Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

Please show proof how it was detrimental.

You all like to spout this like it’s fact, so prove it.

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What if I told you… that playing wow AT ALL as an adult is a waste of time.

Mind blown. I’m sure.

I cant wait for the inevitable naxx 25 gear requirement for heroic dungeons because they refused to add RDF and now no one gets to even get heroic gear.


I tend to laugh at braggarts. I think they’re funny.

I think its funny you indicate these baseline not particularly different things im bringing up are “special” or that i would think im special for them. I know many many many people with equivilent logs to me, its the norm for good chunk of the game

Why do YOU think that makes me bragging or special?

You have no special knowledge, no insider information. You’re far to ignorant to guess what blizzard will do next. Just because I pity you doesn’t mean I believe you.


Its a classic cake, we are having it and eating it too still, its not yours, thats what you dont seems to understand.

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Curious, would you be opposed to some servers with having RDF, and others not?

I don’t understand why it’s a one way or another argument all the time around here. It can actually be both, and it would solve quite a lot of issues around the community I think. Compromise is good.

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If you believed that you wouldn’t be bragging about it. You want to be admired for your accomplishments in a video game. That’s why people are laughing.

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it screws up the competetive logs for phase 1 so yes. Unless wol grouped them seperately, so a 99 on a rdf server didnt impact %'s on non rdf.

RDF does this for us. It is completely unbiased on the individuals that are put in your group.


LOL what is this garbage. RDF has nothing to do with WCL. People aren’t competitively running heroics.


Saying “don’t like it don’t use it” is a room temp IQ take, in Celsius.

Ive said on the forums a ton of times there are many things id be open to. realm locked rdf. cross realm lfg. rdf in phase 3. a bunch. mire is just someone i interact with all the time who is salty about rdf no compromises

In phase 1 prebis and badges absolutely do; they affect logs on raid bosses. it after heroics are necessary part of progression.

Parses are also based off item level…try again.


Lich King Classic cake.

You can’t be this dense to just assume that the usage of “classic” in my statement is in anyway meaning the whole experience of progression from games, when it’s obvious and has been widely used to mean specifically vanilla classic.

You got vanilla.

We should be getting Lich king.

Your group of balding degenerates is ripping it away from us.

That’s all there is to it. We resent players like you. Wallow in your waste.


too many players because they liked no dungeon finger…so Blizz made the correct decision in not including it since it brought more people??? Dungeon finder wouldnt change queue times…what is the argument here???

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different set of parses.

Yea that’s a WCL issue not a wow issue. I’m sure Kihra and team would adjust as necessary like they usually do.

Even if I disagree that RDF has any type of difference in how people parse on logs, but that’s beside the point. WCL is a community site, and they like to poll the community on how to handle things.