Blizzard COULD Ban GDKP runs now the token is in the game

True, I could be in an SR, LC, or MS>OS instead and get literally nothing. That would be much more preferable.

I raid multiple gdkps per week since TBC phase 2.

Imagine being such a clown you come into a gdkp thread with limited knowledge and think you know more than the people who are in it every week.

Go sit down.

And you have no way of knowing otherwise.

Yeah, these are rat gdkps, not hardmode ones. Those rats aren’t going to have a chance at 258 gear anyway. If you are going to join a conversation at least try to keep up.

Also, master looter is king.

That’s just how loot normally works. You get a chance at it. If you like selling your odds to other people that’s your choice.

Getting a currency that you can mostly only spend in GDKPs or RMT. It’s a just pyramid scheme. There’s no surprise people don’t like it.

Which is why for pugs to be mostly free of any master loot shenanigans I think removing master loot from pugs is the best choice. It’s too easy to abuse people as a group leader in pugs. That and removing the hard lockouts so people can dip in and out of groups would help greatly to have way more pugs being organized as right now the only way I pug is with known groups/guilds.

I think maybe you just need to stop playing this version of the game, friend. You dont seem to like any part of it.

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Could shut it down in a week w personal loot. Not hard at all.

Thankfully, Blizzard already offers a game version with personal loot, and people who want it can play there.

But they are also moving away from personal loot there, as they are slowly adding back the older loot systems to retail too. Personal loot is on the way out, no shot they add it to classic without leaving master loot as an option.

Soft lockouts allow more people to leave. Just look at retail every boss does and half the raid leaves. Another great idea…

This is just one persons POV, but if GDKPs were banned I’d just quit playing World of Warcraft.

They have been the smoothest runs I’ve ever experienced and even when the group itself is largely the same week to week, anytime there’s a callout it’s very easy to find a replacement.

Compare that to guild groups, it’s very difficult to keep a bench of players who are only invited in the event of a callout and possibly more difficult to manage a rotating roster that stays fair to all players in the raid equally. It’s also much more difficult to replace a poor performer as you need to recruit a replacement first.

If you’re putting stuff on vendors, you could consider going HAM on vendors.

Each boss in raid drops a special BOP token for everyone, you need X to unlock an associated vendor. So using ulduar as an example vezax vendor items require paying 2/8 through 8/8 vezax essences to unlock (lowest batch of items at 2/8, more at 3/8, 5/8 whatever). Once it’s fully unlocked, you can buy all its items for gold. BIG gold price tags. Algalon requires 1/9 to 9/9 algalon essences to unlock, so on and so forth. The essences you earn, that you don’t need anymore… either due to the item you want only requiring 4/7 essences, or your guild has cleared it ad nauseum, or whatever reason for that particular vendor, you just vendor the essence for gold. (mediumish-big gold vendor prices)

This way you can unlock the whole loot table after let’s say 11 clears (plus or minus) in the phase that’s pre-determined to be 19 weeks. You can unlock it early and carry others for essences to sell for gold. Gold for stockpiling next phase, or gold you need to buy your own items (or offspec items) from your unlocked vendors. You can also stop, and let someone have your raid spot. Lots of options. Also doesn’t have to be gold, it could be a an additional intermediary currency. Obviously the tuning for all the prices and earn rates would need someone at Blizzard to actually do work.

Then when the content becomes non-current phase, just bump up the earn rates as the catch-up mechanism.

I mostly main playing with guilds so any of this is mostly just for pugs, which I get it are not welcome with current designs. Why would you take a risk on a non-established groups when you can ruin your lockout/loot chance because of it.

The gdkps I go to are well established, friendly, competitive spaces. You’re saying they are all evil. Pugs want gdkps over trash ms>os +1 all my gear on reserve nonsense. We dont want personal loot, we dont want changes, we want to play how we want to play. You need to do more research and stop ranting on forums.

People like established groups and are ready to forsake some of their chance at loot for it by joining HR runs or GDKPs. I understand that. I understand that people like being advantaged and in control of the loot system.

Sales runs and boost runs can also be super friendly. Doesn’t mean I gotta respect them. It’s mostly people reaping the benefits that praise GDKPs as GDKPs like I said are pyramid scheme. A few got the gold for the high priced items and the rest are just bottom feeders fighting for the scraps.

If you remove master loot from pugs you can still can organize those by making people join a guild. They just won’t be as mainstream as they are which I think would be good to get more people to pug without having to find through all different type of loot systems that might fit your or not.

Yeah you just dont get it. You’re too focused on the irrelevant stuff. Your idea of forcing no master looter for pugs is a terrible idea and you obviously dont see that. For every 2 people that ninja or game the system there are 20 that do it properly. The mentality of “pugs should be free roll only” is super jaded and casual, and just not how the skilled players want to spend their time.

Not even worth the debate anymore as i said you really just dont get it.

You would still be able to do it if you make people join your guild for a raid, if you manage to.

So there is still a choice, but it wouldn’t be the default one and wouldn’t be as easy to take advantage of people.

It doesn’t matter that 2 people ninja out of 20, I’m not gonna waste my time with any new type of player groups for pugs if I don’t have much guarantee that I won’t get ninja. This is killing pugs that are just trying to do the content not established groups that do it which I can use a guild anyway for that.

Yes it’s casual to want loot to be rolled only, like most pugs should be. If you’re a skilled player you’re expected to raid in a guild anyway.

I think like many you might just have inflated ego because you think gdkps are the only viable way of pugging when they weren’t a thing for so long and the game did fine.

People don’t like when I talk about breaking their pyramid scheme. Not even by trying to ban them but just change the ecosystem. It’s funny in a certain way that Blizzard couldn’t even understand how breaking that kind of group but I seem to have found a nerve.

Do you realize how stupid this is. Your comment that its cheaper to buy gold then pay for the token is true, but they are paying for a token THAT SOMEONE ELSE PAYED 20 DOLLARS FOR!!! How stupid are ppl? Blizz is making money off this and not losing a dime. They are making more by allowing the gold seller’s bots to earn the money that the gdkp players might buy also. Because bits pay a 15 dollar sub fee or they buy a token that someone else payed 20 dollars for. Bkizz makes money from bots.

If blizz has 1 millon players and every one of them execept one, buys enough cheap gold from gold sellers to then buy a token to cover thier sub, guess what? That would mean that one guy that didnt buy a token must have bought 999,999 of them for 20$ and posted them for everyone else to buy with rmt gold. BLIZZ WOULD LOVE THIS. Omg why would they want to do ANYTHING to stop players from buying the token to pay for thier sub? Use your head, stop being a sheep. Just because a streamer makes a stupid video doesnt mean you have to follow. Streamers are the reason we have to put up with the state of this game as it is. A 20 year old game and we are paying the exact same price for the exact same thing 20 years later. Any other game company would have updated the graphics, added new art and animations, expanded the content. But wow had moron streamers that were little kids that want to be little kids again and say stupid stuff like No changes cuz muh museum. This is beyond stupid reasoning though.

GDKP is the best pug format. This game is literally unplayable as a pug without GDKP. SR pugs are probably the worst garbage I have ever seen in my life and MS/OS is a laughable meme. Removing GDKP = making guilds the arbiters of who can get loot and who cannot and removes the agency of the pugger completely.

This is another flawed logic. Gdkp does not create gold. It just redistrubutes it. The total amount of gold when the raid started is the same when it ended. How did that affect any prices on the ah. There is no additional gold.

The gold that is sold comes from bots that farm mats like herbs and ore. Players buy those mats from the ah and because their are so many, the prices are very cheap. Read that again, cheap. Bots drive prices down. The money that ppl used to buy those cheap mats go to the gold seller that sells it to other players. Again, no gold is gained or lost. It just changes hands. Much of the gold that is bought is used to pay for epic riding. That means the gold that was not increased, just got removed from the economy. So again, when ppl buy gold and then use it to buy epic riding training how does this add to more gold in the economy? There are only a few ways of adding more gold into the economy, the NUMBER ONE way that the amount of gold in the economy increases is from players doing quests. Uh oh, omg, shocker. Why are you not complaining about that?

All this hate for GDKP and WoW Token confusion, I just don’t understand why some people are so adamantly against these things. I have not participated in a gdkp since P1, they exist all around me but do not affect me so I don’t see why I should care.
The WoW token is here, that’s fine. Every single token on the AH represents $20 that Blizz has already been paid to cover the cost of a subscription. That is the ONLY thing it can be used for. What does it matter if someone pays directly or uses gold to buy a token? Blizz is making their money either way.

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You do know that players dont have to use the ah right? The last time the ah cut was to high, players just did like they did before the ah was available. Spam trade channel.

If they want to use slower systems I’m fine with that. But trying anything would still do better than doing nothing.

The AH lets people make massive sales which trade chat is poorly designed to. But sure some trades can be done there to save on the tax which makes sense for me. You also have to be online to use trade chat.