Blizzard: Don't give in regarding Dungeon Finder

If youre running with your guild how does LFD affect you?? Ppl like you make me sick. Just trying to ruin stuff for everyone else when you’re gonna be running dungeons back to back with your guild, us having lfd has no affect on your gameplay just shut the hell up.


Because people will be less likely to coordinate dungeon runs with other guild members when they can just push a button and get teleported to a dungeon with a full group.


Why do people have to make threads just to stir the pot?

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The Random dungeon finder doesn’t damage the community.

People like OP damage the community, because people don’t want to deal with them and their awful takes, and would rather play with complete strangers, than people like OP.


Hard agree.

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Usually, people only speak up when they’re upset about something. So the forum is filled with whiners who are so bad they can’t even run a dungeon without the game placing them in a group.

The people who like that classic is making an effort to preserve the community and MMO aspects of the game instead of turning it into an on-rails theme-park game, aren’t going to speak up as much. This thread isn’t “stirring the pot” it’s just pointing out that there is far from any consensus on this issue.


Calling people out as whiners is just going get people to come to your thread and be combative with you. It causes nothing but drama. :roll_eyes:


You’re right, I have no interest at all in carrying you.

Nice retail character!

You realize Classic exists because Blizz finally gave in to players asking for Vanilla servers, right? You sound like a Wall of No posters right now saying, “Don’t listen to the players.” Listening to the players is the only reason we’re even here.


If you are running with your own friends/guild, how does someone you don’t know running with another person you don’t know affect you?


Oh no, you don’t like my forum avatar that I picked because the transmog is nicer to look at.

Whatever will I do, the level 60 classic player has terrible opinions about an expansion they don’t even play.


A spade is a spade. 2+2=4. And the reason dungeon finder whiners are adamant about dungeon finder is because people have good reasons for not wanting to group with them.

No point in beating around the bush.

Ah yes, because you can cherry pick one time when listening to players resulted in a good thing, we must assume that the unwashed masses are always correct at all times. Sound logic!

You know the answer already. People are lazy by nature and will choose the path of least resistance instead of coordinating runs with their guildies.

And you can cherry pick one time when listening to the players resulted in a bad thing. The unwashed masses aren’t always wrong.

If this was 2008 I’d be singing a very different tune. I know the damage dungeon finder did. But that ship has sailed and that community is gone. For Wrath Classic, dungeon finder is simply the better choice.


But theres… so many of you guys who don’t want it… surely there are enough of you guys to continue running without any issues?


You’re right, they’re not always wrong. They’re simply wrong in this case.

Yes there are many retail babies now, but do not despair. A better future is possible!

Guarenteed there are people in your guild right now talented wrong, geared wrong etc… LFD or not, you will never stop players from being bad. There are far better players than you are who are in favor of lfd


Then don’t use it.


Judging by the amount of anti lfders responding in the forums, theyd be hard pressed to field an arathi basin team


Where are they? I don’t see them.

People out there parsing 99s in raids are in sweaty, active guilds that will put in work to gear people up.

They aren’t implementing it. Even if they did, I wouldn’t use it. But it would make it harder to find groups the old fashioned way because many people are lazy and will choose the path of least resistance.

Not true. You and your guild can literally queue up lfd together. Five of you all in one queue. Completely dismantles your argument. Or you don’t have to use it at all. Blizz needs to make a server for just the ppl who don’t want the LFD feature and ship you all there. I bet that server dies first though.