Blizzard, can you actually explain why we can't play Earthen tonight?

To be fair I didn’t read past the OP. You don’t have to like it, it’s just how it is. shrug

Let me WHINE.

But yeah it’s a very first world problem I just… I wanted to be an earthen NOW and level NOW.

I do wish that Earthen had been available to earn from the start. However.

I do understand what you are saying though, you pay full price for a game you should be able to play the game at whatever pace you desire

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It seems it’s more than just “a week” until Earthern will be playable:

bfa was worse with it’s allied races, we had to wait a while to be able to play Zandalari if i remember correctly.

Was stated by Kaivax directly that it’s the 3rd at least in the US.

It’s almost like different people exist.

But the Earthern will not be available on the 3rd. It’s just the fourth storyline chapter that’s available on the 3rd.

This statement was made directly referencing the Earthen release date. The post clearly states that the requirement is that achievement, which is the one you acquire for completing the questlines on the 3rd.

If you don’t personally complete them on the 3rd, that’s the only reason you won’t have it on that day.

The storyline has 5 chapters though.

Hey I saw some Earthen running around on Illidan server while I was questing. But people keep saying they are not out yet so those were just NPCs or can some players get it who had the early access?

Read the post instead of just replying and assuming lol.

The community manager literally responded to a post asking “Just curious if we knew an exact date when we’d be able to unlock / create Earthen?”, quoted them and everything, and said that it’s coming on the 3rd.

So Blizzard outright lying is of no concern to you? They advertised Earthen could be unlocked during Early Access. They even said you only needed to do the level-up campaign and a few side quests.

It was probably people under the affect of the cursed mining axe. Which can turn you into a cursed Earthen for a couple of seconds if the axe is equipped, in your bags or transmogged.


This is what I would be infinitely more concerned with, for sure.

The advertising for EA made it seem like we’d have access pretty much immediately, not 2 weeks after release.

and after their mishandling of the details before launch I’d believe them now why?
lost goodwill and trust is just that- lost.

We’re going with they’ll be unlocked on Sept. 3 but the community rep actually said the 4th chapter of the storyline requirement would be unlocked on Sept 3 and the in-game requirements are 5 chapters completed so no I’m not confident in their claim.

They only mentioned Sept 3rd at all 30 minutes before launch after threads where open all weekend about it. The lack of communication continues.


Yes, good advise for you though.

The post says you need to do the War Within campaign. The campaign has 5 chapters. Chapter 4 will be available on September 3rd. He didn’t mention when chapter 5 will be available.


Meanwhile, old races all have a starting zone experience that tells the story of how they wind up joining a faction after a reasonable questline using the newly created character itself.

Just saying, the race unlock stuff we do these days was once done a lot better


That’s a fair assessment, as they are very much so fumbling and have been ignoring the community very hard for the last 3 or so weeks of the PTR’s feedback. Doubling down on a lot of decisions that are universally hated by players, like readding afflicted. So I don’t blame you. But Kaivax is pretty consistent and honest as a whole, so I’m going to choose to believe that bit.

They did this with the Amirdrassil campaign as well, just without locking anything behind it. The actual “story” goes up to the 4th chapter, and the 5th was something of a trailing epilogue leading to the next set of story information/wrapping up the previous stuff.
Considering the title is “A Light in the Dark”, I’m relatively certain they just are being inconsistent with the achievement labels here, causing a lot of confusion.

Would very much clarify things if the achievement stated which quest chain finished the “story”, instead of just a blanket statement “story”, since they could technically abuse that and make it the last patch of the expansion if they really wanted, since this is all TWW story. :roll_eyes:

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I mean didn’t they basically time gate nearly half a year of legion to a once a week quest between Suramar and the opening of Tomb of Sargeras?
That was like 9 weeks on one and 13 or 14 on the other?

There’s so much PR about listening to feedback but they’re definitely launching this expac with all the same old stubbornness just less communication.

Really leaves a bad taste for a company that wants a turn-around. I’m sure Microsoft is listening.


Yeah, sounds about right. I quit in the ToS tier due to personal stuff so I didn’t see it, but I know the Suramar quest chain was an annoying 3 step quest once a week for two or so months, just trying to force engagement.

It’s all just boiler plate talk to try and seem relatable. Listen to any of the streamer interviews, their takeaways from the last 3 were “No, we won’t add QoL to raid and Myth +, you will suffer because we think you should” and “Max said we should nerf raid buffs so we immediately did.”