Blizzard CEO Claims Systemic Harassment Accusations Made Up

Bobbys World and we are just living in it. Of course he deflects with an excuse while he sold his company. Good riddens. Out with the trash.

It’s interesting how so many people are willing to pass judgement on someone they know nothing about.

…I’m willing to bet that half of these people also pretend to live their lives by “judge not…” :upside_down_face:

that’s not even a word. :roll_eyes:

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It’s interesting to me how there is anyone at all willing to defend this guy. I question their moral compass, or a complete lack thereof.

I don’t know him.
I’m not going to make up stuff about him just because it’s the “cool” thing to do.

This forum is constantly rife with rumors.

It’s like high school, with less maturity.


Alex was the first to go out the door. Are you saying that he was falsely accused?

No, we’re just recognizing truth for truth, and Bobby is telling the truth.

I know he’s a CEO and rich, but the truth is the truth. Could be Adolf Hitler for all I care, I will defend his statement that the sky is blue.


And you know that with such certainty that you equate it to the sky being blue becauuuuuuse…

Psychic powers?

You work at the California DFEH?

You worked in Blizzard HR during the affected time period?

You are an omniscient but not particularly omnipotent or benevolent god?

The little men who live inside your car’s glove compartment shouted it at you to the tune of Pharrell’s “Happy”?

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You’re right.

This is also a really accurate statement and why I barely come here anymore.

It’s just not fun nor interesting.


He is absolute scum! I really wish we could swear on these forums right now. There’s no other adequate way to describe him.

what a useless piece of poo.

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The guy is a narcissist and a sociopath.


I don’t see the issue. His claim is that the problems were caused by individual bad apples and was not a problem by the company as a whole. Which you could reasonably argue was true. And once the bad apples were exposed, they were removed.

Trying to say they were union people trying to destabilize the company is a bit much and conspiratorial, but the rest doesn’t seem that off.

People need to learn nuance and get past the 15 year old roleplaying as an anarchist online mentality of “corporation bad!” “ceo bad!”

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I already said what I’m saying:

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no here is the thing.
in the real world he actually is an evil cra.p bag

That statement I was making there was in regards to:

“We’ve had every possible form of investigation done. And we did not have a systemic issue with harassment — ever. We didn’t have any of what were mischaracterizations reported in the media,” Kotick asserts. “But what we did have was a very aggressive labor movement working hard to try and destabilize the company.”

I believe the employees over this guy…

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I think we should be asking those that were harassed if this was all made up.

Their answers would be absolutely amazing.

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Boo @ corporate bootlickers trying to suppress accurate information about the corporate structure that controls Blizzard.

I think it’s amazing that people believe it would be good for the business to move to Texas and pay all the employees minimum wage. Why would a family relocate to Texas and risk not getting emergency health care because state policies are making doctors leave the state, when they can get a job with a company anywhere that will give them a big hiring raise?

Why are doctors leaving Texas?

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