Blizzard can you look into my Last dungeon Ara - Kara - did i deserve that vote kick?

this is not the solution.

The solution should be if someone is issuing a kick - the first point of check should be what was the reason & the second point should be is the reason valid.

That is where they should start.

Me making my own group is the game telling me, this system is broken go defend for your self.

Do you honestly think other players are going to care what the reason is and if it’s valid?

Most don’t read the reason that is given in the pop up now before they vote. That’s not going to change with a new vote system.


The ONLY valid reason anyone needs is that they don’t want to be in a group with you anymore.

This is not some court where the other people have to prove a reason they don’t want you around. I get you want to change that, to force people to play with others they don’t want to play with. Blizzard does not agree.

If you want control over the group, you make your own group and add or kick whoever you want. You have the tools to do this.

You also have the tools to put people on Ignore so you don’t get grouped with them again by the auto grouping systems.

The system works as intended. Blizzard won’t make other people play with you if they don’t want to. It does not matter why they don’t want to play with you, they don’t have to. They can vote you out of the group. Period.

Working as intended and designed.


And they have by every right to do so. There is no rules saying that they have to play with you. What you’re claiming is as “dictatorship” is exactly the meaning of what you want: Forcing people to play with you. That is dictatorship. Because it is controlling.

If you don’t like being kicked out:

  • Join a guild and play with the guild.
  • Play with friends.
  • Form a group and play with the group.
  • Run in a follower dungeon.

Blizzard is not going to punish anyone because they didn’t want to play with you. They are not going to investigate anything because you were kicked from a group of people who didn’t want to play with you.

I recommend what Leviathan suggested if you want improvements to the vote-kick system:


Actually it’s not. Feedback on this should go here Latest Gameplay/Dungeons, Raids and Scenarios topics - World of Warcraft Forums (


What i am suggesting is holding players responsible for issuing a kick and wasting the other persons time.

Why does anyone need to like anyone in the a dungeon que. Show me where it says that, we need to social and do our job. Which i did and my resume is more than qualified to tank a heroic dungeon.

Most of you do not even play DUngeon.

Blizzard has actually taken steps which you cannot see, players only kick players in the early season as everyone is in a rush & get to the end game.

No one is kicking anyone out of Keys. This was in a way addressed by blizzard.

Yes, the problem still lies in early season, you will run into players who will kick you for no reason.

THis now blizzard needs to look into and address. I have played many dungeons to know when and where the toxic behaviour arises. unlike below :point_down:

So my question, why is this person telling me what is right or wrong when she has not even walked a step in my shoes ? How does she know what is fair & what is not fair.

Wisdom is gained from many ways. Just because they don’t do dungeons or group content doesn’t mean they don’t understand what is fair or not.

We don’t play that game on this forum btw.


Then use the in-game suggestion feature to provide the developers with your ideas on how the game will determine if the kick was up to your standard.

It really does sound like you should be starting your own groups or perhaps start a guild and group with people that way :slight_smile: Then you never have to worry about being kicked again and you will never ever kick someone out of your own group without meeting your own arbitrary requirements.

Because they are telling you the only thing that matters…Blizzard’s rules. Blizzard is not going to hold players hands when it comes to kicking people. It’s a majority rules system that works as intended.

Anything else, you need to use the in-game suggestion feature or share your ideas in the Dungeons forum.

CS is not a feedback forum unfortunately.


EDIT: Perl beat me to it.



CS is not the place for suggestions.


People lie. They can put in a “valid” reason to bypass your check but have the real reason being they didn’t like the colour of your shoes.

Just because someone doesn’t use a feature doesn’t mean they don’t know anything about it.

There is no simple resolution to this. If there were it would have already been suggested and implemented.

Four players, even from the same realm, voting you out of the group is not a dictatorship. Four out of five players didn’t want you in their group. Democracy in action.

Why doesn’t matter. Not liking the colour of your hair is just as valid as someone trying to wipe the group. It also has nothing to do with being a dictatorship.


Lets no digress and turn this into a bait post.

What would also help is: every player should be capped at 2 kicks a day only & remove the debuff.

THis way the group who is kicking can continue to find a new player & the player who is kicked can go reque.

You have one, two, three different people telling you where to submit the feedback.

Customer Support forums is not a place for submitting feedback!


Suggestions aren’t seen here still. You need to use the in-game suggestion feature or post constructively in the Dungeons forum.


This wouldn’t be the resolution you think it is. Four other players like this group would have eight kicks. You still would have been removed from the group.


This is actually in place. The more players kick others, the more of a cooldown they get for kicking future players. Eventually, if they kick players quite often, their ability to kick players will be gone.

No one said they didn’t like you. You already gave the cause:

You went a different way and weakened the group. In the opening weeks of a new expansion, where players are not endgame geared, groups need to work as a team. You did not work as part of that team. Quite frankly, while I probably wouldn’t have initiated the Vote Kick, I would’ve happily slammed Yes if I were part of that group.

There are no “resumes”, and there are certainly no “resumes” in the first week of the expansion. We are all learning the new dungeons and boss mechanics. Having experience in previous expansion content does not matter in a brand new dungeon, introducing new mechanics and nuances.

See, here’s the problem with your suggestion: as with many suggestions made in the heat of frustration or anger, you are simply ignoring the big picture. There used to be no debuff when getting kicked. Tanks would then hold parties hostage until the group willingly kicked them. Not only did the tank get to insta-queue into a different dungeon, but the aforementioned cooldown above? That gets “charged” to the group that was being held hostage, through no fault of their own.

Now, everyone is treated equally, and quite frankly, it’s much better. There is no haggling over what is a “valid reason” or not. There is no haggling over if someone “deserved it” or not. For ANY REASON, if you do not finish the dungeon, there’s a debuff from queuing randomly. You can still do anything else in the game, INCLUDING MAKING YOUR OWN GROUP or doing a Follower dungeon to complete the quest, except queue for a random group.

The debuff is not going to be removed.


Stop acting like the child whose mom forces other neighborhood kids to play with them. You are spiraling. You did something people didn’t like and got kicked. But you know what, as people keep telling you over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over… It. Does. Not. Matter. What. You. Did! Doesn’t matter. Not even a little.

People do not HAVE to play with you. The system is this, working as intended, no reason is needed, this is the rules. Doesn’t matter how hard you argue, a fact. You don’t like it, there are other options for you - as pointed out. But something tells me from how you have acted towards people in just this thread alone that the reason you won’t accept the alternatives is because you NEED a game devised group to get a group to play with you. And now not even that works for you. Do some self reflection, mate.

And while we are at it, look up the definitions of “dictator” and “democracy” because you have them reversed in your head, and maybe seeing them in an actual dictionary you can’t argue with will help.


It would be more accurate to say I don’t do them anymore. I did my time raiding, running a guild, dungeons after dungeons. I have played since 2004. I know all the systems Blizzard has put in game during the entire time and have participated in them.

I do not choose to do group content anymore. I love the solo options. That is a personal preference. I most certainly can tell you how the group finder and kick system is intended to work, and how it does work.

Nobody has to have their time wasted by someone they don’t want in their group. The GROUP gets to decide if they don’t want a person in the group. The game values the time of the 4 other people who vote someone out more than the individual.


The fact you didn’t follow the group is a good enough reason to be kicked.

You should have not said anything, that right there made things worse.

People did not want to play with you, and shouldn’t be forced to. Posting on twitter will not help at all, you are not gonna get the attention you want there.


It is possible to put their names on your ignore list so you can avoid being grouped with them again. Otherwise you just kinda have to shrug and move on, if they changed the system it would be more vulnerable to abuse.

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