Blizzard being lazy with new PvP gear cosmetics

Let’s hope together big boy. Combine our powers to summon Captain Planet.

I am so surprised. Everybody told me when they removed power progression rewards they would add in Great transmog rewards. If its not class based models then its not great. Pvp rewards need to be better than this

Lets hope this is honor gear and not conquest gear.

i didnt mind the recolors when the sets were actually well designed and class related instead of getting gear that looks like it could possibly pass for random quest gear at level 40


The plate gear looks like budget Hateshatter Battleplate from MoP…

Id be happy if we just got pvp recolors of the pve tier like in legion. The tier sets are looking sharp. Really digging paladin and warrior. These class agnostic sets are for pvp are incredibly disappointing. I hope that’s just the honor gear.

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In my opinion, I feel like these look pretty cool. Mainly the cloth set, but these look a little like a reskin. At first, I wasn’t a huge fan of these sets but it sort of grew on me, but I am definitely hoping they come out with something a bit cooler

As standalones theyre not bad. As seasonal rewards shared across via armor type, potentially being as conquest/elite sets, theyre very bad.


Oh yeah of course I feel the same way. In my opinion, class pvp set>pvp tint raid set> armor type set.


There’s no shot this is honor/crafted.

It looks toooooo much like a conquest set. I don’t know if it’s an elite set but one things for certain, they totally forgot (about class specific) or chose to back seat pvp cosmetic rewards.

It probably isn’t the elite version but I honestly feel like they forget about those til last min and make them up real quick a day or two into the season lmao.

If they make the elite appearance unique and different from this it could save it and work out in their favor but we will see.

I disagree. I think the recolors are fine.

Personally, I think it is a waste of time and effort to design a time-restricted set for every class, for every season. I suspect that that was also Blizzard’s reasoning and why they went with recolors.

Now if they were available beyond the season (maybe with the same rating requiremens), then it would be easier to justify. However, you guys are vehemently against that.

So you are trying to have your cake and eat it to. “Hey design some unique sets for every class that only exist for ~6 months”. It is a tough sell.

I know it is an unpopular opinion, but that’s just the reality of what you are asking for.

Why is that a tough sell?

We pay them every month when that was the standard they used to hold. This isn’t asking anything. Time and resources are meant to be expended. The ONLY thing to be concerned about is diminished creativity but they could tap into consumer feedback for inspiration.

Lmao it’s not asking too much for them to provide the product they once did. Refusing to settle for garbage product quality is your responsibility as a consumer especially if unsatisfied.

Then giving constructive feedback and credit where it’s due which everyone has been trying to do. We praise the best results very well on this topic specifically. They should capitalize on that easy win.


Not necessarily. PVP has become more and more niche over the years so Blizzard could very well have decided to cut a large portion of the time and resources dedicated to it.

It sorta is, when the means to provide that product are not as they once were.

The means, of course being the popularity of PVP in the past.

That being said, I do think Armor sets as opposed to Class sets is fine – particularly when they look this damn good.

I am just being realistic.

In business it is just a cost/benefit analysis on just about anything that gets implemented.

So what % of players actually participate in PvP, then do so enough to hit 1800.

Is that % of the population worth the time/effort/cost to implement class sets that are only obtainable for 6 months? I have no idea. Would distinct class sets sway the number more? Maybe, but it’s a gamble - is it still enough to justify the expense.

Until they say they’re so dirt broke poor and struggling to make what they do now, then the current factors stand as they did back then.

They’ve only reported on breaking records on financial gains.

It’s simply not too much to ask and trying to argue that it is too much to ask is simply apologist behavior unless they provide a reason to why they’ve slacked on performance.

Let’s be honest, they’re lazy. It’s not save money. It’s to push the release time as close to their “promise” as possible, that way they don’t disappoint and can increase the likely hood of preorder sales.


I couldn’t agree more, I think these sets are okay (colors are better than overall design imo) I was pretty disappointed to see pvp isn’t getting their own class sets. I would much prefer that

The truest true that’s ever been true in the history of truth.


That’s almost entirely on them. They gimped the quality of rewards and have made it increasingly difficult for new players to enter the space with woefully inept design choices. If the elite sets, at 1800, were of the same quality as legion ones, and they lowered the barrier to entry for pvp with better design choices (which they’re doing already in dragonlands) participation will increase. The same way it did during legion.

Stop giving them excuses to half a** stuff, that’s exactly how we ended up here in the first place. A combination of arrogance on behalf of the dev team and complacency from the player base at large.

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You’re supposed to have it on ignore.


No it’s not. The community is also to blame for that one. We have collectively pushed many new prospective PVP players away with the way we behave, our attitudes, and the way we play the game.

This is just false. The rewards have only gotten better and better.

It isn’t their design choices, it’s the community.

That’s a fair point. It’s a shame he hasn’t been perma’d.

Edit: I fixed it.