Blizzard being lazy with new PvP gear cosmetics

Please consider making a post about this on the community council, I see that myself and many others would like to have unique class sets for pvp as well


What are you basing this comment off? Didnt holinka say that there is just as much people pvping as pveing. I think he compared pvp queues to pve queues saying they are the same

Do you have citations for any of that?

Yea ill try find it, its a bit old i think it was from holinka back in WOD but i would be surprised if the proportions changed too much since then.

cant find it, i dont know if it was a wod interview or on his twitter but he just started to purge is old twitter posts.

My memory is that he said there is just as many people queueing PVP as the are queueing PVE. Which i was surprised as i thought there would be more PVE queues.

My question is are the different color variants tied to certain classes? If it’s 1 color per class it’s a little better, but not ideal to still use the same model for each rather then independent models like they did for S3

They should just go back to recoloring the raid tier gear like they did in Legion. The models were good enough in Legion that people still liked the unique pvp colors on the elite set, without having use generic “catch all armor type” sets.

They were tweets from Holinka in 2014 during s15 in MoP that said this, basically that PvP had equal or greater participation to PvE. He purged his entire twitter account at some point though, so the tweets are gone. They still show up in old posts from this forum though, like this one:

Also, I made a post on the council forums asking for clarification on whether we’re getting class sets or not. We’ll see if they actually answer or just blow it off, lol.


^Bluster has it on bookmark

Wow legend. I remember seeing this like years ago and i have been saying this for a while and everybody calls me out and i try to find the reference and its just gone. Cant believe it was all way back from MOP.

So many PVP doomers its nice that somebody still has this clarification that the one bit of data we do have is back in MOP PVP and PVE had the same numbers. Its important in discussions to link this everytime somebody says “PVP is a Minigame” and PVE is more important. Really important to keep the discussion on track

I think that is highly unlikely at this point. Those sets linked above dont look like blue honor sets they look like conquest sets. We will have to see what kind of rewards we will have in PVP before we go full on doomer over PVP rewards or the lack of.

And it’s from 8 years ago. Doesn’t really have much bearing on the popularity of PVP today.

you must have a really sad life to troll continuously for like 2-3 years now


What have I said do you consider to be trolling?

Because I’m just stating the data at this point. And the data says that PVP’s popularity has been dwindling over the years.

They have also monetized WoW to the Nth degree.

6 month sub mounts are the norm now. You get at least 1 mount per financial quarter in BFA minimum.

Yeah I’m not apologizing for them. They screw up all the time. Like I said though, as long as the arena population keeps pushing for unique and time-restricted rewards, the calculus will not be on your side.

At least on the raid side, that stuff stays as content for collectors to do years later. So it isn’t just “throw away” work.

Eh… this is a double edged sword here. The stat template stuff was good to a degree, so you weren’t just pure trash without gear. It did lead to some OP comical sheningans though (look up Rextroy). I also think early Legion had you gaining honor for PvP talents or something equally dumb - which they had to reverse course on. By the end, it was “sort of” ok. Hard to say, I was too busy farming RNG legendaries to really participate.

For some of us PvP is the “free-time” activity, so when WoW loads us up on PvE chores, we are both angry and then too busy to participate in PvP.

I mean, this was also a time when the PvP gearing was one of the most “forgiving” (i.e. not punishing) though no? MoP and WoD. I mean compare it to the grindfest that was 9.0 and I can believe that participation is much lower.

This also predates the population nose-dive in WoD.

So maybe the percentages are still the same. Hard to know. I still think the PvP gearing would have a lot to do with it.

I mean its better than your assumption which you saud with nothing to back it up. I also doubt that participation proportion has changed much in wow but that is also a assumption so the best we have is that in mop it was the same.

They’re still replying to it. :hocho:


Its the best actual data we have. I would be surprised if proportions changed too much the game is basically the same

Shush you Burma caravan bandit.


I don’t know man that is pretty optimistic considering it is 10 year old data.

MoP had a low barrier to entry for PvP. There was crafted PvP gear and neither the honor nor conquest gear required “upgrading”. I also don’t think the elite said had an ilvl difference (though that may just be a squish thing I cannot verify/remember).

I just can’t imagine that SL kept as many people participating. You had even prominent PvP youtubers hating on it.

I remember I tried it during 9.0 if only for the vault, looked at those upgrade costs and then the amount of honor per win/loss and just laughed and never looked back until 9.2.5.

If you look at raid and mplus participations in shadowlands thry have dropped a huge amount. Its not just pvp that got effected by shadowlands.

Remember that since bfa plenty of pve players are also haging on the game.

Shadowlands looks like participation went down all together not just one area. Bellular has a video and the game looks pretty dead using parses overtime or boss kills compared to legion or bfa

You say its because of gearing but i disagree because participation has gone down in all areas in the same proportion. When your patch cadence is one a year i think the most likely cause of people leaving is content draught. Look at mops patch cadence and legions and compare it to shadowlands.

Just save your breath, he wants to settle. It is what it is.

Again, you could be right.

All I can speak to is myself. I can tell you unequivocally, that when PvP gearing isn’t a nightmare, I tend to participate (sometimes on multiple toons).

The more it feels like the game is fighting me, the more I pull away.

Grinding out BGs for honor is and was terrible.