Blizzard Beta stance: "We will listen to feedback from the playerbase*"

With the big asterix of

*so long as it’s player feedback we want to hear.

Extremely disappointed that they’re looking to put a soft enrage mechanic system on Torghast. Just fix the “waiting for bloodlust” by making it a per floor mechanic if that’s a concern! Putting on annoying mob spawns or health loss as a “shove in the back” to make players keep going at a timely rate is, well, annoying. Some people LIKE to be methodical. Some people play while working at home and enjoy the freedom to be able to alt tab and answer phoned questions. Some people like bathroom breaks.

But their feedback response clearly says they’re not interested in feedback about timers from people who haven’t tried them out and/or aren’t in favor of timers in general. WTH kind of listening to feedback is that?


Don’t you get to chill in the starting area of every floor for as long as you want before starting on it? I think that might be a reasonable concession for bathroom breaks.



So what if a few groups take hours by bloodlusting on every pull? That will only affect the highest levels of competitive play; the vast majority of players won’t be doing that stuff.


The “timer” really isn’t that bad. It’s so extremely slow stacking that it won’t affect you even if you’re an ultra-slow clearing class. I guess it’s fair to be against it on principle, but I don’t think most players will notice it or feel rushed in the slightest. Especially if there’s safe zones on each floor for you to take a break, like Ohgod described above.

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According to an interview with one of the devs, difficulty scales based on spec and role, anyway.

The “timer” really isn’t that bad. It’s so extremely slow stacking that it won’t affect you even if you’re an ultra-slow clearing class. I guess it’s fair to be against it on principle, but I don’t think most players will notice it or feel rushed in the slightest. Especially if there’s safe zones on each floor for you to take a break, like Ohgod described above.

Not the point I’m trying to make (and it’s moot atm anyway because it’s all going to be tweaked hard for balance so we don’t know how harsh or easy till it is final).

It’s their stance of only wanting specific feedback and stating that that’s all they’re interested in. That feedback against the new “feature” is not welcome

People like to form extremely outspoken opinions on things they haven’t tried yet. With all the balance changes that is happening in SL, it’s almost impossible to just think if simply looking at the numbers you’d be able to get an accurate picture.

If you can take a timer free break on each floor, that means you can wait for your cooldowns to come back for each floor. Is that really how it works? How does that fix the alleged problem?

That’s kind of the opposite of what they said in the blue post; they outlined specifically what they want these debuffs to do, and they invited all sorts of perspectives from those who are actually playtesting them.

How can testers help us tune it?

Playtest Torghast, and let us know how it feels. We appreciate all feedback, and the most valuable feedback for this feature will come from experience in Torghast, rather than discussions about time-based difficulty that aren’t informed by in-game experience.

If something feels bad, let us know why.

  • Did you feel rushed when you didn’t want to? Was that pressure because of actual game difficulty, or was it simply the presence of the Torment itself?
  • Were you unable to defeat a level because of Torments, even though you were playing at a normal pace?
  • Did you want to take a break mid-run but felt like you couldn’t?
  • Do you feel like Torments are appropriate, but should be introduced at a higher level than they currently are (12)?
  • Alternately, did a particular Torment feel underwhelming? Do you still feel like you can wait 10 minutes between every single pull without threat of being overwhelmed?

There are several different Torments in the current Alpha. Some affect spawning and environment, and others affect your character directly. Some increase over time, and others remain at a fixed difficulty.

  • How do they feel in comparison to one another?
  • Does a particular Torment feel more punishing or unfun than the others?

We’ve seen some emotional response to this change, which we take to mean that you care about Torghast being fun. We do too.

Please keep up the productive discussions, and we’ll keep listening.

How are these points not inviting negative criticism?


It is, as I understand, a floor by floor mechanic. So there you go.

The debuff resets once you finish a floor, yes.

They have it in their heads that they just HAVE to mold players into playing the game THEY want them to.

Then they wonder why their game appeals to one sort of player.


Yeah, fair enough. Blizzard tends to dig their heels in when getting feedback that doesn’t support their preferred design decisions. The post shared just above mine looks promising, though. Gathering the right kind of feedback.

Looking at the numbers as they are now is all we can do though, and “just wait until release and see” is a really sad option because then nothing will get changed one way or the other. The slow stacking (e.g. 1% extra physical damage taken per minute) as-is isn’t so bad, but if they went crazy and make it like… 3% per 30 seconds, yeah we’d have a problem.

Edit: Reread the info about this and it looks like it’ll be exactly this… most torments never reset, but stack extremely slowly to compensate. The damage taken debuffs stack more rapidly, but are cleared after every floor. However, they stack increasingly quickly as you get to higher floors (presumably because they’re the easiest to offset with Anima powers).

Don’t think they were ever worried about you getting cooldowns back between floors. I’d assume (but cannot confirm) you get an automatic cooldown reset at the start of each floor, anyway. Their go-to example they were trying to prevent is some ultra-min/maxers lusting on literally every pull - so like, 90+ minutes of waiting for cooldowns per floor. I don’t see the harm in letting them bore themselves to death, but apparently Blizz does.

"the most valuable feedback for this feature will come from experience in Torghast, rather than discussions about time based difficulty that aren’t informed by in-game experience"

That’s the quote I’m referring to. The italized part is in political speech mode, but it seems obvious what kind of feedback they want and what they don’t

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yeah they want feedback from people having actually play tested the thing.

So… they want feedback from the people testing the content, rather than people reading about it and reacting?


Then they could have just left the first sentence and not mentioned how specifically “discussions on time based difficulty” were in the negative :stuck_out_tongue:

Then they should invite more people in to test stuff instead of people who are yes men or use alpha to increase their stream revenue. Just an idea /shrug


Theyre prob just doing it cause of tech limitations, they dont want thousands of tor instances open for hours or days on end while people afk in them or their servers will run out of juice.

They’re fine with feedback against it, but it’s really not that valid if you aren’t speaking from experience. Just going off of your opinion that timers in general are bad it doesn’t help anything. If the soft enrage ends up a bad idea it’s fine, but they won’t know that unless they hear from those who are actually playing it and can respond to how it really feels.

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