Blizzard, don't listen

You realize that so far the trading post is mostly mounts and mogs lmao literally none of which puts others in a bigger progression bracket other than collection. There is no borrowed power to the trading post from what I’ve seen it’s all for collection’s sake. So your point about this being a sin if people used IRL cash to get collection items is moot

I love ducks

No issue w this feature up until +10. The players ilevel can be the restriction. No one talks in pugs anyway. You list, you get accepted and you go. Dungeon complete.

You guys should choose a faction man, way its always been done

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You should worry about yourself instead of what other people are doing.

Yikes. Was just a friendly suggestion.

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Butting your head into others’ business is never “friendly”.

Lol. Yikes.

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There’s a critical problem with that when you want to place a race that’s locked on the opposite faction that the rest of your group wants to play.

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I agree with your sentiment, your delivery is too salty for my tastes though. :laughing:

“Ignore everyone except me” doesn’t seem that friendly. Just sayin’

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Not do away with, but the stupid faction war has been tired and stale for YEARS now.

I’ve not seen this one.

That will NEVER happen regardless what people say/ask for. Difficult content can NEVER be in the queue. The queue is meant for the LCD so any bit of difficulty people just lose their minds.

I’ve not heard this one. Great vault should never offer a duplicate piece that you’re already wearing or have in your bags. That’s not much to ask.

That’s literally what we’re doing minus the faction war thank goodness.

I think you missed the interaction that was referring to it wasn’t about the original post

… But for real I don’t think bliz should take my suggestions. It’s styled that way, but not a serious suggestion I think bliz should read. It’s my genuine hope that they do not read it or any other threads here. I trust wow in Bliz’s almighty hands

Indeed. Anyone remember cata heroics? They got nerfed to the ground like a day after GC’s “heroics are hard, deal with it” comment. And we never got hard heroics again. Difficult content and random matchmaking don’t mix.

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No one has asked for this.

The same people who ask to be able to buy anything in-game in gold, which is a small number of trolls.

Oh, are you one of those who’s upset that new players won’t replace your friends who have left over the years? Or are you one of those who misses being able to control other players’ access to content and gear?

I know there are lots of players out there who think that anybody who doesn’t play like they claim to play (they actually rarely play the way they expect other people to play) is doing life wrong and deserves nothing in exchange for the money they pay to Blizzard.

You are part of this community. But the only one whose ideas aren’t “trash”? And what the heck is “true World of Warcraft”? Are you asking for mailboxes and flightmasters to be removed so the game can go back to being truly hardcore? You want loot drama to be the central game mechanic?

Stop making super special requests. You had to lie about the ones up there.

The world has been nerfed into pointlessness, thanks to the demands of self-centered players like you.

A committee composed of thousands of players could probably do a better job than you-know-who.

I am seeing next to no negative comments on this expansion’s art.

I see your mistake. You think Blizzard listens to the wrong people, to a tiny minority of trolls who you have conflated into a massive number in your mind.

They don’t listen to players of any type. They make the game they want to make and expect players to play it.

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Well man, I agree with you on points 2-4.

But you need to ditch horde vs alliance thing. There are tons of ways to do world PvP without forcing a faction war, lorewise and gameplay wise.

I love PvP, I have the Battlemaster title since 2010, 169.000 honorable kills and 2400 arena XP, and still I hate being forced to do world PvP. Actually love playing with alliance players and help them even if theyre hostile while leveling or questing.

We need to gather all our remaining players and not split them, so that’s why I love the idea of ditching the faction war.

Cross faction grouping and guilds though make sense. Players want to be with friends, and faction lines get in the way of that. We still have the AvH story and activities with War Mode and PVP. No one’s asking to take that away

I don’t think this is getting any traction, or is a popular sentiment. I certaintly don’t want to see tender or items bought with tender available for gold or real life money

Queuing systems aren’t the reason people don’t socialize. People not wanting to socialize is the reason people don’t socialize.

Who’s asking for this?

The forums have been a dumpster fire since Dragonflight launched. The forums is currently a majority of people who complain just to complain and people with too much free time. Most old forum posters got what they wanted and only really use the forums for actual issues now. However, some people literally sit on the forums all day and the game being good doesn’t support that practice

  1. Get rid of Alliance and Horde, it’s old AF and played out.
  2. It’s already like that with tokens…
  3. LF more Please, LFR should be released earlier and add single player scenarios would be nice.
  4. Same as #3 with SPSs.
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