Blizzard can you look into my Last dungeon Ara - Kara - did i deserve that vote kick?

If team goes goes right, probably best to follow them. If you needed to go left for a specific quest objective you can always ask but the majority is not obligated to oblige if they aren’t on that specific quest. You said you wasted time, but those four people would have also been wasting their time in their eyes by going out of their way. Nice if they could, sure, but not required and not reportable if they don’t

Did you bring this up unprompted? Honestly if someone said “hey don’t report me I’m watching” I’d vote yes on any vote to kicks that came up. Just seems weird.
Documentation doesn’t any good, Blizzard only goes on their logs. If no one was harassing each other in chat then there isn’t anything to report anyway.

What it all boils down to is that the dungeon goals of the group at large didn’t mesh with your goals. It’s unfortunate but it happens and it’s not really anything Blizzard can do. The majority vote rules in these situations.

It’s been brought up a few times, but Follower dungeons are a means to complete dungeon quests. Maybe try that out next time.


There is no such thing as “vote kick abuse”. Anyone can vote kick, a reason is not required. They aren’t going to force people to play with you. They can kick someone because they don’t like their transmog and it’s fine.

That said, the system is designed in such a way that people who vote kick frequently enough will start getting cooldowns before they can use it.


The only reason votes are being issued and passed is because we do not have proper systems in place.

A simple reason for vote kick which would make the person who initiates and a person who passes the kick liable.

Right now anyone can kick anyone and that is abuse. If I take a group of 3 players and kick someone for no reason. That would be me abusing.

This community is getting out of hand we need some kind of rules.

Now I don’t even want to dungeon. Is this what the game wants ?

I wanted to cap my gear this weekend. But I am so put off my this idea of running into a demonic voting kicking group.

How is this fun ?

There is a proper system. Majority rules IS the system and it is the system they want in place.

There is nothing to be liable for. There is no abuse.

The system is designed so that people CAN kick you for ANY reason. They don’t have to like your shirt color. The style of your hair. Whatever. If the majority of the other players in the group don’t want to play with someone they don’t have to. For ANY reason, or no reason.

The wishes of 4 other people > your wishes in this system. You can’t make 4 other people play with you.

Blizzard is not going to force people to play with you. You can form your own groups, or run your dungeons in Follower mode if you are just doing quests for the story.


To be utterly frank; yes, it’s fair. No, it isn’t being abused. You’ve gone against what the group wanted. They’re not required to do what someone else want because they say so. It was put in place for when a party member isn’t fitting in with the rest.

No, they’re not going to action folks for removing someone for the simple fact of there isn’t anything against the rules. No, you not liking it happening to you isn’t justifying changing the rules to favor only you in this event. No, you not wanting to do dungeons anymore from this isn’t a reason to change the rules.

The system been in place for like ten years by now, it haven’t changed in all those years as it’s in a good middle ground for self-handling for folks wanting to remove someone from the group and fixing issues that folks drop group for whatever reason or trying to force a group to remove a healer/tank when they didn’t want to do a given dungeon.


A proper system would follow the reason for vote kick - currently there is no system. That is what a failed system is.

This is exactly what dictatorship sounds like. All because no one is held accountable.

My reason for this post, is because there is no system in place and dictators are ruining it for the solo players. Thank you for further driving my point across.

a group of 4 ques from Tichondrius ques and uses their power of vote kick due to the number is not abuse ?

This kick 100% would not pass if this was a group of randos. This kick only passed as they were toxic and hold no accountability.

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There is a system in place. That system does not allow ONE player to dictate who four others have to play with. YOU are not in control. The majority are in control and get to vote. That is exactly the opposite of a dictatorship. The many vote on what the group wants instead of one person having control.

Make your own groups then you really DO have singular control to dictate what happens in your own group.


No, it isn’t abuse. They’re allowed to remove any party member they feel like they’re not helping the group. If you want to do a dungeon quest, there’s the followers dungeon that’s mainly for the quests and story.


This seems like a vague reason that we check a box.

I am KSM player. You are making sure to give all the excuses other than a workable solution and admitting that if a 4 player team ques they can kick you for any reason.

Like this player mentioned.

Seems like game is running on a system that worked in the Middle Ages.

Middle ages ran on a Monarchy, or before that tribal warlords.

Voting for the group composition - democracy - is not something they had in the Middle Ages.

If you are interested in systems of government there are some fantastic basic history books out there that outline the systems used and changes made, through most of Western History. Starting with Greece, through Rome, through the Middle ages, through the Renaissance, and on into the establishment of the US and spread of Democracy as a form of governance.

Again, you don’t get to dictate who has to play with you. That would actually be a Dictatorship in group form.


The fact of the matter is OP; whether or not you feel being kicked was justified or not is irrelevant.

The system is not human; it does not care or know why you were booted—just that three out of four voted to kick you, and since majority rules apply, you were removed, end of story.


This does not fall under democracy. This between dictatorship & most like authoritarian mentality.

YOu have most likely kicked someone in the past for above reason.

That is why the system is broken. This is not healthy. If, there was a proper system in place as to why you are kicking a reason box was giving. This would give the kicked player a chance to contest and false kicker would be held liable.

If you kicked for the above reason, you need some time off from the game. Which in turn would make you think on your next kick.

The system can be easily redesigned and reworked. If blizzard values a players time, this can be easily fixed.

No one should be kicking anyone until it is extremely needed. I as a tank cannot even remember when the last time i kicked someone.

DC players yes, kick and make room.

IF someone is randomly pulling, i just let them tank. 99 times out of 100 they dont pull, as they dont want to tank the adds.

BUt kick, no.

So what exactly constitutes a kick ? Lets go back to the reply which is being abused.

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Dictators would be controlling your movement, what you do, what you eat, etc. Being kicked out of a dungeon has nothing to do with dictatorship. People kicking others out for no reason is not being a dictator.

Being kicked out of a dungeon doesn’t prevent you from queuing in future dungeons. If you get kicked out, just move on, and continue playing.


What was the reason for a kick ? Not like I am a noob.

4 players from the same realm issue a kick - for no reason. This is dictatorship, they do what they want with no consequences or concern for the what the other person has to feel or go through.

We are not in 2010, that you can tell a person we kick you just because. The game has evolved into a much bigger game. Everyone’s time is precious.

IF the game wants us to do certain level of content then they should look into the road blocks being placed. Is this working as intended ?

I am sure many have got burnt with kick abuses. WHy not make it better ?

Kicking someone out of the group is needed for sure - but who is being held responsible here ? No one, that is the issue here.

Round and round and round this goes. It’s a huge stalemate.

Gaarosh, it is clear you do not like the vote kick system. However, it is working exactly as intended, so there’s nothing that support can do.

All that can be done is for you to leave feedback either in the Dungeons & Raids forum, or the in-game feedback submission tool. In order for the feedback to be taken seriously, it needs to be constructive and include suggested solutions to the purported problem. For example, “It’s broken” or “It’s abusable” etc is not something the developers can use.


You said you wanted to do a quest and no one else did. They decided your goals didn’t align with theirs and you were no needed in the group any longer.

A perfectly valid reason to kick someone.


Actually this thread is the documentation.

Read the thread, it is obvious that the system is broken with the replies being given

And customer support is a good place to start to create awareness.

I have not kicked anyone. I don’t even do Dungeons or group content. Personally, I am THRILLED with Follower mode and Delves so I can play solo.

I am telling you how the system works. Voting by a group is democracy. It means the GROUP decides how they want to do things. Not a person who dictates.

I hope you do understand that.

There is nothing to be liable for! There is nothing against the rules about kicking you. If the majority of the group does not want you around they get to boot you.

Blizzard is not going to force people to play with you and punish them if they don’t. There is nothing to change here. There is nothing Blizzard is going to tell you.

If you don’t like the system then the solution is to make your own groups.


Then you will need to post that in GD or in game feed-back option, or use X to tweet at the developers since no one here can pass the word along.


However, you’ve left your “documentation” in the wrong forum. Support can’t do anything with it. There’s no “awareness” being created.

If you want awareness, you must post in a location where those who can do something will see it, which is not here. Thus, I provided the appropriate locations.