Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

Sure if you didn’t play. But plenty of people are saying they are unsubbing because of it, so I’m assuming they’re active players.


when pressed every single one of these players are retail players who “thought about coming back” for wotlk. but only if it had rdf. which in my veiw is no loss, and certainly isnt “people quitting”.

Sure this is an anecdotal statement. But with a lack of any impirical evidence, it points out what it needs to for me.

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I don’t know if I agree with this. Sure, people won’t quit now because groups are everywhere. But what about in December when things start to slow down?

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You do realize there’s 2 audiences here right? Retail players who were thinking of coming back, and people who stayed playing.

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youre taking my statement out of context.

Im not saying people will not quit “as a result of it being not included”

Im saying people will not quit because it isnt planned for inclusion.

Two very different conversations.

Nope! theres one playerbase. IDGAF about anyone who may or may not come back and im glad the devs obviously dont either. If you havent been playing classic, you dont need to be considered as such.

Anyone else is a tangential benefit they may or may not reach.

These two camps are NOT the same

retail pfp and is just saying false statements here. Massive Copium or troll

Fair enough. But can you at least see how the lack of it might be an issue down the line? Would you be shocked if they ended up adding it in later?

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100% and no! i wouldnt be shocked. Pro rdf people have very real problems especially for leveling etc that rdf would certainly solve, but im concerned with the problems it would bring as well.

Again, that’s fair.

But I don’t know if it would be that much different than it is now. I started playing in early TBC back in 2007, and this community is nothing like what I saw back then. While you could argue that adding in RDF cause permanent damage to the community back in 2010, not having it now doesn’t seem to have really fixed anything if I’m being honest. Leaving it now now feels like trying to put a bandaid on the stub of a limb and expecting it to grow back.

What problems would it bring? I hear the doom and gloom, but I don’t see it. Explain please…

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It really has. the reason i play this game and not ffxiv is because i prefer to play games without it, like many people here do.

I have btw voiced my support for realm locked rdf. for rdf only for normals. for crossrealm LFG, AND for phase 3 rdf. ways that it could exist and impact those who dont want it less. Nerfed implementations as well.

GW2 would be the perfect game actually, if it had gear progression and the trinity of roles. (which is alot)

Classic wow would be perfect if it had #nomoreservers

Again, it’s your preference, but how does that tool effect you if you don’t use it?


Because pretty much everybody else would use it, and you need other players to do content with.

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If it was implemented with the buff, the extra badges AND all the added convenience yes it would make any other method of grouping non-viable.

I literally had a dude leave my group because it was “too far” for them and we couldn’t summon so another hour wasted as we speak.
No one cares about traveling, or talking.
Just RDF and all it’s glory.

Edit: It was Maul and he was like in UC or something.


In Retail WoW (and I’ve been playing since original Vanilla, btw), there is Dungeon Finder for everything but Mythics and N, H, M Raids. It works out fine. The only difference is you don’t have to spam the chat channel. There is minimal benefit to looking for a group on a chat channel. Most of the people still don’t talk much and there are still your hostile hardcores who need everything to go perfect or they throw fits like a 2 year old. THE ONLY difference, is that I don’t have to reach to them myself…it just happens.

So does this go both ways or just for the group of people arguing against RDF?

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I support a similar system, rdf for all normals and leveling dungeons.

Then we’re on the same page :slight_smile:

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