Blizzard Banning Players Exploiting Reputation

Especially if they can keep the renown with all thier accounts on the bnet since all that is shared I think.


Surprised there hasn’t been more “But I did nothing and got banned for no reason!” posts.

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No idea.

This ban also hit a lot of supposedly unsuspecting players.
Just being logged on on multiple accounts on the same bnet e-mail while a quest was turned in resulted in multiple rep gains for the whole warbands if I read it right.

While some might have realized and exploited it, this (also, supposedly) hit many people who share a single bnet account.

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A little closer to home but not that either. It’s simply that some actions in the game isn’t really liked by Blizzard but there is nothing they can do about it. So they are “not against the rules” Stating they approve of it because they rules do not exist makes it seem like it’s an action Blizzard encourages. But they actively try to make it more difficult to do so. Your not suppose to be using programs or hardware that assist in multi boxing for example according to the support article. Yet most multi boxers do this otherwise moving in unison like they do wouldn’t be accomplishable.

It’s all being rolled back

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Still not severe enough. Should have been a whole week at least so they miss a whole week of heroic splits.

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Oh oof. The one expac i didnt have another character sittinf at the ah while i quested on the main. Glad i didnt.

That’s bonkers.

Yep, there are reports of people getting banned for doing just that.

So now it’s safe to multibox again giggles

Should have banned them for entirety of first week of the season, that’d be hilarious.


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It’s happened before, entire reason stars took wf deathwing

Does blizzard letting me own and launch up to 8 instances of WoW on a bnet account not seem like it ticks those boxes?

A follow macro, an interact key, and a hivemind solve almost all of my movement issues. You have an old fear of the roaming shaman multibox raid, but that has been snuffed. I just get extra loot rolls on rare spawns, mining, raid runs etc. Multiboxing does not neccesarily mean fully playing each character (although some people do set this up).

That makes me really happy, smack those exploiters, even the ‘famous’ ones.

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That is demonstrably wrong but you do you friend

Tbh I think they should be even more strict on the race, but it is what it is, players at that level will go as far as they can to exploit.

Making sure it’s fair and honest would make me appreciate it more.

The ban wave isn’t really a punishment, the rollback is the punishment. The ban is a warning shot; Blizzard is telling players that bans are back on the table. For reference, Dragon Soul’s LFR had an issue where ineligible players were able to acquire items via trade. The tier sets were massive for tanks, and multiple guilds were banned for exploiting this bug, including Paragon. IIRC, these were 14-day bans.

Bankrupting eSport organizations would be bad overall. So, this rather light action is for next time.

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Yea that’s unfortunate

And don’t forget about woltk usimg goblin bombs to stop the valkarie from picking you up

Should probably not mention that

Not supposed to share bnet accounts unless it’s with a child. Married couples aren’t exempt from that.

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