Blizzard: Don't give in regarding Dungeon Finder

I normally try to be relatively charitable in my dealings with others on this forum, even when I disagree with them. I struggled, in this regard, with your posts, and some of my responses will come across as harsh. I apologise in advance.

This is simply wrong. I loved the original tuning of the Cata dungeons, just as I love how challenging TBC Classic heroics have been. But this is because they were tuned to be hard. The dungeons themselves are hard, or at least harder than dungeons in other expansions. My experience in Cata and TBC Classic is that they didn’t suddenly and miraculously become trivial just because you played them with friends or guildies – its just that friends and guilds give you a ready source of players with which to run dungeons, often bypassing the necessity to bother with the LFG channel. It made dungeon runs convenient, not easy.

Yes, they were. They absolutely were.

Are you remembering how the dungeons were on release of Cata, when many people didn’t have the best of gear? Or are you remembering the nerfed versions of them Blizz brought in, and the even more nerfed versions that exist in modern Retail?

I recently went back into Retail, in order to see what it was liked. I started levelling a balance druid in Outlands using dungeons, and I was completely shocked. Really shocked. By the time I’d picked up the quests at the start of the dungeon, my group had already killed half a dozen mobs. I’m not kidding. Once I joined in, trash mobs lasted about 2-5 seconds each. Bosses lasted about 10-15 seconds. It was ridiculous.

And no one talked. Not because it was an LFD group, but because the tactical chat that’s necessary in TBC dungeons simply wasn’t needed here, because the dungeons were so ridiculously easy. It’s not the groups. It’s not LFD. IT’S THE DUNGEONS THEMSELVES.

Now, I’m actually in favour of harder content. I would be in favour of Wrath Classic dungeons and the first tier of Wrath Classic raids being tuned to be harder than they were in OG Wrath. Because that’s what makes dungeons fun – a bit of a challenge, with decent rewards on offer. I enjoy that. But at no time have dungeons been a source of socialisation with WoW, and TBC Classic has absolutely proven this for me. Socialisation comes from other sources – guilds, discord channels, and raids – and it is the health of these scenes that matters. And to my mind, they’re plenty healthy on my servers in TBC Classic. Socialisation is fine. The dungeon runs, when you get them, are fine (or mostly fine, you get the odd dysfunctional run). The only issue is GETTING dungeon runs when you’re levelling. Getting into a levelling dungeon has become truly agonising, and many of us feel that LFD might be used to solve many of the real problems starting to emerge in TBC Classic (and will undoubtedly be present in Wrath Classic).

I’m going to call BS on this. My success in running dungeons throughout multiple expansions has not varied depending on whether the group was filled with randoms or filled with people I know. It genuinely hasn’t.

I think what happened is this: Socialisation started to dwindle in the game. Players looked for a reason, and lumped on LFD, because it came in at roughly the same time. But I think what TBC Classic has clearly demonstrated to me, is that the decreased socialisation was probably going to happen with or without LFD. The social experience happens because the players are determined to make it happen, not because of any mechanical features in the game.

So am I, as I’m in a wonderful and HIGHLY social guild. I just don’t understand how this is a rebuttal to my argument – which is that socialisation in TBC Classic does not centre around dungeons, and therefore introducing LFD will not harm socialisation in TBC Classic.

LFD isn’t being proposed because people are miserable in TBC Classic. At least, that’s not the motive in my case. It’s being proposed because there are real gameplay issues starting to arise in TBC Classic, such as the increasing prevalence of boosting, tanks charging for their services, and certain levelling dungeons NEVER being run. I feel that LFD, implemented judiciously for levelling dungeons, might help to fix these… and I’m sceptical that doing so would actually harm the game in the way some people fear.

Here is where I become a little uncharitable… it effing isn’t the reason at all, and experience in Retail and Classic should absolutely show this. The reason people talk in TBC Classic dungeons is because they HAVE to, because of the relative difficulty of them. They coordinate tactics in order to ensure the success of the dungeon.

This is nothing to do with how the group was brought together. It has nothing to do with randos being bad. It is absolutely a factor of how challenging the dungeon is. The reason people DON’T talk in Retail dungeons isn’t because of LFD, it’s because they don’t need to. The mobs fall over if you breathe on them too hard. Talking gets in the way of a quick clearance of the dungeon. Whereas in TBC Classic, NOT talking gets in the way of a quick clearance of the dungeon. That’s the heart of the difference experience between Classic and Retail.

That’s assuming that LFD WOULD exacerbate the issues. After having played TBC Classic, and having done a quick-ish check of the state of affairs in Retail, I’m more convinced than ever that our initial assumptions about LFD simply weren’t true. I now no longer believe that LFD was any kind of root problem in Retail. I firmly believe that decreased socialisation was simply because the playerbase was naturally changing over time, as existing players got older and new players grew up on different types of games. I now believe that the changes were happening with or without LFD.

People have a social experience in TBC Classic, because of the mindset of players going into the game. The playerbase is fundamentally different from the playerbase in Retail. They are determined to have a certain experience in TBC Classic, and they make it happen. That’s all. TBC Classic dungeons are fun to run because they are fundamentally challenging, due to their tuning. LFD has nothing to do with it. That’s all. There’s no mystery. LFD is not a hypnotist. It cannot suddenly transform people into mindless zombies that don’t talk, don’t socialise, and are terrible at running dungeons.

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Diamond Hands, Blizzard! Don’t let the lowest low group of players dictate the future of the game again. The dedicated elites know LFD is bad to the game and so do you.

  • they said with absolutely zero self-awareness.
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I dont go around rampantly calling others trolls so your attempt at a “Gotcha” couldn’t be further from the truth.

It has long been ASSUMED to be bad for the game. But my experience in TBC Classic has genuinely caused me to question this.

My main fear is that Wrath Classic will roll around, and initial play will be fine, but by the halfway point it’ll be all boosters and tanks charging for their services again. You won’t see the inside of most levelling dungeons. And levelling alts, in particular, will become a chore.

These are real issues currently plaguing TBC Classic. As opposed to assumed fears about LFD changing the nature of the Classic experience, which I no longer believe. I long believed as many others did – that LFD itself was horrible and responsible for changing behaviours in the playerbase. I no longer believe that, largely BECAUSE of my experience running dungeons in TBC Classic.


Meanwhile, just one thread over you’re calling people who disagree with you on LFD, legions of bots and alts. Make up your mind! Hiding your profile doesn’t mean your 1900 posts are invisible, even if I have you on ignore.

Apples and Oranges my friend. Learn the difference.

Right. People you agree with who are being absolute nitwits, are a necessary evil to combat forum posters you disagree with, who are in need of moderation.

They need to be moderated because they aren’t outraged over LFD being removed?

You do realize you can LFD with your guildmates right? I understand you’re trolling and trying to get a rise out of people but atleast try to look smart while doing it. LFD is more efficient than no LFD if you’re running with friends and guildies. You travelling to the dungeon doesnt all of a sudden make you a good player lol


None of which has a damn thing to do with LFD… You’re still impossibly off topic.

You seem to be confusing me for someone who runs GDKPS… and the “selfish” and “uninvested” player is the one who can’t even farm their own dungeon gear. Most guilds function without the need to constantly go back for pre-raid bis, and in my experience every single guild in my entire wow career the onus has been on the individual to get the entirety of their non raid gear on their own. Early in an era, you might run with guildies more since both of your interests are aligned, and you may help on a run with friends if they need it, but not to the extent your pretending is commonplace.

Also, and again, you keep veering wildly off course from relevant topic of LFD, have offered absolutely no evidence of the perceived negative effects of it, nor any meaningful rebuttal of the positive impacts it has. You have brought absolutely nothing to the debate, and as such, are nothing in this debate. I have also flagged your post.


I disagree with you. It had it’s flaws and some people acted like complete jackasses, but it was a good feature that let many more people run dungeons and experience parts of the game they would not have otherwise. More people benefitted from dungeon finder than people deciding to be jerks and grief.

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My comment on moderation was specific to the overall forum experience. You decided to make it specific to the current contentious topic of the month.

If Blizzard gave two craps about the community they’re claiming to protect by not adding LFD, then there’d be a megathread up top for all of this with the many threads being deleted or migrated into it, and an occasional Blue post stepping in. And that’s a bare minimum that they had zero issue hitting during Wrath the first time around. But again, their talk about preserving community is pure hogwash, and they depend on folks like you to pretend it isn’t.

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Willing to bet the staff during original WotLK was a lot bigger than the staff running classic. So you are expecting someone to come to the forums and play Ghostcrawler? The OG devs were super snarky with the player base back then do you really want that?

Absolutely. Whats wrong with snarky

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Ghostcrawler once responded to my post directly and I was so shocked/impressed that I backed down on my initial topic of discussion because it was evident that his decision was made after thoroughly coming to a conclusion rather than just jumping to “the classic community has spoken and we’ve decided to…” as a narrative.


I’d rather a blue be snarky with me than 90% of the rest of you. At least then it’s an actual indication of Blizzards decisions with Classic, rather than the rest of us relying on a crystal ball before finding out basically last minute.

Well aren’t you already getting that from the classic devs on Twitter?

They should do it here, besides, Birmingham isnt snarky, hes avoidant of those with differing opinions of him.

I prefer the silence. A good 96% of whatever they say is bad news, snark, and condescending in nature so the less I have to listen to the devs the better. I can enjoy the game more with them on ignore.

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