipyard mission table to make things a little more spamable.
it is gated behind garrison resources as well and i think questing to unlock either more resources/the quest to actually unlock it to 3. been a long time since i got my garrison to 3 though but still it really shouldn’t even be gated to level 3. level 2 is fine as that is fast to get to.
Can be done after unlocking garrison and a couple minutes if your 50+, and as posted multiple times above two items off the AH and you got the got resources. Or worst case, 4 days of doing nothing but logging in and collecting the free 500 resources from the cache outside the garrison, no work required.
No it doesn’t. It takes a couple of weeks to do.
Actually 500 garrison resources twice a week = 2 weeks.
No, it really doesn’t, as someone who’s actually done it on three characters in the last week.
It’s a daily, not a weekly, try again (technically not even a daily, it just fills up at set intervals, could pick up small amounts every 15-30min, but fills up to the cap of 500 within 24 hours). Hence as I said, 4 days of 500 per day, is the 2k required, just doing it the lazy way.
The resources can be gotten also be gotten on the AH in a couple minutes with two of the 1k resource boxes mentioned before.
Really? 500 x 4 doesn’t = 2000?
Winston from Overwatch?
i think i went for the Minion of Grumpus mount 3 years ago, it wasn’t difficult with only two characters having level3 garrisons, it was just the competition for the daily quest mobs
I have done garrison lvl 3 on 10 toons. It most definitely does not take 2 weeks . The garrison resources can be bought on AH (hence 10k coz building costs are like 5 or 6k for all 3 lvls combined) .The item of garrison is linked above ,now lets say your server doesnt have those available then flying tanaan and killing a few rares in there will give you more than enough to do it . You dont even have to do the scenario anymore if you have done that on 1 toon . Just go to SW and take ashran portal from there fly to shadowmoon valley shipyard area and do the 3 or 4 quests and thats it .
Got that mount first go last year. It sells pretty cheap on ah due to people getting the easily anyway so it’s a non issue
I can’t believe they surprised us with this one! We only had 8 years to prepare? What kind of timing is that?!
Minion of Grumpus is in Frostfire though. It is the hallowed end dailies from the Garrison that take place in Shadowmoon valley. Winter Veils take place in Frostfire.
Oh, yeah. I forgot.
It makes sense thematically for each one. The Halloween one is in the zone centered around ghosts, myths and spooky magic. The Winter Veil one is located in a frozen wasteland.
OP has not yet come back in to this thread, arguing with everyone.
I am surprised.
I mean my original main was a Huntard before Legion, and he has a Tier 3 Garrison, sooo whats the problem? Listen did you know that referees get Super Bowl rings too? Now you do.
well…just for giggles to have fun in the spirit of this thread start these days horde really doesn’t have a strong impetus to stage 3 garrison.
I mean its…jsut more mudhuts.
now alliance I have stage 3’d on many alts. It gets real nice that garrison.
horde? yay! more mudhuts. really seeing the 5k there. or not. so on horde not many did this. some have.
Just wish they’d fix the crafting they promised. damn relic system to armour broke appearances. that made stage 3 upgrades to craft buildings a money pit.
To be honest this just highlights the issue with none of the holidays ever being updated quest-wise. You shouldn’t have to have old content finished or time travel to do holiday content.
OP probably found it on AH for 2k and realized how silly the complaining was.