Blizzard, can you actually explain why we can't play Earthen tonight?

They’re giving everyone else a week to level and catch up before moving on. They were very transparent about what the EA was. No special treatment, just extra time to enjoy the leveling story.

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lol… we all know the lesson they learned. it’s something along the lines of “you think you do…”

I wasn’t paying attention closely enough - apparently my assumption that I could play Earthen when I finished the campaign was wrong. Oh? The campaign is sitting behind a time-gated release? Right… I’ve seen this movie before.

Come on Blizzard - you need to do better.


Yay! Sources!

No one owes you an explanation, but here’s one for you…

They want to finish telling their story for it which they can do on any schedule they want. It could be 11.3.1 and they finish it, and they’ve fulfilled their obligation to give you the race as part of this expansion

Instead, you wait a week… ANd continue to whine about it

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Then don’t buy a race change?

They werent especially clear on it.
They gave a general vibe with no specifics.
But they did very specifically showcase earthen as an unlockable allied race in their early access marketing.

Im okay with the dates and times and stuff.
I do take major issue with blizzards handling of it though.

If they had said “earthen will be unlockable in September” and not in early access like they implied, then all would be good.

Blizzard needs to up their game when it comes to clear communication.
This was a fail.

so is the final raid of the expansion. surely you can’t be arguing we should get to have that today also?

Maybe I watch too much YouTube or engage in extra content around the game. I knew what I was getting into, but maybe I have a skewed perspective.

they’re trolling us bro earthin’ b smirkin’

then don’t advertise it at launch

I love when bootlickers don’t/can’t read.

We got them right away unless I am remembering wrong. It was Vulpera we had to wait for.


Mag’har and Dark Irons were the initial two, even though Zandys were promoted as the launch patch one. Zandys and KTs were .1 along with Dazar’alor, with Mechagnomes and Vulpera for .3 if I remember right? Wasn’t .2 as that was the Najzatar patch

BfA was also, y’know. BfA, so there was probably some timegating going on there given how that expansion worked

Zandalari was .1 or .1.5. You had to do the whole War Campaign, the whole Zandalari Campaign, and hit exalted with them to unlock.

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Oh wow I never thought of that! /s.

I have a week to level one I was just hoping we’d have more time.

Honestly I takes like 2-3 days to level to max

They are not a “New” race, they are an “Allied Race” we’ve had to unlock every “Allied Race”. Just like “Allied Races” were an expansion feature for BFA we had to unlock al of those.

It must be exhausting parroting this point over and over again.

And the official EA emails.

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Edit: i know you can post links with ’ on either side, but its not working.