Blizzard: Don't give in regarding Dungeon Finder

Classic era is proof of that

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What exactly do you think classic is? It’s filled with people who love WoW and want to play it but can’t stand what retail has become.

Classic era is proof that when new levels, talents, and upgraded gear are available, people will pursue it.

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SOM is dead too lol

Whose arguing that??? I don’t understand what you’re saying. What I do understand is you have a forum full of angry ppl (the majority) who loves classic just as much as you who wants the original wrath experience and not some re-imagined garbage that nobody asked for. Like I said, blizz needs to give you anti-lfders one mega server and see how fast that server dies lmao.


But dungeon finder was in Wrath. You can’t say it’s not authentic. You can’t say it goes against the philosophy of the time. It was part of the game back then. If you’re so against it and hate how it changes the game, you can always play Classic Era.


Yup and that’s a big reason why many consider Wrath to be the beginning of the end.

If the framework for classic is simply going to be repeating everything that retail has done, then classic eventually becomes retail. Not exactly ideal. Instead we have a chance to have a better game.

Wotlk was the beginning of the end because cata happened. Cata sucked, the dungeons were too hard for casuals in the beginning and of course warcraft 3. After the conclusion of Arthas story many ppl had no interest anymore. Dont blame wows decline on wotlk :man_facepalming:


This dude literally came here just to troll and people are feeding him. :expressionless:

whgo gives a flying rats backside? community or not i dont talk to people in randoom groups as is in TBC why who i in wrath oh i also dont pug if i dont have to cuz pugs are bad but still noone wants another xpack of sittoiing for 30+ min looking for a tank or healer

I wonder what the devs were thinking with that ‘gotta make Cata dungeons hard!’ philosophy. They’ve never understood their playerbase. And I was one of those people very much turned off by the increased difficulty in Cata. I just want to chill out and have some fun. If I wanted to play a Dark Souls game, I’d do that.

I also remember HATING what they did to the talent trees in Cata. They completely butchered them, homogenized everything. Class design died; it was all about spec design. And I also hated destroying the old world that I loved so much.

Those are the reasons I started quitting at a regular basis.


If you are running with your guild, how does RFD affect you in any way?


I used to believe this. After playing TBC Classic, a game I have generally enjoyed, I have changed my mind. Even without LFD, dungeon running simply isn’t the incredible social experience we thought it’d be. Almost all socialisation revolves around guilds and discord channels (and to a lesser extent, chat channels and raids).

Except for guild runs, dungeons are mostly run with randos in TBC Classic. They’re just randos you pick up by spamming the LFG channel, rather than an automated LFD tool. The problem behaviours you’re describing are no more or less prevalent with LFD. The main difference I experienced with levelling via dungeons in Retail isn’t the LFD tool, it’s that * the dungeons themselves are a completely braindead experience that require no coordination between players*.

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The community element you speak of is contradicted by the rest of your post. You run dungeon with your guildies. You don’t run them with the community. So in your case LFD wouldn’t hurt your narrow scope of dungeoning.

Would be a huge time save for the rest of us. And frankly we all don’t care how you feel the whole community wants QoL. They just needed mount acquisition and badge acquisition.

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Just out of curiosity… what makes you think tanks won’t just spam “200g for instant que pop”??


I am sure some will, but they will have larger competition due to LFD being cross realm, the argument of “there is less of me” for tanks reduces since the pool of them is larger.

I might not make that problem vanish entirely. but at least far less.

Though you bring up a good point, its certainly possible they will attempt to do this. In which case I tank for free as I did forever ago to combat this very thing.

Not possible and not attempt.

They will 100% do this. It happens in retail to this day.

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And the alternative is me sifting through DPS and Healers to find the ones I want who wont challenge my gear rolls and do what I say because I am in short supply.

Either way it sounds like I’m going to make a lot of gold then isn’t it, by your reasoning at least.

Pretty much every point anti lfders bring up is present today in classic with lfd not being a thing.

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you guys really should stop feeding the troll.

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Dungeon Finder is exactly the reason that Cata people perceived Cata dungeons as “too hard”. Blizzard nerfed dungeon difficulty hard in WotLK to make it possible to run them with terribad randoms, and tried to course correct in Cata but the cat was out of the bag and awful players weren’t used to dungeons that required them to use CCs and pay attention to encounter mechanics.

They weren’t hard at all if you have a brain. Which, many of the people in dungeon finder groups don’t.

People are lazy by nature and will choose the path of least resistance. They’ll queue up for dungeon finder instead of coordinating schedules to organize guild runs.

So join a guild then. I’m having a great social experience.

Dungeon finder is the reason for this.

My guild doesn’t count as community? lol. And time saving convenience features are not always a good thing. The road to a retail-like on-rails themepark game is paved with good intentions and lots of small “convenient” changes that detract from the MMO elements of WoW. Except in the case of dungeon finder in particular, nothing is “small” about it.

That’s not true, and even if it were that’s no reason to exacerbate the issues by adding LFD.