Blizzard Beta stance: "We will listen to feedback from the playerbase*"

Really so your saying if you can get x power from x level and you can get to it easier by waiting on cds people wouldn’t wait?

It means exactly what it says. I watched them delete mega threads of beta testers giving indepth detail on why certain aspects, abilities, rotations ect don’t work. How pruning classes further and removing class identiy is hurting the game. Only to blizzard remove these threads without saying a word and causing a community outcry.

My opinion and idea of fun doesn’t align with yours is perfectly fine. I still want to have a say in the conversation especially when the company is asking for it. I want to test, I can’t because I didn’t get picked. So i have to work with what creators are putting out and fan sites show. You sure seem to take “yes men” personal, think I hit a nerve.


People will have no choice but to form opinions based on the information they have. It’s an important decision whether to commit to paying for a game and then playing it for 2 years while continuing to pay. What would you have people do? Go away now and only come back to discuss after it has been implemented? Go away and find some other game and not come back? Blindly support a feature that will be changed repeatedly and probably not to everybody’s liking?

My guess is that people who thrive on pushing high keys are going to love Torghast, while those who never do mythic dungeons at all will hate it. Basically I see it as a mandatory solo version of mythic+ intended to force casuals into content that will be very similar in many ways to mythic dungeons.

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To be fair the class feedback threads on here and WoWhead are practically empty for some classes, so the only “feedback” they’re getting is from Alpha testers (family, friends, and celebrity streamers).

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Yeah, in the last patch of the expansion, it finally feels “okay”. Azerite Armor launched as a patchwork fix for barebones classes and the vendor wasn’t available at launch. When the vendor was finally released it was either a month long grind to get the piece that you wanted or you could gamble at a lower cost, it was unfriendly to players and added another layer of either timegating or RNG to your loot. The devs shouldn’t be commended for that they should be admonished.

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Of course. It’d be stupid to suggest players outside the alpha shouldn’t be forming opinions on how development is unfolding.

Those opinions are just useless as design feedback, because they aren’t informed by experience.

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What’s so wrong about their response? They literally begged us for feedback.

So what if they listen to those who played it? That’s WHO THEY NEED TO HEAR FROM.

So what you’re saying seems to be that it’s stupid to form opinions until after the expansion is fully implemented, probably 9,2?

Sounds like a good idea to wait to buy the game if the best thing you can say about it is people who want to know what they’re buying in advance are stupid.

I think it’s really interesting how focused discussion has been on 1 feature of the expansion. They might as well just name it World of Torghast and delete the rest of the game, from the way people are behaving.

Covenants have been discussed extensively, too.

There are players who sit between those two. I rarely do M+ but I’m up to 3 mask full clears in visions, because more than anything the group dynamics and the possibility of me dragging down the run are what I dislike in M+, and solo visions don’t have that problem.

As far as I can see, Torghast will be closer to visions than M+, with the main differences being that in Torghast, the difficulty ramp is much much much more gradual, you get way more OP abilities to use, and anything even remotely resembling a timer doesn’t kick in until the higher levels.

Don’t worry dude by his logic his opinion is useless and stupid because he doesn’t have any experience.

Listening to those who played it is fine, even putting more weight on their opinions is fine.

Saying that they’re interested in “feedback for this feature” and not very interested in feedback on “timed based difficulty” is not fine.

This is pretty much how development works at any software/technology focused company. The first iteration is always hot garbage and nobody, not the devs or the client particularly like it and it takes a lot of steps to rectify the issues and refactor the component. That’s just how it is and our feedback was definitely taken’ into account. Just not on the time-table the laymen prefer.

Well it is the biggest feature coming with Shadowlands, and it’s going to be mandatory content likely for the duration of the expansion. It also just looks like a lot of fun to a lot of people. Makes sense there’d be a lot of attention on it.

Exactly, now you’re getting it.

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it’s a losing situation. you can please some of the people some of the time you can’t please all the people all the time
right now people are chomping at the bit for a system that isn’t even fleshed-out.

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Pointing out baseless ad hominem and the fact that any assertions predicated upon it are inherently flawed is personal? Maybe I would just prefer you didn’t insult people you don’t know based on opinions that don’t align with your own. Let’s leave it at that, shall we?

There’re really only two things one can say in response to this. The first is, I didn’t get picked either, and neither am I salty about it. So we’re in agreement on that, at least insofar as I can tell. The second is, well, sometimes you just don’t get what you want. Most of us are in that boat right now.

Where feedback from non-testgroup individuals is concerned, the typical handling for it is to aggregate it and present concerns as data points to existing testers, asking for feedback about said concerns specifically. That said, if one dismisses out of hand the opinions of that test group, then there’s not much point in providing feedback outside of it to begin with.

It ultimately comes down to whether or not you trust the manufacturer to select testers who have a variety of opinions, at least some of which may match your own. If you don’t trust them to do that, then I really don’t know what to tell you. You’d pretty much be pissing into the wind, especially if you also subscribe to the belief that nothing changes in Beta.

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I had come back from a long break after the end of Cataclysm… has Blizzard always made the alpha public and not under a NDA the past few expansions? Or is this new with Shadowlands?

On one hand, it’s cool to see what’s coming… on the other hand, it’s detrimental to have a bunch of people commenting and making assumptions on datamined stuff that they are unable to experience.

I feel like this ‘alpha’ is more of what other games would use as a beta.

They listen. They have always listened. They think we’re wrong. But they want people to assume that the fact that they are listening means they are going to take our advice.

They are not. They are going to stick to their plan unless massive numbers of players end up quitting after they find the game is not so fun to them.

This is how it has always been. We do not have input into the future of the game.

Wow. Just realized you kind of took what they said and twisted it.

Playtest Torghast, and let us know how it feels. We appreciate all feedback, and the most valuable feedback for this feature will come from experience in Torghast, rather than discussions about time-based difficulty that aren’t informed by in-game experience.

If something feels bad, let us know why.

  • Did you feel rushed when you didn’t want to? Was that pressure because of actual game difficulty, or was it simply the presence of the Torment itself?
  • Were you unable to defeat a level because of Torments, even though you were playing at a normal pace?
  • Did you want to take a break mid-run but felt like you couldn’t?
  • Do you feel like Torments are appropriate, but should be introduced at a higher level than they currently are (12)?
  • Alternately, did a particular Torment feel underwhelming? Do you still feel like you can wait 10 minutes between every single pull without threat of being overwhelmed?

This is directed at their Alpha Testers. This was posted on the Alpha Forums.