Blizzard doesn't know if LFR is a difficulty or not

I usually run mine with my guild, because we have enough for dungeons but not raids. One of our biggest issues with pugging raids too has been, we can’t all get in the same pug. So we do LFR.

Can you just stop bugging GMs over an achievement? Nowhere in the game ToS does it state that you are entitled to a refund if they don’t give you a mount.

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Looks like they’ve got anti-LFR people working at Blizzard, too. Totally not going to help fuel the anti-LFR arguments about how LFR shouldn’t reward anything and shouldn’t even drop gear, right? :clown_face:

It should be noted that it’s also possible that the GM was working with incomplete information, especially as the achievement was secretly hotfixed.

Regardless, people can certainly use this info as “proof” that LFR isn’t a raid difficulty and shouldn’t have rewards.

The stuff that they are doing with WotLK Classic regarding forming groups for dungeons is possibly an experiment to see if they can fully remove LFD/RDF and LFR from current expansion content.

In a way, they basically already killed off LFD/RDF by making it basically not drop gear and pushing Mythic+ as the only real viable way to do dungeons if you want to actually get gear at all. The only point to queueing for a dungeon in SL is if you need to complete a dungeon for a quest.

GMs do represent the company to a certain extent. They are expected to know the details of the game, the Code of Conduct, etc. It’s a bit odd for a GM to try and state that LFR isn’t a raid difficulty, though it’s possible that this particular GM wasn’t aware of the hotfix made to the Fated Raids achievements and was assuming that the devs don’t consider LFR to be a raid difficulty.

I don’t think anyone represents the ENTIRE company, though.


Ahh yes fantastic discrimination in a video game , imagine these ppl irl ??Oh we already know that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Except for the part where it actually drops tier gear and they set bonus is better than having those 4 pieces at max cypher level.

they are talking about a pre order refund and I dont think you need a reason, if you havent used the boost many of my friends got refunds, help yourself, go try New world, last I checked they had 7000 TOTAL active players

Hes right there is no difficulty to lfr.

I wonder how lucrative a “WoW outrage of the week” betting organization would be. Obviously you probably couldn’t predict specific things that forum-goers are going to get their undies in a twist over, but surely you can narrow it down to categories.

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Players to Blizz: Is LFR a raid?
Blizz: :dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:
Players: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated:

At which point, do you think it’s a bit hyperbolic to say “this is proof Blizzard hates their players”? (Not aimed at you specifically.)

I don’t think it’s proof that Blizzard hates their players. It is possibly proof that Blizzard regrets ever having implemented LFR at all, though, at least in the current form that it exists in.

I don’t think Blizzard really knows what to do with LFD and LFR.


They know what to do. But you gotta soften up LFD and LFR first so the blow back isn’t so bad.

Look at wrath classic it’s not getting LFD (or random dungeon finder – RDF) as it’s sometimes called.

It’s a GM. It’s not a Dev who was there 10 years ago.

Again, we’re being a bit hyperbolic.

LFR is the real mythic

I meant that the slime cat mount not being included in LFR is a possible indication that Blizzard doesn’t like LFR.

Regardless, I don’t think the GM trying to say that LFR isn’t a raid difficulty or Blizzard making the mount unavailable in LFR is necessarily them hating the players.

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To me, I think it’s an indication that the Achievement was posted in 9.2.5 and they didn’t have their plans finalized for S4.

I just find it weird that other people seem to want to conflate this single GM response to some grand scheme by Blizzard devs to make LFR obsolete.

nice gm to show how blizzard respects people’s time.
useless company.


LFR could serve one of 3 purposes:

  1. Story mode for grandma with visual difficulties, unskilled or ungeared players who want to complete a storyline because they’ve been given a quest to do it.

  2. Training for people who want to raid.

  3. EZ mode raiding for people who want to do that for entertainment.

LFR was a meta solution to a number of different problems. And like with most meta solutions, it made little progress at solving any of them. Grandma still doesn’t belong in a raid. There is no basic raid training given in LFR, nor even specific training for this raid. Its largest audience has turned out to be the last one, people who do it because they can queue when they have time available instead of changing jobs and otherwise making more of a commitment than they are able to make.

They could have a story mode, but they didn’t want that. They wanted grandma to have to do a raid, thinking this would magically turn her into someone who wants to become a hardcore raider. They don’t want any training to take place. As we have been told over and over again on the forums by people who have been playing so long they no longer remember what it was like to be a new player, new players should be able to pick up the basics of raiding by doing leveling quests, so on the day after they were learning how to move their characters across the screen they should be ready to do heroic raiding and working on ksm.

The “EZ mode raiding” Model is the only one that makes sense, if you’re only going to make one, because it’s the only one that will we be repeatable. I think there should be training in the basics of doing dungeons and raids, even class training at the class trainer. I think there should be a storymode. But the audience for LFR will never be anything more than people who want to do EZ mode raiding.

So the only players listen to her the ones I want to listen to

Then why is it call looking for raid