Blizzard CEO Claims Systemic Harassment Accusations Made Up

Because the abortion ban means that women who are in danger of death from a doomed pregnancy cannot get medical care in state to save their lives until they are actually dying, at which point it may be too late to save their lives. Or they may suffer permanent health impairment or loss of reproductive function. Since that law passed, the state stopped releasing maternal death data.

Doctors don’t want to work in a state where their license will be at risk if they take action to save the life of a patient, where they may even be arrested for doing so. This is resulting in an obstetric care crisis in such states.

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There is actual evil in the world. Like someone who invades another country and a bunch of innocent people die. A ceo that only cares about profits doesn’t quite make the list for me.

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Irony when a CEO job is to make sure investors is entitled to all of a customer money and that still not enough. Its a reason why it microtransactions, loot boxes, battle passes and more, but a poor CEO that would pull the money form the company than his own accounts is just…to…much…

lol this company is a circus

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A CEOs job is to make as much money for the investors. Thats right, if I invest, I expect a big return for my investment. Mr Kotick has done a great job at this. The corporation is making great profits and no one is entitled to that money accept the ones that risked their own money by investing.
The employees agree to a wage at hiring in and they are assigned a job to do. Whining about not making CEO salary isnt one of those.
No one is entitled to Mr Koticks personal salary or his investment returns.
I’d love to see Bobby Kotick and the rest of the board members move Acti/Blizz out of California and to a more business friendly state. They could leave behind all the problems of an over bearing over taxing govt and the labor movement mafia.
Win win for all.


I swear I read these two words every single day. Maybe the most overused words in the English language, along with “problematic” and “I have anxiety”

Everyone thinks they’re Sigmund Freud all of a sudden, diagnosing others (and themselves). Ridiculous

Bobby Kotick is just doing what is best and telling the truth.

What?! This is so toxic! A slap in the face, I’m tired of this woke crap!!!

This is 100% false. The ACLU website says you can get one to save your life. However, you just can’t get it for any other reason past the 6 week mark.

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Bobby is the main reason why OW2 PVE is canceled.

No he isnt. OW2 pve was cancelled because of a game designer thought it was boring or maybe a upper mid manager decided it wasnt profitable.

CEOs have nothing to do with game design. They pay people for that.


It’s time for a cancelfest. Let’s show them how much we dislike the corporation’s behavior.

Just cancel, you can resub but if a million folks cancel with the reason of this article even the stock holders will find out.

None of this is true.


Its true in their heads and to them its all that matters

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wouldnt surprise me if all the accusations were in fact utter garbage


Bobby Kotick being based AF

There were 114 reports in 2022 at Blizzard alone with dozens of corrective actions taken. There are also documentation on some of the previous incidents that resulted in the settlement along with interviews of current and former employees.


This is wrong. Any given capitalist, especially most right-wing Trump supporting ones, are all too happy to teach you about unions…their twisted versions of them anyway.

yea and these accusations and outcomes can still exist inside of companies that actually didn’t do anything they were accused of.

stop being naive. we live in this kind of world now.

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You seem to miss the part about the documentation and evidence of wrongdoing existing.


evidence of their version of “wrongdoing”, sure.

because theyve changed the definition of wrongdoing.

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