Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

*citation needed

Every other RDF post.

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Please do not fabricate lies

Oh, it’s not. Go ahead and look for yourself.

“Wrath is ruined without RDF”
“Unsubbing without RDF”
“RDF doesn’t have a queue so PvP shouldn’t either even though they’re completely different.”

Chalk-full of hyperbole.

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Spoiler alert: People who past that sort of thing are the same 5 people over and over

It’s the same people that say the exact same sort of thing about the idea of RDF being added

also it’s “chock”-full

majority of ever poll done on these servers wanted the dungeon finder put in its the minority that are crying to keep it out I compiled a list of polls on RDF - the majority wants RDF that’s 70k total people voted total for all those polls and plenty of people welcomed it the first time around

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They comprise a good chunk of the total 15-20 pro-RDF people I see.

Have yet to see that.

You are certainly not looking hard enough

That or you only see what you want to see

Automated changes like auto banning tower defenders in AV right? Wait…they have that now.

Those against rdf will never accept that because they know they’ll be left alone on a dead server if there’s no rdf there. They’re so emotionally stunted and unable to socialize that the only way they can get someone to talk to them is if they’re forced to to make a group


People engage in the world more with rdf. Instead of sitting in a city spamming chat to find a group they go out into the world to quest or farm, join the rdf queue, and wait for their dungeon to pop. After the dungeon they are teleported back to where they were in the world and continue questing or farming. To get out into the world to quest and farm while waiting for the dungeon is why many of us want rdf

If you weren’t out in the world when rdf was added that’s a you problem.

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WoW Classic is like the WNBA, it would fail and not be around if Retail was not there to keep it afloat. FF14 can at least stand on its own rather than needing a bigger game to prop it up.

Did you? Rdf came out in the end

Unless it’s a official poll, the people crying for it will skew it and the people who don’t care won’t fill it out.

Yes, and what patch are they doing isn’t it 3.3.5? RDF was out by then.


Classic was 1.12, did you see AQ on launch? No? Hmm

Tbc was 2.4.3, did you see isle of quel danas at launch? No? Hmm

So in what universe do you think IF they added RDF, that’s a big IF btw. That it would be in now.

So, if that’s your argument are we going to get balance patches throughout?

Did they do that for Classic or did we get 1.12 versions of classes?

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Why would we get balance patches? Are you intentionally being stupid rn?

terrible arguement. the inclusion of rdf is a huge departure in phase 1 gearing. after that point its fine as a catchup.

No, I’m saying they released the final versions of classes at the start. So, they can release RDF at the start.

So, you’re fine with having your final phase version of your warrior then?

So, you’re fine with the inclusion of RDF eventually?

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