Blizzard customer Service doesn't exist

My issue still exists and what confused me was that CS had to “close my ticket” in order to “investigate”. But… not to worry… they’ll reopen my ticket to communicate with me. :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:

I worked in IT for most of my life and this is literally the first time I have EVER seen anything so crazy.

One of my jobs in IT was literally Customer Service supervisor. So, I really don’t know what to make of this.

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You know what they mean. “Dogpile” is probably a good word for it too. It’s more telling the blues openly said they don’t like the tone used by some people, yet they allow it to continue.

There’s a forum for stuff like this. Customer Service Reps can be found there ALL THE TIME!

You’re not going to believe the name of it. Honest you won’t. Go ahead and guess.

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Obviously, blues don’t like being criticized.

Easy solution for them… all they need to do is do their job properly.

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This? Yeah that is confusing. It usually means it has been Escalated out of the hands of the GM team. It has been escalated up to senior agents which takes it out of their ticket queue. It becomes a separate issue on a different system. The reply will come from the specialist, and usually takes a while. The CS forum can sometimes track down status for you.

Def not intuitive!

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No way
Mine’s a reference lol

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A long time ago, we had blues that were 180 degrees different. They interacted with the community more, were impartial, unbias, and were respectful to constructive criticism. They didn’t try to remove it to push some agenda.

That, or at least hire people who can. Stop wasting subscriber’s money on people just to gaslight and pass propaganda.

That was actually funny, even for a non-anime person like me.


Yes, I’ve posted my issue in the CS forum… still no help. It’s copied and pasted “solutions” that I had stated that I have done.

My first post in this very thread was giving CS the benefit of the doubt.

After dealing with “them” for over a week without resolution… it’s frustrating.

And what’s worse…I have to edit my response to provide updates instead of being able to post in a thread I created.

For better or worse, that forum is where it is at. They get the frownies when it spills into other forums.

Hope it works out.

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I wish those classic hardcore bot hunter streamers could get into the Blizzard Customer Service realm. Imagine how many bots they could kill.

You would think that my issue would get high priority…I have a random toon in a random realm with a series of letters and numbers in the toon name. I can’t delete it and I can’t even change the name.

It’s absolutely crazy.

Well then Helga159sf5f9w3 I can see how that would be frustrating.

The issue is not overall game breaking - but it certainly impacts that character! Orlyia (not a GM) did look at your account for you and on Blizzard’s end there is nothing displaying as an alpha numeric sequence.

It was suggested that maybe Maint would refresh it, or that you could try a full UI reset in case the char data client side was corrupted. This is your last reply there. Did you actually do the UI reset? The is usually the first step in troubleshooting things that display wrong, like names. If you have not confirmed that you did that, they likely will tell you to do it again. Heh.

Here is the link for the procedure. It is more than just turning off addons.

If you want, I can bump the thread for you. As the OP I don’t think you can double reply to your own thread.

Like the having the last word then slamming the door on the way out is played out and lame.
We call that a “Preach quit” for historical reasons.

So you’re saying lameness begets lameness?

I would say there’s a slight difference between people getting frustrated over a legitimate issue and casually saying they want to quit, and the eternal spam of people who think they’re clever responding with, “cAN i hAvE YoUr sTuFf huehuehuehuehuehue”

But do what satisfies your sense of humor, I guess.

You seem to think about this a lot more than you should.

We already know they don’t exist, is only an automated answer system of the worst kind


Speaking of AI, if you let ChatGPT clean this post up for you it would sound way better.

Here’s a cleaned-up version of your message:

“Have you ever tried customer service? It’s a huge waste of time. They just send generic AI-generated responses that don’t address your actual issue. It’s often better to just move on and play another game.”


You have no idea what a warm and fuzzy feeling it is to know that the high and mightier than thou folks are on patrol.

Your moral indignation is well noted.

[Tiffany scribbles in her note book.]

I can’t. And I’ve literally done everything that was mentioned in the thread, including UI reset.

Please bump this up. Thank you.

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I totally pictured Ryan from the Office writing in his notebook…

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