Blizzard: Don't give in regarding Dungeon Finder

This is the type of player Blizzard is catering to. :man_facepalming:


Here’s a question for you – where are the good players asking for dungeon finder? Where are the highly skilled and accomplished players, who run with high effort guilds that will put in work to gear up other members of the team, clamoring for dungeon finder?

High effort players who take responsibility for their in game outcomes don’t need this feature. They don’t have issues finding groups to run with, and they’re willing to work together to run these dungeons to help their friends and guildmates gear up new characters or alts, because doing so makes the team stronger and more successful.

I’m really starting to regret hugging Brian in WC.


You might be right, but there are more average and bad players than good so why are we making the game around the top %? that is why retail wow sucks.

I often see ppl say retail died coz it went too casual, but i think classic is way more casual that’s why I play it.

I am right about this. It’s fairly obvious that this is the case.

It hardly requires being a “top %” player to join an active and helpful guild and utilize awareness and game knowledge to complete content in an efficient manner. Classic WoW is not a hard game, a little effort goes a long way.

On the contrary, the dumbing down and the removal of MMO features are the reasons why retail WoW sucks. At least we agree that retail sucks even if we can’t agree on why!

It’s hardly a binary. There are ways in which retail is more casual and there are ways in which classic is more casual.

I like classic because it’s less of a curated, over-designed, on rails type of experience. It’s more rough around the edges and that’s not a bad thing at all. So many modern games are designed by market research, and will bend over backwards to avoid doing anything that could make the player uncomfortable. The PvE content is definitely easier in classic compared to the higher difficulties in retail, but the classes are far more unique and interesting, with stronger identities, and PvP is likely harder for that reason since there is a far greater variety of tactics and win conditions.

Retail itemization is particularly noxious, being designed around the idea that players shouldn’t have to really understand the relative value of different stats – the higher ilvl pick is almost always the correct one, and older content is basically never relevant.

At the end of the day, a fairly large number of retail players are just there to collect pets and mounts.

Imagine having your self-worth and ego so tied up in a video game that you act like this.

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It doesn’t. People like them just want to gatekeep.


Imagine being so averse to effort and socialization that you’d rather turn an MMO into a lobby game.

Retail WoW already exists for people that want to be anti-social and have the game form groups for them. We don’t need a 2nd retail WoW – Classic should embrace the ways in which it is different.

Classic did…and still does. Eternal Classic is that way—-> But Wrath had dungeon finder.

I’m curious why you think it’s fine to tell people to go play Retail, but it’s not fine to tell people to go play Eternal Classic.

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As long as Blizzard is taking a #somechanges approach to Classic, they might as well make make changes that are actually good once in a while.

You can tell people that all you want, but that doesn’t make it a good take. The reason people don’t want to play classic era has nothing to do with QoL features and everything to do with progression, which is a core concept of MMOs (many would say it is THE core concept)

@op what ever you say is already a problems in classic, LFD will only lower those problems and eliminate much worse things.

LFG (dungeon finder) is pretty much welcomed by anyone who isn’t booster/troll.

By this you of course means with random people you found spamming in /LFG, none of whom you actually know, care about… and all of whom can still ninja things with no repercussions because of server sizes.

Also, fwiw, one idea I saw floated was putting personal loot for RDF specifically, which woould make ninja looting entirely impossible.

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They don’t, because they immediately say they just run with their guild. As usual, they have zero actual interaction with their beloved “community” at large, and are just completely unable to picture players not just running everything within a guild.

How is it good for the game if low level dungeon runs don’t statistically exist?

How is it good for the game that DPS are forced to “CC themselves” for 15 minutes to potentially hours to MAYBE get a single dungeon group when they could just queu up and be free to play the game instead?

How is it better for the game if overall dungeon participation is dramatically lower?


So you want WotLK without the things that made WotLK what it was

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No way I’m doing dungeons with trade chat randoms. That’s what I have a guild for. However there would be less guild runs in a world with LFD, because people are lazy by nature and will choose the path of least resistance generally.

lol, I’m sure you’d love further descent towards retail

Oh, my guild isn’t “community”? Hahahaha.

Why wouldn’t you run with a guild?

People are running the low level dungeons on large servers. No idea about small pop servers, but LFD doesn’t solve the many issues caused by playing on small pop. It’s a band-aid for one issue only, and it isn’t worth the cost to the game.

Have you considered joining an active guild? It’s an amazing way to find like minded players and form groups to play the game together.

It’s better for the game to be an actual MMO rather than a lobby game. People can form guilds of other likeminded players.

To the extent that WotLK is considered by many to be the beginning of WoW’s descent into a retail-like lobby game… yes.

Classic is a chance to re-do the development of WoW without repeating the mistakes.

Well that’s dumb.
I’m in a guild also but there are still times I’d like to do dung where no one in guild is available.
It’s such a bad argument.


Have you considered coordinating runs with your guild in advance? Or joining a more active guild if few people are online during your playing hours?

It is certainly not “the community” that gets hit by LFD not being in the game, no. And it’s definitely not “the community” that the devs are talking about. The community at large, not your little pocket. But keep on ignorantly pretending they are one in the same for your gibberish.

Scheduling conflicts. Being in a smaller guild. Being in a guild that only does the specific tier of raiding together.

Wow, really? I never would have guessed. No worries, Blizzard seems intent on making sure the majority of servers become small pop, so you very well might soon enough!

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It’s a dung not a raid.
There’s no reason you should have to schedule a time for a dungeon to do one.
That’s just bad game design.