Blizzard CEO Claims Systemic Harassment Accusations Made Up

And no… I’m not calling you one… I am gonna point at the face…

And for those of us that are getting all worked up…

I hope you spit laughed at this…

For Tomorrow I sense a return of a dormant evil that arises during June to spread a pestilence of evil on the forums. It will be a long month… but remain resilient friends and… not so friends… we will weather the return of this ancient evil together.

For those of you who know… you know what I speak of.


So… they will honor the terms of Mok’gora?

Well… time to put my application in boyz… there’s about to be a new sheriff in town.


Go climb that ladder. Make the sacrifices needed and you might get there. No onei s gonna hand you a CEO job without proving that you can make a company profitable.

Hence, proof by winning Mok’gora.

Hence you know you wont even try to make CEO.
Move along now

OK, Gul’dan.

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When the California Lawsuit misspelled Cosby “Crosby” made a big deal about the “Crosby” Suite, and read like a hit piece instead of an indictment, and it then turned out that the “Cosby” suite incident happened long before the Cosby allegations came to light while he was still Americas Dad… and they were using that to tar people by implying it was about the allegations…

Well, it was pretty clear it wasn’t as black and white as people were making it out to be.

Kotic should maybe be in jail for pump and dumping his own stack by announcing buybacks that never happened, but this the whole thing seemed more like a shake down than anything systemic with real substance.

The sooner the Era of Kotick is over and the Era of Microsoft begins the better.

i hope i don’t eat those words lmao

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Somebody had to take the fall.

If they did nothing then the pressure would’ve never relented.

I’m just surprised anyone still cares to take anything that Bobby has to say seriously. Obviously only interested in “setting the record straight” just so he can kill two birds with one stone and keep making huge amounts of money.

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“We investigated ourselves and found ourselves not guilty”.

But tbh gonna a play devils advocate for a bit here and say he’s not the only one who functions like that. Most people in positions of power outright refuses any kind of responsability for anything.

There’s absolutely such a thing as being above accountability. You see it in governments all the time. Its currently happening in Canada and Quebec a lot anyway.

That’s why so many aspects of society feels broken.

But eh, instead of holding these people actually accountable we prefer the left versus right bickering that just endlessly goes in circle.

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Bobby a liar. He and all the Male Employees at Blizzard harass a women that she took her own life and they still harass her even after she died through a picture they had of her passing it around.He bury the story and made it go away by not having this go to court which in my opinion should had gone to Court and scary and sad thing is Majority of Wow players defend him and protect him which is no surprise because majority of players that play wow are Trump supporters. I wish this case gone to court and wasn’t swept and bury and that all the Males Employees gone to prison for her death and even Bobby who in my opinion belongs in prison. I am so sick of the god dang elites and rich people thinking they are above the law like Antichrist Trump.

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It’s a good article. FWIW, he doesn’t claim they’re “made up” he says he has statistics that show Blizzard was below the industry average for complaints. Take that FWIW, I guess.


This dude is such a scumbag it blows my mind anyone near him allows him to do interviews at all.

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Was it his soul? What’s the going rate for a CEO job? Did it involve playing a fiddle made of gold?

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This Just In:

The CEO that is about to lose his job to a deal he made that he would step down when Microsoft took over, who has a history of lying and abuse is lying.

Shocking I tell you. Absolutely shocking.

I side with the CEO too. People not unionized that just walk off the job should be fired imo.

He’s probably right though. Systemic is a very loaded and broad term. I doubt it’s systemic at all…

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I don’t think I’ve heard anything from any of the employees.

Plenty of people continue to work there, which seems a bit odd if conditions are so poor and they pay a pittance (as we’re told)


The parents of the girl asked to dismiss the case with prejudice.

I mean, he could do that…but the wealthy require people to actually do the labor that makes them money so it usually doesn’t go well when you start trying to fire your organized workforce.

You don’t have to be in a union to act is solidarity.