Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

I vaguely remember in the old game, if you leveled up it kicked you out of queue.
So maybe you won’t see a level update unless you requeue.

Oh please. How do you pay someone on a different server?

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People said the same thing about even having Classic servers, and they were wrong.


given that, i have no problem, as long as im not punished for rolling on a server without rdf


If RDF doesn’t exist, people will quit.


:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

No its called common sense.

You ppl claim that you have to use it because of a reward tied to it. That is bs.

Its pretty black and white and you cant even defend it. Just dont use it. But then u wouldnt be able to keep arguing with people. You choose to engage and make up stuff about being forced to use it. You dont have to use it. The choice is 100% yours. Deal with reality.


it happens NOW it very rarely happened before. This is a product of the environment people have become accustom to.

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Incredibly insensitive comment that really does not take into account people who suffer from GAD or SAD. Some people come to World of Warcraft to escape the anxiety they feel from socialising in the real world; yes it’s an MMO-RPG, however, its also an escape from reality. MMO-RPGs and anxiety disorders are NOT mutally exclusive, your take on this and mindset is incredibly small minded and really doesn’t represent the diverse and welcoming community this place really is.

Be a kinder person.


I truly think he feels like this is all for them. In his mind, if it’s not “Classic”, it’s “retail”. These types of people don’t understand nuance.


enabling an addict by handing them a needle creates a worse addiction.

You should not be cheering for people to quit the game man. You should want more people to play the game you enjoy.

This isn’t us vs them. We all play the game to have fun.


Holy hyperbole batman


Noones quiting the game. These imaginary people would have been playing the game currently tbc without rdf. What they mean is people arent going to start playing WOTLK, and thats completely fine by me.

I’m pro RDF, but he’s not wrong. All the anti RDF people know that, if it’s there, the vast majority of people will use it. That would force them to use it, too. That’s why they don’t want servers that have it and servers that don’t. They know the vast majority of the players would go the the ones that have it.


a good amount, i think there would prob be a healthy anti rdf population for atleast 1 mega server. thats why i brought up WCLogs, because if thats not handled its the only downside i see personally.

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I would love to see how this would actually turn out. I think there would be a very healthy population of both.

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People have to use it because you’re griefing your own relative progress if you don’t use it. Particularly when handmade groups have a much much smaller pool of players to recruit to fill PUGs because everyone and their mother would be using RDF.

The original CEO has said that “don’t like it don’t use it” is a bad design philosophy for the same reasons. Players take the path of least resistance, it’s Blizz’s job to make sure that aligns with what’s good for the community.

Reality is we’re not getting RDF in Wrath Classic. Deal with that.

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That’s your opinion.

My opinion is this was my favorite expansion because it introduced RDF, Tabard Rep farming, my favorite raid tiers, and fun class design. Now one of those has been expunged from classic, and it’s very disappointing. Just because I don’t have fun with unnecessary time syncs doesn’t mean it isn’t for me.

Honestly they should just compromise. Make 1 server for all the people against RDF that won’t be interconnected to any other servers, and then the rest of the servers can be connected and have RDF. Then everyone who seems to think “mUh CoMmUnItY” will be endangered can go live there in their nice toxic and masochistic hole.


RDF is completely optional in the group forming process. Want to invite friends, guildies, random people you meet out in there world? Go ahead. RDF has zero impact on that.

As far as the extra ‘rewards’. Two emblems of triumph per random heroic, and the ability to bypass the daily lockout. So if those things are that big a deal, queue with the RDF. Oh no, you don’t have to fly afk to an instance portal! You don’t have to wait to get summoned there!!! The game is broken!!!

It’s such a ridiculous argument.


Not true. They believe that there are more players that dont want it. They debate about polls showing that more ppl dont want it.

So what are they afraid of? Every single argument they have used has been hard countered and shown to be false. And i will say it again. They dont have to use it. If they decide to give in and use it, they are acknowledging every sigle excuse they made up was a lie. They dont have to use it. Period.