Blizzard CEO Claims Systemic Harassment Accusations Made Up

Well, we know Bobby’s lying. That gremlin opened his mouth.

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You light a match and suddenly realize everyone around you has a full gas can.

Idk Kotick & I’ve never worked at Blizzard but I do know a lot of companies are suddenly having troubles & they’re doing marketing campaigns that they know will lose them money.
So why & who’s doing this?

Interesting times we’re living in.

So the plot thickens? Been a while since there’s been news about this scandal/the lawsuits/etc

Following thread…

Blizzard has their own serious issues they were guilty of, but that was not one of them.

That horrible story happened at Activision publishing.

In an industry rife with sexual harassment and frat culture it is not a bragging point to have a few less reports than the others who are doing the same thing. Ubisoft, Riot, etc.

They were ALL harboring abusive and/or hostile workplaces. It is sadly pretty common in gaming and tech overall.

I am not sure if you follow the Blizz gaming news closely, but over the past couple years a LOT of people, including well known folks, have left of their own accord. For various reasons I am sure, but many many many are gone now. Esp on the WoW team. Holinka is just the latest large name to leave.

Yes, they have staff still, people work there still. It is not every division and every team. It IS cleaned up! But low pay, high cost of living, + whatever personal reasons = lots of turnover.

That could be good. New ideas, or it could be disruptive with too much loss of institutional knowledge. We shall see.


They’ve been echoing their accusations for the past two years. They bring it up every couple of months.

Going to play devils advocate for a sec here to point something out.

Having been part of major corporations and seen the entire HR processes, I can honestly believe that Bobby is just getting an email from HR that says “We found no damning evidence or factual accounts that impact the company’s image and processes. Multiple accounts of hearsay”.

HR’s one main goal is to protect the company, it’s leaders, and it’s overall image. They cover legal matters first. If they hear something that could be damning, they investigate to see if there is any actual evidence AND how much it could hurt them. If they see it can’t be used against them, they’ll use a few corporate and bureaucratic terms mixed some attempted projections of empathy before closing the entire file down with “no impact to company found”.

That’s all Bobby is referencing and he thinks it’s all safe to proceed.

Just remember guys… things are gonna be better under MS right!.. Right?

flashback to Redfall

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True or false, accusations will lead to people being fired. Companies fear the damage to their reputation because the public doesn’t care to wait for the other side of the story / investigations. Happens frequently. Great example, Johnny Depp.



Predator Roar Holding Skull GIF |


I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords.

That’s what companies do now in this type of situation. Fire first, ask questions later.

Look at the NYC nurse that got put on administrative leave over the bike incident. She has a receipt proving she paid for the bike but they didn’t care because the world we live in is people are tried and convicted by the court of public opinion. People are using accusations like this as a weapon too. Some of the Cosby accusers were proven to be liars.

It’s to the point that I don’t know what to believe anymore.


Nowadays, you kind of just have to be an excellent people reader, and don’t trust everything the media says.

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Anyways… I got a long day of saving the world tomorrow… play nice everyone.

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Yes. I am.
At least that lore makes more sense than our world’s current situations.

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this happens with every company.


He is right and telling the truth. People just automatically discounting him as lying because he is a CEO and rich, but the truth is the truth. Shame.


He is also Bobby Kotick, famed liar and scum of the earth. Of course no one will believe him. He could be telling me the truth and STILL be lying to my face.