Blizzard: Don't give in regarding Dungeon Finder

The only real issue is you guys using every feature not in vanilla/you dont personally like as a scapegoat

Sounds like somebody who doesn’t actually do dungeons in TBC. LFD reduces gatekeeping and toxicity. (LFM X, Must have X GS and X Ach (X item & orb is res’d) great community bonds, you right! :upside_down_face:

I won’t have this issue on my main, i’m a raider so i’ll get into things ez, but my alts will get screwed so I won’t play them like TBC. i’ll just raid log on my main. GG MAU metrics.

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Sounds like somebody can’t make friends or join a guild that’s willing to be helpful, and also sucks and can’t get into pick up groups either :frowning:

“Anybody who won’t carry me is toxic”

I recommend joining a guild. If your guild won’t let you bring your alts to dungeon runs, I recommend joining a better guild.

If you’re doing them with your guild then LFD doesn’t affect you since you’ll be with your guild mates anyway. That tells me you just want to control other players and what they do.


then they will lose a lot of boost money and subs since there is no point to spend ANY money in a dead raid log game by phase 2.

This has already been explaining in the thread, which you would know if you had actually read it instead of jumping straight to the end to throw in your very valuable $0.02.

People are lazy by nature and will take the path of least resistance. Guild runs will decrease because many people will queue LFD instead of coordinating guild runs.

So you want LFD gone so your guildies are forced to group with you. In the end you just want to control other people. Cool.


Nobody likes carrying so I don’t even blame the player base for not taking a fresh character over a t6 geared character for the dailies. I’m just saying it’s a sh*t experience and the devs have a solution to this problem called LFD.

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The game is a lot better when people do stuff as a guild instead of having many players operating as solo players with the whole MMO world reduced to one big lobby area, waiting for the next queue to pop.

There is a solution already in the game. Make friends and join a guild. There’s no shortage of stuff to do.

Name calling is inappropriate.

Please, let us keep the forums civil.

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It’s not “name calling” when it’s an accurate description. These people are bottom dwelling whiners who want LFD because they won’t join a guild or make friends. And so they can get carried by players who wouldn’t run with them otherwise.

Nobody good is asking for dungeon finder lmao.

You’re kidding, right?

Like, there’s no way you could think that is true?

Took a while for the OP to show its true troll colors, but it’s pretty obvious what this thread is now.


I will take that as a “yes, I want to force my guildies to play with me”. Good to know.


Nobody good is asking for dungeon finder. It’s only the “minimum effort” types who want everything handed to them – no need to make friends or join a guild, just press a button and get ported straight into a dungeon!

Ah, okay.

You answered by not answering.


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lol, do you really think these people who are begging for dungeon finder are competent and knowledgable players? if they were, they wouldn’t need dungeon finder to find a captive audience to carry them.

I think you’re not able to answer my question without contradicting yourself, and you’re not able to admit you were trolling. No worries, my dude. :troll:

What question is that? The only question you asked is “you’re kidding right? there’s no way you believe that’s true”.

And I answered. I absolutely believe it’s true. The people asking for dungeon finder are generally low effort players who want the game to form groups for them so that they don’t have to do it themselves on their own merits. Nobody is even denying this.

It’s funny how people think anybody with a different opinion is trolling lol.

You did not.