Blizzard: Don't give in regarding Dungeon Finder

Thank you for your opinion.

Inclined to agree. Once they shift to Cata you start seeing a lot of overlap with the “retail-style” of things, to the point that I feel like it would seem redundant.

Wrath was the peak for subs, and sort of the the “end” of the classic Warcraft saga, with the death of the Lich King.

Cata seems like a pipedream, even if it’s a fairly well-liked expansion.

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Yeah, the fragmenting of community and the arbitrary line-drawing around which features / parts of the game to make fragments of are why I wouldn’t necessarily argue for separate realms as a solution.

I’m struggling to find the right words, but what I was trying to get at by posing such a scenario as separate realms based on RDF is this - it seems people are most concerned about being able to play the game how they want with other people who also want it that way. If we set aside the topic of “How many people will actually want to play a RDF/non-RDF version of Wotlk?” and assume there are more than enough for both, would each of these groups of players be happy playing with only their group?

Yes, it would be redundant, if they keep Cata the same as it was back then. That’s part of the reason they’re getting rid of LFD. It seems like their development of these more retail style expansions may be to cut the retail sytems from them.

I mean, I won’t lie, I’d be curious to see a “classic-ified” Cataclysm!

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I’m salivating at the idea of that tbh

Can’t wait til the Hype-train derails of the cliff that is a classic-fied Cata. Any survivors are going to be scurrying back to Lich.

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Yeah I’m sure after playing wrath all the way through everyone will want to return to wrath…

Wrath dungeon finder doesn’t port you and isn’t even cross server you flaming idiot

The game changes drastically from Lich to Cata. It’s going to be highly noticeable. They’re lucky we even played through the original Cata. With what we know now, and with LFD/R possibly compromised…

Cata is all yours classic andys.

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have fun with a dead raid log game by phase 2 then no one will be playing after that…lol,

What makes cataclysm so drastically different from wrath exactly??

Regardless of anyone’s stance the matter; This response needs to be put to rest. It’s asinine. If the feature is there, regardless of what it is, LFD, world buffs, <insert controversial feature here>, etc, it will be used as it gives a clear advantage.

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I disagree with you. LFG was an imperfect addition to the game, but it was a good addition. Some people did act like jerks, but it allowed more players to enjoy the game than it did cause problems. More people got to login and experience parts of the game that they were unable todue to time constraints, not being in a guild or iust wanting to run dungeons only. Your argument being that is was the first nail in WoW’s coffin is simply incorrect.


Like Guldan said to Grom…


Nothing like those tight knit 30,000 person communities. Give me a break man, servers are so large now that if you see the same person in a 5 man EVER, it’s a statistical anomaly. The people you know are going to be your guildmates, not some random person you have never seen before and will never see again.


This isn’t really the point of not damaging the “social fabric” that Blizzard talked about. It’s irrelevant how you feel about the people you’re grouping with, or even if you group with familiar faces or not.

they already caved cause of paladins wanted seals you think they can get past with a whole system


If the devs are changing things THEY don’t like in classic XXX, its no longer classic XXX, its a remaster, there was reasons that Wrath was the height of wow, and its downfall started later and the group finder was not one of them, in all my time playing I did not have the negative experiences that we have these days and I had quite literally one dungeon with asshats that could have been avoided, you have the same risk now.

The only reason for removing it is the lack of “community” which was not an issue then, not only that they are literally saying sorry we don’t trust our players to do the right thing so we are taking this convenience away from you.

I was hugely looking forward to classic wrath and this was one of the reasons, and a big one, I do not want to be tied to looking for a group in chat and even single realm, who has the time? I wanted to be able to string dungeons together continually.

You are NOT advocating for a genuine Wrath experience, but what you want it to be.
now instead of Wrath classic, we are getting Wrath 2.0, and there is a difference, if that what they are continuing to do you are just getting V2, 3, 4 etc, not the genuine experience touted and available on private realms everywhere.

Next is Cata 2.0 where they will change yet more things (which probably wouldn’t be a bad thing) but you are not getting Cata, you are getting a changed 2.0, what’s next, Mop but hey lets get rid of pandas because a lot of people said they were the worst thing to happen to MOP.
Its a lie at then end of the day, it is not classic anything