Blizzard being lazy with new PvP gear cosmetics

So it’s been datamined that PvP gear will be going back to having it’s own models rather than being recolors of the tiers.

While I like this, the problem is they’re reverting back to Armor Type sets rather than class sets.

Blizzard, if you’re going to go back to PvP specific cosmetic sets, don’t lazyboy it and either take the WoD approach, MoP approach or the WoTLK/Cata s1+2 approach. You have an art team with a lot of talent, use them. PvPers want class specific sets as well.

Here are the cloth and plate sets:

EDIT: Added the mail sets; :face_vomiting:


i agree. class sets.


I agree, class pvp sets would be much better.


:speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head:


Make those the normal gladiator sets and give the elite set mog unlocks the mythic raid version but recolored like we have now.

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Can anyone with like a graphics arts degree or some kind of experience with this type of thing give us a rough estimate of how long it would take to design one of these sets?

prob not long. but to make it through the bureaucracy?

Let’s hope those are just the honor sets.


I hope that it’s crafted or honor gear.


Expac is dropping in like 4 months, fine with s1 generic sets

Hm? It’d have been easier for them to just recolor the pve sets if this were a matter of time/resources.


spend the money on unique pvp class sets with elite recolors

i don’t think the resources for art and game design in a company this big are at all liquid. they decide whether to bother making kidney 6 seconds max again on a different floor than they decide whether to give arena players their first unique gear model in 8 years. come tf on


Probably the most extreme example with the Warrior set here but I think that s16/Primal is one of the best ways they can go about creating elite sets if they aren’t going to make them fully unique

Take a raid set, give it a very distinctive color scheme, then make new and unique helmet/shoulders. They don’t have to be animated but it’s cool if they are. I don’t remember ever seeing so much interest in arena from normally pve-only friends who are like “yooo what do i have to do to get the red warrior set”.


Sure they could.

Just think the small compromise this route takes isn’t out of sheer laziness.

This expac and alpha process shows a lot of TLC and sincerity imo

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either i’ve misspoken or you missed my point. unique elite sets were awesome, but primal was the first and last time they had ever been tried. this is a larger amount of art work than any other seasonal sets have ever used.

what i’m whining about is that the base gear, as well as every alternate recolor, is a model they already made for raid-and you can tell that because thematically it suits the raid. they then slap some increasingly crummy color choices on it for pvp. this has been happening every season since wod s2(they gave up on

right away), with the slight exception of the first 2 bfa seasons having gear made for warfronts repainted, instead of gear made for raids.

tldr: base pvp gear should be unique class sets. i don’t care if the elite sets are recolors of that or not; it worked for the first 15 seasons of this game to not go the extra primal mile, so whatever. i’m tired of having the raid set recolored.

Hoping these are the honor + crafted sets and we will still get class-based sets for conquest/elite gear. Will have to wait and see, but there not being any tint that has extra stuff makes it seem like it isn’t the conquest or elite sets.

Although they could for some godawful reason combine the old way of having elite sets just be straight recolors with no extra stuff and also just make armor-type based sets… but that would be really dumb.


Could be, hopefully but idk

Yep. These strike me as various stages/ranks of crafted pieces, and then the honor/conquest gear will probably continue to be recolored flex and mythic raid gear. Actually they seem a little too glamorous to be crafted/honor gear, so I’m not sure.

Yeah they’re pretty flashy

Bluster, you should make post on council if these end up being the sets

Also, maybe ask them to fix the jaw on the new glad mount :wink: