I don’t get it. I understand that Earthen are nothing more than reskinned dwarves, and they aren’t exactly the most anticipated feature of the expansion. And I also understand that it’s only a week, so not being able to play them outright isn’t a huge deal.
But they ARE an expansion feature.
Setting aside for a moment that locking any race behind any in-game requirement has and always will be a ridiculous decision, it’s even more ridiculous that we have to wait a week to do so on top of that, and it’s something I can’t seem to justify existing in the game.
Can anyone at Blizzard actually provide a reasonable explanation as to why such an arbitrary timegate exists to begin with? Do you actually think this benefits the game in any capacity? My perspective on such decisions is that there should be a tangible benefit in making that decision, but from my view on this matter, there is none. It’s just meaningless padding of expansion features.
You got to do the max level campaign and that is not fully coming out till sept 3. Which is next week. Calm your bits.
Shhhh no one tell him about the Zandalari troll race…
Seriously get over yourself. 1 week for everyone else to get to 80 and do the campaign is nothing.
Yes the 10 players who want them must have answers!
It’s called story. You have to learn their story and earn their trust before they’ll join you. Just like near every other allied race.
It’s the difference between an allied race and a traditional playable race. You have to earn allied races. I’m honestly surprised they are only making people wait 1 week.
With that being said, I have always hated the concept of allied races.
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I mean I want them, but I also want my 5 80s to get my 25% exp frist.
Because the release schedule isn’t designed around the one thing you happen to care about.
So are raids and people are waiting even longer on those.
Remember gotta log into each one to start gaining rested XP
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Basically means I have nothing to do for a week
Kk just wanted to let you know just in case haha. Happy leveling friend. Have fun!
Nah, it’s just unecessary time gating to keep players engaged and metrics high for as long as possible
I call it the BlizZard rug pull.
Taking an easy win and turning it into a big fat loss.

If so, too bad. Having to play the story first is a good call on their part.
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Having to play the story isn’t a problem, it’s the artificial gating
I was hoping they’d be released tomorrow at the latest so I could level one up to raid on… I don’t wanna pay for a race change.
its very strange that blizzard advertised them under early access/launch
Who wants to play the story it always sucks.