Blizzard COULD Ban GDKP runs now the token is in the game

Yeah that is true. I sell a lot on the ah and it is almost all done when im ofline or doing something else in game. Tsm post quick and then off. I would definitely not be standing around trying to sell the amount i do now.

But i remember seeimng guys spammimg about sellimg cloth in bulk 20g a stack or iron ore selling in bulk. Stuff like that actually used to happen all the time. Same with big ticket items. Some ppl just dont want to give that ah cut. But for sure, the majority of ppl would opt for paying the ah tax.

Ban GDKPs and most of the demand for those bots goes away.

Gold trading will always be a thing so long as it is tradable. Even if you make gold UN-tradable, players would just barter other junk in its place.

These are better solutions.

  1. Don’t go to the raids. If no one did this, then GDKP would cease to exist. This requires no intervention from Blizzard what so ever. Many of us do this already. I never see GDKP raids on my realm.
  2. Play a game that doesn’t trade anything between players. That’s actually most multiplayer games, just not MMOs which are built for trading. You could also play a singleplayer game which doesn’t even have anyone else to do any trading.

I don’t think you understand economics or the principals of supply and demand.
The bots would exist and thrive regardless of gdkp. They farm raw materials that players use for crafting purposes. Bots do not create any extra gold into the economy. Instead they keep AH prices down due to the fact that supply is kept up. Blizz could take action and eliminate every bot on servers today and it would have no real impact on the amount of actual gold generated each day. Bots do not create gold.
For gdkp raids the only currency used is the gold that you have with you. It is added to the pot for items purchased and then split among the raid at the end. No extra gold was created.

Hopefully they just ban people making threads like this instead


I hate to say it, but the classic community killed Classic. GDKP played perfectly into the hand of the more hardcore raiders so back when everybody thought it was fun and games easy gold making all it really was was funding the indo menace and ensuring the end of Classic. Now that Wrath is dying they’re bringing GDKP back to Era.

i believe
what kills any game is the RMT (real money trades)
that’s where some players are insane about cashing out of the game and others buy their ways to save time/effort.

it’s not the gdkp itself to blame but it’s players greed & laziness

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Yea that person used to troll me on their Classic toon named Glinda. Just ignore them.

The irony is that many of those Blizz workers live in Irvine where an appartement can be over 5,000 a month in some places. So dont act like everyone at Blizzard has an easy multimillion dollar lifestyle.

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how is raiding in gdkp lazy?

I think theyre referring to the laziness that is buying gold instead of earning it.

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People arguing for removing master loot from pugs need to GO TO RETAIL. Get that garbage out of here.


How about just make PL an option like it was in retail for awhile and watch how many zero people use it :stuck_out_tongue:

Not against adding options. Adding p loot as an option wouldn’t be a bad thing on it’s own. It’s when the donkeys at blizzard make it the only option, or replace master loot that it’s an issue.

Seriously? The ONLY reason anyone has suggested personal loot is because it would eliminate gdkp. They suggest personal loot as a solutuon.

How do you come up with making it optional? Ffs.

I give up.

According to ppl that play retail, there is no gdkp. Should we tell ppl that dont want gdko to also go to retail.

Removing master loot is a suggestion to eliminate gdkp. You would have to decide which is worse. Its like rdf. I agree that it does remove some immersion from the game, but i would gladly trade that for all of the other stuff it eliminates.

that’s a legal issue between blizzard and some foreign entities . i don’t even care about this post

It’s a braindead suggestion from braindead people who want the game to die as fast as possible.

My response was literally a reply to this guys post specifically. It’s even marked in the replies to that specific post.

the greed is where people sell gold
the laziness is where people buy gold.

I am not sayung i agree with it. Because i like gdkp. The only thing bad about pl is that honest ppl can not trade loot. Which most of the time is not necessary. Other than that it is the exact same thing a need vs pass role wiith mainspec being required to roll. It eliminates ninjaing. Other than the not being able to trade i dont see anything wrong with it. I wouldnt say it was a braindead idea unless i had a reason to back it up. Which i am guessing you dont. Cuz like most ppl in these forums, you saw someone else say it was a bad idea so you are repeating it. If it was braindead idea, the faults of it should be many and obvious. But the only obvious negative is that you cant trade loot. Not a big concern to me. I dont see the need for it because the only real benifit is passing a piece you dont need to someone with an offspec. Not a big deal to me.