Blizzard: Don't give in regarding Dungeon Finder

They’re definitely NOT the same and that is the point. Far better to play with players of similar skill level and expectations, rather than having the game match people together that have very different expectations about what they want out of the run.

Dang, you guys really can’t find a common time to run dungeons together?

That is a choice. But you can always join forces with another small guild.

Also a choice, and not a good one. Sounds like you’ve got “I got mine, so screw everybody else” guildmates who aren’t interested in putting in effort to make the team stronger. Do they stop showing up to raids immediately after completing their BiS too?

Describing yourself and your peers pretty damn well here. I’m throwing out common scenarios for your brain to consider, and then you run right into the point like this without even realizing it. Staggering, honestly.


Not really comparable considering your issues are easily solved by joining a more active guild.

Okay dude, clearly you’re just trolling. If they implemented it, I guarantee you are going to use it. If you didn’t, you’re just one of those clowns no one wants to play with anyways. Send those guildies over to RDF to tank my dungeons instead, thanks!

Perhaps as a last resort. I’d REALLY prefer not to however. Playing with randoms is a great way to have a terrible experience with people AFKing, not pulling their weight, rolling on items they have no business rolling on, screwing up pulls and wiping the group, just being on a different page with respect to pace, etc.

It’s better for people who have common expectations to group together.

By the time we get RDF, you’ll likely only be using it to farm badges / daily heroics and won’t need the gear anyways. What do you care if some undergeared person needs on some loot no one wants? I don’t see the point of bringing that up at all. Okay so the person that lost a roll will need to queue for more dungeons. They’re gonna do it anyways, they need gear and badges for better gear!

You say no “toxic players” but the only reason there not toxic is because they choose not to speak and as for ninja looting i mean i don’t mind being able to run dungeons getting paid to do so by the group… =^)

So you’re opposed to running instances outside of guild to begin with, why exactly do you care about an issue that impacts you in zero way?

I’d rather people engage in content than not, and I’d rather be able to find dungeon groups on my dps alts than skip dungeons entirely because it’s tooo much of a pain in the butt to bother.

Statistically, no they aren’t, outside of gold sellers selling boosts… Actual dungeon runs are incredibly rare. And you haven’t yet provided an example of how it’s of any cost to the game.

I’ve had 5 different progression guilds between my characters in Classic and SoM, at times even independently raiding on multiple characters in different guilds on non overlapping days.

Absolutely zero of them would do dungeons consistently, or would even want to do dungeons consistently.

Hell, in the entire 20ish year history of this game I’ve never had a single guild that was constantly super excited to run dungeons past the initial era/expansion launch preraid gearing window, or even seen any guild where that was the case. I’m fairly certain at this point you’re just a typical forum troll, making up nonsense to try and be contrarian about a hot button issue.

You form guilds for raids… not for dungeons.


And how do these guilds prepare alts and new players for raids?

If one of my guildies has an upgrade available from a dungeon that will improve their performance in our raids, you’d better believe we’re running that dungeon.

You don’t. It’s their responsibility to farm their own preraid gear and show up to raids prepared. Literally every guild is like that.

Your guildy not being dedicated enough to farm his own preraid gear would just mean he wouldn’t get a guild invite. Why carry people too lazy to put in the basic effort?

Farming it with guildies is still farming it. It’s not only faster this way, it’s also more fun.

The non dedicated ones are the ones who won’t put in effort to make the team stronger. If we have somebody swapping to a different character to address a compositional need, it’s way faster to help them gear up than having them do it completely on their own. The worst are those who don’t even want to run old raids when other guildies still have BiS available from them. These clowns have a way of outing themselves quickly: “I wanna do GDKPs instead of farming DST or Belt of One-Hundred Deaths to make the raid stronger.”

Most guilds also have specific raid days for a reason… It’s like a job, if I’m off the clock I’m off the clock. And farming previous raid tiers on non scheduled days is a completely different topic than RDF… get back on topic and quit deflecting troll.

No, it’s hijacking 4 other people who have better things to do, because 1 person was too lazy to do it themselves.


Previous tiers still drop BiS loot, and we farm them on our scheduled raid days because it makes the raid stronger.

Yeah it’s “hijacking” 4 other people when they’re happy to do it voluntarily. Because gaming with your friends is fun, and because we recruit the kind of players who will put in effort to make the raid stronger.

Sorry that your guild sucks.

So what does running a raid group on a scheduled raid day have to do with random dungeon finder? You seem to be off in cambodia.

Yeah, my guild(s) aren’t the ones that suck in this scenario, pal. Your little weird snowflake guild is by far the exception, if it actually exists at all… Odds are good you’re nothing but a feckless forum troll making things up.


The commonality is doing something that makes the raid team stronger even when it isn’t a direct upgrade to your character. Gearing up the raid still reduces wipes and makes faster and more fun clears.

Sure, there are plenty of sucky guilds filled with selfish, uninvested mercenaries. I’m sure you fit in just fine though. It sucks to suck, doesn’t it??

If we do end up with LFD in wrath, then technically we’ll have 2 retails. We’ll end up going through the same expansions with the same content and same QoL additions and people will make the same complaints they have all through the retail years. Why do the exact same thing through the same expansions and make the same choices?
Classic should be about correcting certain things. No LFD please and thank you.

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And yet actively moderating and participating in the forums in order to foster a decent community on here was nowhere to be found. Their talk about community is pure hogwash.

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Do people not realize LFD was in original Wrath?

Hey guys, they put cross-realm bgs in Classic so obviously that made it Retail. Seriously, what are these people even talking about…


As long as we’re doing #somechanges we might as well do some changes that are actually good for a change.

We don’t need to follow the path of retail. There’s a reason people are here in classic instead, and it’s because they don’t like the direction retail has taken over the years. It would be foolish to design 2 games for the same audience rather than offering something for those that prefer more of an MMO experience.

Well you had pro LFD posters calling everyone who wasn’t flipping a table over in rage trolls/shills/white knights and every other derogatory trash phrase under the sun so if anything those people should get some moderation.