Blizzard doesn't know if LFR is a difficulty or not

i do not know, i quit in 9.1 :upside_down_face:

but years ago they say the canon is in mythic, the scenes/cinematics and unique faces of mithyc are the canonical ends.

 what’s the difference between the story in LFR and Mythic in SOD, or in CN?

LFR lets you see the same exact story that’s told in Mythic.

If you don’t have the same scenes/cinematics and faces, you don’t have de same story :man_shrugging:

Any of those things can change the context of the story.

WoW don’t have a story mode. :man_shrugging:

So much this. Friends and family PuG raiding essentially DIED after Wrath when Cata launched and GC was all about “Git gud!” while they bled subscribers. People also ignore that things like Personal Loot was introduced post LFR/Cata due to raiders being massive jerks who would go into LFR and troll casuals by rolling Need on items just to ensure players didn’t get them.

Raiders brought all of this mess on themselves along with Blizzard for listening to them.

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This is disingenuous. Player characters are part of the scene as stand-ins. The same story is told regardless of which players are involved.

LFR exists so players can experience the story. That’s fine and no one really dislikes LFR for allowing players to see the story that took place in the world zones.

You wouldn’t claim the Warcraft RTS campaigns aren’t a “story mode” because you annihilated a mission with all units alive, or barely got by before the timer ended. It’s not different in WoW. It’s a game, not a book.

Or you know different people

you expect consistency? I hope you gave that customer service person poor marks on knowledge on the survey

Most likely a sign LFR being removed in the future.

They claim EU, but have been caught lying multiple times before.

Its not

it was a way to see the story for people who aren’t bothered to actually get a grp and raid

A story mode per se

Just look at their history.

They think themselves titans of the industry who can do no wrong.

Really makes you question what kind of reality where these devs have to live to accept this.

Or if its just do it our way or get the boot. I could believe that most working at Blizzard do so since they have no other choice.

It is probably because you can’t actually set a raid to LFR. In a way they are correct that it is a completely different thing but in the end, it is called “looking for raid”

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100%. I imagine so. They have been very stubborn about changes so I’d imagine there’s a lot of people who don’t like change

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