Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

all servers connected, and the ability to party/raid/guild with anyone on any server, except opposite faction.

If PvE players would roll PvE servers, we wouldn’t have dummies complaining about PvP being “griefing”.

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Because that’s what you’re all about. Bragging about your logs from a 15 year old video game. We want rdf so we can have more fun playing the game. You don’t want it because someone might get better logs using it. It’s sad you have no other accomplishments that you have to brag about what you did in a video game. But it’s hilarious to watch you brag about it. I bet you were bragging about the participation awards you got in elementary school.


big words for a retailaroo forum alt

Nyseine plays to brag about how much gold he has and to lord his logs over people.

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And those are? I’m curious what these incentives are.

thats the game currently yes. Both our opinions are valid. blizzard came down on my side. Youre the one whos mad about it, and accusing me of bragging (???) because i enjoy a portion of the game blizzard specifically support.

I dont want rdf so i can continue enjoying the game.

Sprout benefits, first time completions, commendations for experience mounts and titles. to name some basic ones.

Also the fact that they actively moderate the game.

that the mechanics are challenging and exacting despite being made for randomly assorted groups.

That they teach you the mechanics through the leveling process.

That there are no addons, and everyone is given the same information, theres less of a divide in the playerbase, between those who have WA and DBM and those who have not.

You can break down a ton of ways FFXIV has implemented things to counteract the issues wow has and grows the community it wants.

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their cross server function is actually nice

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GDKP anyone?

I think it’s funny how people talk about Vanilla and TBC being some pinnacle of greatness. I thought the same until they relaunched them. Then realized that it was nothing more then a “get the best gear and be god”. And alot of the great gear was also BoE, so people could buy WOW Gold online and get the best gear with real money.

Im sure someone will say…"That’s not true’…but it is and was. mechanics were not very difficult at all and rotations took half the thought they do now. So it was all about gear. If you had the best gear, you were the best player.

I digress though…LFG should definitely be here. It makes very little sense not too…as someone said before…the good far outweighs any possible bad.

EDIT also be friends with the raid leader so they’ll put you in the right group for buffs…

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Fixed for you, for context.

For me the implementation that was classically in wrath, the bad far outweighs the good. but im down to talk about what possible implementations of the tool we could both agree on.

This is the truth. It’s not a deal breaker for anyone on either side.


Someone had said that earlier in this post…didn’t want to take credit :). Im sure there are very mixed feelings on group finder, but who does it impact and how does it do it? I think that’s the most important question.

And those are?

Like what?

And that’s different compared to wrath how?

Yeah because they care about the game and it’s community. Having features like a RDF is a good thing.

Are you saying wow players are actually bad and can’t handle mechanics if the group is totally random and can’t learn?

every mmo does this, even wow classic.

maybe that’s because the visuals and information for wow classic is just bad. We could have had this changed but noooooo.

this I find hilarious because that’s what retail wow did. They just so happened to mess up by removing the talent trees to what they are today. So again, are you saying that wow players are simply dumb?

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I dont. I wamt the classic version of wotlk as it was in the final patch. Is that confusing to you.

I will take it that you are new to wow. Cuz you dont understand that we are talkimg about wotlk and re playing the expansion AS IT WAS THEN. That was what the original petition ans question was to blizz about launching classic servers. Since you dont umderstand, let me restate it again. We requested to blizzard to relaunch old versions of previous expansions AS THEY WERE THEN. They are giving us the 3.35 version. In that version, rdf was included. I dont want them to chamge.

Also, a little more education for you since your wow knowledge is very little, although the wrath content is in retail, the entire game mechanics have changed. Everything from talents amd abilities to professions. So that is why i cant find classic wotlk in retail which is once again, why we askd for AS THEY WERE THEN. I dont want their changes.


The PLAYERS are stuck in 2005. We asked for servers and server communities to matter.

When someone completes a dungeon or raid for the first time ever on that specific character everyone in the party gets extra badges and experience.

Wrath doesnt have commendations. When you complete a dungeon you have the chance to “Commend” a person in your group for being helpful. Giving these comms and receiving them both award you experience, and receiving enough of them give you mounts and titles.

Fixed for you

Not in the same way final fantasy does, because it has no addons, it teaches you stack and spread markers, unavoidable aoes, teaches you how to avoid aoes and even what things like dps checks look like.

All without weak auras and dbm

Yes, even tho FFXIV came out soon after mop.

Absolutely clearly isnt what retail did. at all. whatsoever

If youre interested in FFXIV any more than this go play the game or look up the things im referencing.

People are quitting either way. The amount of people who have made posts about them quitting since Blizzard announced no RDF is staggering. RDF is a very beloved feature for many, and even if it wasn’t, the alternative they offered to replace it is an offensive substitute. It doesn’t work as it should and creates issues that RDF would have solved.

I was never for or against RDF but even I can see RDF would have been a better alternative than what we were given, a tool that just causes more issues and hassle than it solves.


if you dont begin to play a game you havent been playing because a feature wasnt implemented, thats not quitting btw.

To be clear im saying noone has been actively playing TBCC that will quit because RDF isnt planned for WOTLK

He’s saying active classic players will quit if rdf is implemented. Which is true. Noone will quit tho if it isnt.