Blizzard Banning Players Exploiting Reputation

I agree with what they are doing there but at the same time i feel like Blizzard should respect a marriage even those that are more traditional where everything is shared. At the very least to a degree where they allow counts to be linked together (linked not shared) if in some form of legal partnership. I just think it’s too much effort for them to set this up in a way that wouldn’t be problematic if the partnership ever came to a end.

Honestly the whole exploit early and often meme needs to die. If you actively know that you are doing something that isn’t intended, you should absolutely be punished with very severe consequences.

I don’t know the exact situation, it’s not something I’ve ever had need to look into. Whatever it is, they’ll probably sort it out with Blizzard during the appeals process.

That aside, what is allowed for sure is having multiple licenses on one account. If my two guildies were the same person who were multiboxing then they would still be suspended for the same reason but with no rules broken and still not being anymore aware that the exploit even existed than they are now.

I wish they would do this with the 347342624 bots in their games.

Personally I think someone caught cheating should be banned for a month. It might be extreme, but if Blizzard wants to stop people from exploiting the system they need to have impactful punishments.

Blizzard not banning the world first cheaters from competition is ridiculous. Who knows what else they exploited to try to rig the competition.

This is perfect this close to the season, but it would’ve been even better banning people next week when Mythic comes out.

It would’ve been a proper punishment for the top players who can’t compete in the RWF, might give them a proper incentive not to exploit.

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It’s almost like the world first players knew the type of punishment they would receive; a slap on the wrist, which is why they risked exploit early and often. This motto is going to be true until the end of time for this game if Blizzard doesn’t stop showing favoritism.

A whole four days? They might not recover from that.

Lol bet they’re all crying victim all over social media now like exploits are against the rules and it was made clear not long ago in remix with the frogs although people got off easy that time with a slap on the wrist.

I’m banned for 21 days for talking, without being told what I said. Idc. Let the bots bot. You all deserve it.

So ban evasion hope Blizzard strikes them with an even harder ban then before world first.

If you have to be told what you said, rather than knowing and acting coy about it, it’s probably good! It’s amazing the sheer volume of people who easily go 2 decades without any form of suspension!

Slap on the hand for the corporate players. If it were anyone else, it’d be a permanent ban.

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Should have been 21 days. Send a message to the entire player base, exploit, 3 weeks ban, not even World First Teams are safe from it.

Rules for thee not for me. I bet most of us would have got 7-21 day bans.


Hey, the other thread where you were talking about your 6 month Charming Courier mount got locked so I couldn’t note:

The Charming Courier, for whatever reason, didn’t just show up in the account like the other mounts. It specifically had to be claimed as a “gift”.

If you haven’t yet, go to: and log in to see if you have any pending unclaimed gifts. It should have been good to claim until January 2025!

Also keep in mind that it’s not just purchase 12 months, your account has to be a renewing, active yearly subscription paid for with cash (i. e. not tokens) to get the 6 month mounts.

Just long shot things to confirm!

Serves them right. This is what happens when you trade your scruples for fame. Should have been 7 days IMO and let them sit and watch their favorite streamers beat them to it.

The fact that team Method can come back after their sexual misconduct scandal is mind boggling. Especially, support from Blizzard and their sponsors.

So how is this possible? Is there some way to get reputation faster that is not legal?

There was an exploit they figured out, but Blizzard finally caught it and fixed it.

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