Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

cross realm dungeons and arena would fix queues but blizz is stuck in 2005.


Poll speaks.
RDF is the way.


Exposed as a troll.

This isn’t true.

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If people wouldn’t grief ahem my bad, World PvP people wouldn’t need to level in dungeons. You get a bunch of high level jerks running around like some adult walking around slapping children with zero chance to protect themselves and this is what you get. Act toxic and ruin your server in the process.

Your opinion is helping destroy this game that i used to enjoy. This isn’t SoM. Stop trying to relive the classic experience. TBC this time around was nothing like the original. No matter how hard people want to act or want it be the same. Update the game before its too late. Typical blizzard isnt gonna do anything until its on its last leg.

COnfirmation bias. Poll isnt a good veiw of anything let alone the way the current playerbase (the ones who actively play and have been playing the game) stands. I dont really care about how “everyone interested in wow” stands, just the playerbase. this indicates less than nothing actually.

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Thank goodness you’re not!

When they can’t get players to manually group with because everyone is in RDF, yeah they are. It’s shortsighted or stupid to think otherwise, at best.

Hey, when I’m right, I’m right!

Do you smell burning toast?

“just don’t use it” is actually a cop out.

The pool of players to do this with drops to a handfull, if that, soon as RDF is implemented.

Perfect, cause it’s not gonna be in the game!

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its not, its stopping from destroying the game we’ve all enjoyed for the last 3 years.

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You all also said the forums opinions didn’t matter.
So it doesn’t matter what we give you deny facts kekw.
Sorry, community wants RDF.


you havent given me any poll on the playerbase.

thats a pretty nice point. it would definitely make playing on these super low pop servers easier. the ones blizzard keeps trying to peddle free transfers to

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bruh how are you going to deny the 48 people that voted on that poll, clearly a majority!

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im pro #nomoreservers tbh, that would also solve peoples rdf problems.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :sob: :sob: :pleading_face: :pleading_face:

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This is disproven by the fact that the Classic community is far more toxic than Retail. By a large magnitude. Examples of which can be found throughout this thread.

*3.4k votes actually, but go off, sister.


Lol the sooner everyone understands the community is a joke the better people will be. very clearly from all sources, inside and outside people want rdf. if the polls favored against rdf, then you would all say “well that’s what the people wanted”. you’re all clowns.


how do you mean by that? with there only being mega servers with those long q times I keep seeing?

BTW everyone,. look at me clearly indicating that people who want rdf have lots of problems that definitely need to be solved and not gaslighting people or acting as if the problems they have dont exist, all while STILL DISAGREEING ABOUT RDF specifically! it can be done

No. We need 5k per faction on each server. That is a healthy balance of player availability, and server identity.

Layers were supposed to be nixed by P2.

We deserve better than this, and Blizzard agrees. This isn’t meant to be a guided tour through a Wrath museum.

Most players are deluded and think anything less than 10k pop isn’t enough people.

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