Blizzard: Don't give in regarding Dungeon Finder

Classic is a chance to correct the descent of WoW into retail

Don’t cave in to all these babies. Dungeon Finder sucks and takes away from the community element of the game. Dungeons should be run with people you know, not toxic randoms that suck at the game and ninja loot with no repercussions.


Tank selling heroic/daily/level boosting tanking service, no LFD? no problem! 100g a run for normal dungeons, 200g a run for heroic! I can do healing too! same rates apply! Money upfront, no refund if party falls apart. I am also needing all unwanted blues for DE and offspec healing gear.

And you can’t stop me.


I don’t need to stop you. If I need to run dungeons, I’ll do them with my guild. If people are willing to pay for your services then more power to you.


I hope they keep the same stance as we continue the Classic franchse. I hope to see no transmog, no collection crap, no LFR, etc.


If you look for groups thru LFG you would know that isn’t true.


I get your point but removing a complete feature for a minority of vocal players is bad. You don’t like the feature ? Don’t use it.


There it is. I say this all the time but the truth is these people want control over the way you play. It’s that simple. “Play my way or you can’t play!!!”


Imagine coming onto a forum effectively sobbing about how people should have to play they way you say and then calling them babies. Unreal.


Have you considered joining a guild? It’s a better gaming experience than getting instantly ported to a dungeon filled with faceless randoms that you’re never going to see again.

“P P P P Play my way or else you suck!!” :cry: :cry: :cry:


Yeah I am in full Kara gear that I got from running with, wait for it…my guild. Can I not be in a guild and still value RDF?


Or, they could keep dungeon finder and you can go play classic era with the other 9 people who are on these threads not wanting it


Or, you could go to retail and do as much dungeon finder as you want

Once they revert the decision, and they will, atleast classic eras population will go up by a dozen


People want dungeon finder to be able to enjoy the game’s content easier, that’s not a bad thing.

Just let people enjoy the darn game without investing 30+ minutes in LFG chat or spamming whispers to people or paying 200g for someone to tank.

People can enjoy battlegrounds without all the “community” babble, how are dungeons any different? Just let people play the content, it’s what the game is for!


You’re even posting from a retail character so you should be all set.

It’s pretty easy to enjoy the game’s content if you join a guild and make some friends. Nothing challenging about that, and we don’t need to start turning classic into an on-rails theme park game like retail.

I recommend joining a guild and making some friends. I’ve never had to spam 30+ minutes in LFG or pay anybody to tank for me.

Solo queueing battlegrounds is about one of the worst experiences you can have in this game. Great way to find yourself in a match filled with a bunch of terribads that will break CC right as you’re capping flag in AB. PvP is a LOT more fun with friends, even moreso than dungeons.

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If you want to play exclusively with guild members fine, but not everyone everywhere has that option or even wants to play that way.

I don’t really see the actual BENEFIT of making people play with guild members or with “friends” all the time either, you’re just restricting when/where people can play the content to when those friends/guild members are online and willing to do the content you want to play.


I don’t see the actual BENEFIT of teleporting people straight into a dungeon they don’t even know how to locate on a map filled with people they’ve never met before and will never meet again.

If you want to remove the teleportation part of it that’s fine and very trivial. Put up a popup timer message saying you have 5 minutes or whatever to get into the dungeon, no big deal at all. The teleportation issue is small, petty, and easy to solve.


That would be an improvement! But there’s way to solve the issue of player quality, and that’s the real reason so many of these people are desperate for this feature. These are people who suck at the game, who are talented wrong, gemmed wrong, enchanted wrong (or not at all), AFK half of the time, etc. They can’t convince anybody to carry them so they want a system that puts them into a group automatically.

Classic is a chance to fix the mistakes of retail and prevent it from turning it into the abomination that it has become.

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