Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

Good then maybe we wouldn’t be stuck in these ques. You anti RDF people aren’t helping your case with comments like this.

how bout no! thanks for continuing to pay a sub to not get what you want tho!

I dont pretend to have any idea how many of the current or potential playerbase want it. Im anecdotaly convinced the current player base is pretty split on it tho (current players of the game, not including people who “might play” or “want to play”)

we dont need a case tbh.

I dont care what the ceo said. He isnt the end all be all authority of how ppl play. At the end of the day people make a choice. And they are not hampering thier own progression.

This is another squirrel. Say anything to be right. Oh…u have to cause ppl will take the least way. That it total garbage. And when you say it ahead and then do it anyway proves it. These tools want to get up and grandstand that its so bad for the game but then would use it anyway? I dont think so. That is a cop out. Just dont use it. The majority of players dont want to use it remember? Grouling without it is so easy and they cant understand why ppl cant form groups remember. Get a guild, make friends remember?

Bs. Just dont use it.

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Im convinced also. I am convinced that more people DONT WANT TO USE IT. Great. Then add it in and let those thst dont wamt to use it not use it.
Its not rocket science.

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dont need to convince you this isnt a thing, blizzard is the “be all end all authority of how ppl play.” and theyve identified us as their primary intended audience, and anticipated our needs.

You have to convince them that you are worth listening to, not that we and blizzard had a collective fuge state dream and imagined something was wrong that wasnt. You can try that but its not doing you any favors, screaming into the void that people shouldnt have a problem when there clearly is one.

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uh no.

People want more out of the game than levelling up alts solely through dungeons.

RDF will not solve any of the issues you stated.

Exactly. Finally someone sees the light.

This discussion is between thos players that want RDF and blizz. Thats it. Those that dont want rdf need to stay out of the conversation because they dont have to use it. They are not affected. So they need to keep thier comments to themselves. Their opinions are known. They dont want to use it. Why do they need to keep chiming in over it. Dont use it!!!

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Everyone is affected by rdf’s inclusion based on the implementation.

nope! we dont.

because the implementation of the tool would force us to use it.

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the implementation determines if it is this simple or not. As implemented in original WOTLK its plain to see the tool is required. If blizzard nerfed many aspects of it so it was a choice with no clearly winner between the two theyd split the playerbase but it would be a choice and id be okay with that.

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Wrath is in retail already and has a dungeon finder already in place for you, why dont you play there instead? Why do you want instant gratification so badly in one venue when you already have it on a plater in another? Just go fight lich king at 30 with a group of level 30s whats the big deal?

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While this individual isn’t making their points in a great way, posting on the blizzard forums about this isn’t “screaming into the void.”

I might suggest that, instead, all of the people who come into threads like this and say “blizzard said no so gg gtfo stupid” and ya know things along those lines, are the ones kinda screaming into the void.

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The feature that was around for almost half of wotlk has no place in classic wotlk? what are you smoking broski


beg to differ if you think any post saying “Lawl you hallucinated all problems with the tool” is going to be taken seriously by anyone at blizzard. at that point they are p[urposefully screaming into the void because they havent given their position much thought.

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i also beg to differ here, because a healthy dose of reality might bring them to support good midway points like yours instead of them screaming into the void like i said before.

I don’t know if I agree, I think Blizzard has given it quite a lot of thought, and while they did make an initial decision I don’t even think they’re convinced internally it’s the completely correct choice. Their language on the announcement definitely left some room for potentially changing down the road.

I guess I misunderstood your point. I agree that people that have no wiggle room in their opinion on either side of it are not fun to try and talk to.

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do you think


are adding anything meaningful to helping you see rdf implemented in the game?

100000% agree with this. Being gaslit, and told you dont get an opinion, or that im abusing other people by having my opinion isnt fun.


We don’t need fresh servers. We need cross realm so it doesn’t matter which server you’re on. At this point people just want to see the content. I’m on Mankrik alliance, have been since vanilla character reserve and I can’t find any content. Shouldn’t matter which server you’re on. Anyone should be able to come on and do whatever content they want because there’s enough people.

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