Blizzard Beta stance: "We will listen to feedback from the playerbase*"

They want feedback about how the systems themselves feel to those playing it, not people crying “it’s a timer!!!”


They’re saying that complaining for the sake of it and just raging over numbers isn’t helpful feedback.

But why do you think that it’s only “Yes men” that gets in alpha tests? It’s random invites, set aside the stream keys. Streamers will always get keys simply for the free publicity.

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There are tons of people in alpha who aren’t “yes men,” including prominent content creators who are regularly critical of Blizz and WoW design. You can also see lots of “common folk” in replies to that very blue thread complaining about the system.

It’s literally been less than 24 hours since they posted their feedback about how they’re listening and you’re already bashing them. They haven’t even gotten the chance to process additional feedback.


Because in internet speak, “They’re all a bunch of yes-men,” translates to, “I’m not testing, so testing is invalid.”


You seem to mistake listening to feedback with being forced to agree with that feedback.

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The timer also puts pressure on you to get to the end of a level and discourages exploration.

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I’d like to test but not going to lose sleep that I don’t get picked, not sure why you are trying to attack me. I’ve been on these forums since vanilla, through 3 iterations of it and I see what they do/did to amazing feedback. Now they talk on reddit and twitter and I refuse to participate on those hivemind platforms.

To be fair, alpha isn’t “Random” invites, it’s friends, family, streamers, and higher end guilds that generally get in. Beta is where the random crowd generally starts getting keys

But saying that “XXX plays a Monk, and sees a monk change in Alpha that dramatically changes gameplay for better or worse”…but also saying that his perspective is invalid because he’s not testing it right now seems crazy. Worth noting too that in the recent expansions, once it gets to beta most things seem pretty set in stone and not prone to change, BFA was especially bad obviously

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It’s interesting to me that a lot of players have had enough and are basically telling Blizzard, “don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining”.

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Yet you have people on the forums saying things like, “it’s only alpha”. People should be complaining about systems that they think are bad as soon as they’re available otherwise Blizzard developers, who are laughably out of touch, will think that everything is fine. Look at BfAs Azerite Armor, Essences, and Corruptions, if people aren’t loud about their displeasure now we’re gonna get equally imbalanced and grind-heavy mechanics in SL that BfA had.




There’s quite a different distinction to make when talking about an existing feature getting a balance tweak, like a monk ability, against a brand new type of content someone has never played before and just learned about. The latter will obviously not have a more informed opinion vs the ones that did play it.

Except I’m learning about the existing feature through those informed people who are playing it, hearing their opinions (also generally not liking it) and comparing to how I feel playing similar things. It’s not like Roguelikes are a new idea

I was part of BFA Alpha and people were plenty vocal about it and they didn’t even introduce Azerite until mid-beta and people were still vocal and how much it sucked. It’s not that Blizzard didn’t listen it’s that you can’t rip core features from an expansion. You can’t rip a selling point out of a product. 8.0 Azerite was garbage but 8.3 azerite is alright and they even addressed it in a recent interview about getting content out quick to testers so they can iterate faster.

Like everyone has said ‘timers have been in the game forever’. So do we have years of people saying ‘yes, we love time based content, please add more’, or do we have years of ‘we sure are getting tired of everything new being timed’?

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I really don’t see what this has to do with the topic at hand. You implied that existing testing was being done by

which, to the extent it describes streamers, is somewhat accurate, but deliberately devalues the opinions of those actively testing at the moment. The general implication is that so long as those testing disagree with the opinions you’ve formed without doing so, you will not believe that feedback carried any weight unless the feature being tested happens to evolve as you feel it should.

Or, in shorthand, “It’s not my opinion, so the feedback isn’t valid.”

Torghast is very likely to either sink this expansion or make it immensely popular. I don’t particularly care if people want to speculate about it, but implying that feedback is going unheeded because you don’t appear to be getting what you individually want from an incomplete system doesn’t seem to have any basis in fact as far as I can tell.


“Listening to feedback” means taking feedback into account during the design process, not implement user-suggested changes verbatim.

Also, keep in mind that there are players who are asking for different things than you are. Blizz has to take them into account, too.

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This is the kind of thing only expected to start taking place when it becomes necessary IE on the higher floors. Coincidentally, the stated design intent is that these “affixes” won’t exist until the higher floors. That’s not an accident.

Yes, they want feedback from the playtesters in the alpha, who are actually playing with this stuff. As opposed to feedback from the peanut gallery that hasn’t played it and is operating entirely on theory, feely and assumption.

If you think the alpha testers are “yes men” then you aren’t paying attention or you’ve decided on your own reality.


To be honest from what I read I don’t have a problem with it because I don’t know if I will get up to the levels where it starts (level 12) and if I do I guess I will deal with it when the time comes and maybe by then I will be powerful enough to mitigate a lot of the problems .