“users public profile is hidden”
At least im not afraid to keep my progress public. I’ll keep working at my performance and get better.
“users public profile is hidden”
At least im not afraid to keep my progress public. I’ll keep working at my performance and get better.
I agree with that, I’m generally going with what the forums considers to be “casual content” (which I don’t fully agree with)
Also, I only play like 2 or 3 times a week and hit at least duelist every season if we’re just spouting off accomplishments Vs Time played.
Ion is one of those OG players who thinks bc and wrath were a mistake, that the game should have taken a hardcore turn in bc instead of implementing qol changes like flight. Ion likes the idea of bringing back “RPG elements from the roots of WoW”, things that players left other games to get away from, like losing progress when you die. One flight point per zone, and not even always one. No flight. No group finder, if you’re on a dead realm it’s your own fault, pay hundreds of dollars to move to one of the mega crz’s that they put together in Shadowlands. Only group content, none solo, including leveling. If you want to do content you would have to belong to the right type of guild and the right clique within that guild. And buy tokens, lots of tokens, because that’s the only way you’ll be earning gold.
WoW would now be a tiny game with a cult following and no content updates if that had happened.
It’s LFR and Normal Dungeons.
Devos’ story arc in Bastion concluded in Spires of Ascension.
Revendreth’s story arc in Shadowlands concluded in Castle Nathria and literally had cinematics and roleplay scenes to accompany it.
Sylvanas’ had a plot twist in SOD which concluded in SOTFO.
Anduin’s story arc concluded in SOTFO.
The Jailer’s story arc concluded in SOTFO.
LFR exists so you could be part of it. Of course you can watch a Youtube video.
Mythic raids might have special bosses from time to time, but “Mythic only” bosses are the exception, not the norm.
And when Ion tried sneaking the “no flight” interview on a Friday afternoon in WoD, the subscription cancellations tanked with massive backlash to where 2 weeks later, they had to admit with egg on their face they would include flying.
Ion needs to go, imo. He is good for metrics, not retaining actual players.
They’re still getting even with players who left in cata over changes to dungeons. They’re getting even with all the players who left and never came back by punishing the people who stayed and were still playing. Makes so much sense.
Remember, Ion wasn’t in charge back when they were making these changes. He was an underling. His regret is that those other people who were trying to make the game grow were catering to a broader audience.
Well, unless there is complete and utter incompetence at Blizzard these days, if DF goes the same way BfA and SL did, Ion will be out on his ear or moved to another project. The sad thing is, if players hope for DFs failure just to get Ion off the IP, DF failing will probably be the final nail in the coffin that will put WoW basically into maintenance mode. So we as players lose either way. Such a sad state of affairs
Phil Spencer said he wants to see more people playing WoW. Right now there are fewer people playing than ever, and people are still leaving. “Dragons!” isn’t going to be enough to retain players if the gameplay loop isn’t engaging. And they aren’t telling us about that.
I love seeing people say this, but the same group of people also saying “normal is easier than LFR”. There is literally a thread ON THE FRONT PAGE of a bunch of raiders talking about how LFR is harder than Normals… but then you come here and see that same group of people saying LFR is super easy, afk, skillless… rofl you guys are too damn funny
Is it bad I kind of want them to remove LFR? They could reimpliment Normal In an LFR Fasion where you can que the individual bosses instead of the dumbed down verison that is LFR. Yeah that makes ‘more’ ques as well as more mechanic trouble but thats the point of raiding is to learn the fights to get gear, but that way people can still get into normal but on single bosses. LFR is nice for casuals but it also has caused so much drama and issues, pugging is just as bad so why not swap it. Do away with this LFR ‘difficulty’ nonsense and just make it an auto que for Normal. Heroic is restricted to forming groups from scratch, same with mythic.
Lets not forget, they used ‘Flex’ which helped but also made things a pain for farming older raid context.
I came back late to shadowlands but honestly healing both Normal and LFR, LFR has been harder then normal because people die to stupid or try to afk and then complain when they arn’t carried by everyone else. Normal has only given me trouble with the anduin pugs as the mechanic just seems to be a pain and a pug killer.
That’s still very alive and kicking just judging by the “recommendations” they sent out to stockholders, a while back, for voting purposes.
With how popular Classic has been, I wonder if they’re going with a minimalist approach and just focusing of raiding, M+ and PvP with some good story telling on the side. Maybe they’re reinvent world quests to be something amazing and…ok, time to turn off the copium tank, I’m clearly delirious.
I almost wish they would just to watch subs and revenue plummet and maybe some of the people who are responsible for the state WoW is in would be moved off the project to HotS or something.
Its not like they would be loosing ‘LFR’ as people could still que for it with a new system, its just the actual difficulty of Normal instead of the non mechanic fights which people have low expectations. Reguardless of what they do they would still loose subs because the community fights within itself between the casuals, the pvpers, and the raiders. Always has, and always will from what I have seen over the years.
LFR is a raid difficulty.
What is this foolishness? LFR is literally a raid difficulty.
The people and guilds for whom normal raiding was the right difficulty level have mostly given up completely after how badly Sepulcher tuning was bungled at lower levels.
People who claim they would leave because LFR exists for casuals are not taking a valid position, because they’re demanding removal of somebody else’s content. PvPers are not asking for removal of casual PvE content. These positions are not equal.
LFR player position: “I do LFR. It gives me something to do.”
Elitist position: “LFR isn’t content. If we remove it, all those casuals will be forced to join nonexistent raiding guilds who want them, change their jobs, abandon their family responsibilities, and play hardcore fulltime like wow players are supposed to.”
One of these things is not like the other thing.
is not, the true canon story is in mythic
You are missing the biggest problem that LFR caused, the decline and death of small and casual guilds.
Back in Cata there was nothing for them to do, normal was tuned too hard for most of them and heroic dungeons was the only thing to do as a group.
Had they introduced flex in dragon soul, people wouldn’t have gotten used to rely on LFR and instead would be more willing to pug or raid in casual guilds.
Nah See again I am not meaning it in that way, I was worried it didn’t come across the way I meant it to. The point is there would be a new LFR, the LFR would be replaced with Queing for normal but as individual bosses instead of sections. The actual raid mechanic’s as well as the actual difficulty, there will be wipes and fustration but then the ‘difficulty’ that the gm claims doesn’t exist actually would be there because its just another que system to get into ‘normals’ outside of pugging or guilds. The LFR ‘difficulty’ needs to be removed as again it gives false expectations since if you go through lfr you are taught the fight one way but when you jump into a normal group suddenly there is mechanics an no one knows the fight. It happens alot, if they replaced the LFR que with a Normal que it would still be LFR as LFR is just looking for raid as thats what it stands for.
Also it was an example of different communitys, I never claimed Pvpers wanted to remove pve content. Its the different points in the game people are attracted to as well as the reasons people play wow in the first place, everyone has their own catagory they fall into.
What’s the story difference between LFR and Mythic Jailer?