Blizzard, can you actually explain why we can't play Earthen tonight?

I get that same feeling. I’ll give a little credit to them for addressing some things pretty quick.
Spore Delve is a good example.

But outside of that and some other small stuff, it’s been lack of communication and miscommunication since Beta.

One could only hope this makes a difference. I really do hope it does though.


Sadly, the only two positive things I personally feel is coming from the acquisition is that:
A: Bobby got the boot, and maybe we can start moving away from the ridiculous monetization that he forced onto literally everything and
B: CoD is going to be on Game Pass, so I can play it for one month for $10 instead of $70.

Otherwise, it very much so seems like they just don’t step in with the game studios that they took over. I mean, look at Starfield. Microsoft owns Bethesda’s parent company, thus Bethesda as well, and that game released as a huge disappointment because no one stepped in and said “You know, maybe empty, boring, repetitive procedurally generated maps is a bad idea”.

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Agreed. I don’t mind some things in shop, every game has it and Blizz shop was never anything special or necessary for a while.

One of the single best things about Microsoft acquisition. Buying a new CoD every year was getting out of hand lol.

This does seem to be the overall sentiment though. I actually wasnt excited for Starfield (I wanted ESO6/FO5) but I did want Starfield to do good because it’s Bethesda. My best friend bought it, shared on xbox and man… that was rough. It felt like the initial release of No Mans Sky. (Luckily they managed to come back and deliver more than they ever promised and more than most could have dreamed of)

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Spore delve was just a poor mechanic because of how it could bounce players around between two of them in a pinball way. Sure there were ways to defeat it, but the challenge was too high for level 1 delves, which are supposed to be literally cake, and that was not cake. I wouldn’t have minded if they scaled it a bit, like kept that kind of functionality in the challenging delve levels (and maybe they did, who knows, we haven’t seen the post-patch higher delve levels yet after all), but for the noob delves it was just a very out of place mechanic.

You need to go outside and get some fresh air and an attitude adjustment. What a tool.

They can and do better!

WE can not let them slither away with such shenanigans!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

It’s literally in the OP, so you probably didn’t read that, either.

We only have to wait a week for the 4th chapter- Kaivax’s post didn’t mention chapter 5 which seems suspicious to me

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The new raid is an xpac feature and it is not out yet. Season 1 is an xpac feature and it is not out yet.
You just suffer from the gimmieitnow virus. There is a cure for that. It is to uninstall the game.

They’re awesome!

I couldn’t help it. They are.

That they are actually a pathetic race that has done nothing but hide throughout most of Azeroth’s plights. Just like all the allied races, they are pathetic and not worth the time investment… especially those nasty vulpera…

The official road map posted by blizzard listed “play earthen” under the “early access” and “global launch” dates - while season 1, raids, and mythics were listed under sept’s dates

Therefore it is very reasonable to have assumed that this expansion feature would have came sooner at those dates it was listed under




Same as everything else. Time gating holds the pack closer together during roll out.

When our advertising said: Play the Earthen, we made a typo. It should have said: Play WITH the Earthen.
We apologize for any confusion /s


I was never anticipating an explanation to begin with because there’s nothing you can give to justify timegating things like allied races. It was a rhetorical question, because I know they can’t explain how this somehow benefits the game.

It was stupid in 2018, and it’s stupid in 2024.

Raids aren’t even close to the same thing. What?

While I’d love to have Earthen available now, I do want to point out that the image you’ve linked says, “Start unlocking the new playable Earthen allied race,” emphasis mine.

The wording implies a process but does not imply being able to finish it.

Look at the fine print below it.

³Playable Earthen race unlocked after completing their quests and the overall level-up campaign. (emphasis is also mine aswell)

We’re at the max level campaign now.

I have actively chosen to ignore the claims that Blizzard lied to us about when Earthen would be playable because, quite frankly, I don’t care either way. My focus is less on what they lied about and more on the fact that this is a stupid decision no matter how you swing it.

Having said that, if we have to resort to a semantics game over what the fine print says, then it feels like we’re grasping at straws to justify Blizzard’s decision.

I was very disappointed when I was unable to unlock them yesterday - just echoing the sentiment here. :confused:

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