Blizzard Banning Players Exploiting Reputation

Yes, you can hit it accidentally once. But they kept doing it even after they saw that “one time rewards” were being rewarded multiple times.

Doing it accidentally once probably didn’t get anyone in trouble. Continuing to do it through an entire zone of questing, yeah that’s different.

Common sense.

its more than just that. this wave is even hitting people that are only renowned 7. just being in the zone with more than 1 account that is on the same bnet that is online at the same time would have double dipped the rep and even they got suspended. so many people caught in the cross hairs on this one.

all you had to do was be 2 accounts or more at the same time, no matter your renowned and you were hit with this.

Blizz will probably lift it for people who did it unintentionally

They have in the past

How common is that? Where exactly is the line that delineates the idea that you should have known better?

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I dual-box all the time. I’m doing just fine.

But then again I didn’t exploit anything.

wouldn’t more people buying tokens with gold make the gold value go up not crater? Or am I the one failing economics here.

I hit it from treasures for achievements. Was I supposed to know those were supposed to be one time only? In fact, I rolled all 3 severed threads reps on the same treasure, which gave me an instant 12 level (4x3) infusion.

It happened for many people a lot less maliciously than youd think.

They aren’t buying tokens with gold. It’s the opposite. They’re buying tokens with $ to get gold.

You have it backwards. Someone trying to gear up would be spending real money on tokens to sell for gold. More tokens to sell = lower token value.

You had to specifically have both accounts up when you turned in the token/quest

right right, my brain malfunctioned. Some reason I thought you was talking about people using gold to buy new WoW accounts.

Which quest if I may ask?

Oh, I don’t have TWW on one of the accounts, so maybe I’m not exactly a good example here.

if you were logged in dual boxing and turned in even 1 quest with those spider people and double dipped because of the bug, you are suspended. no matter your renowned.

was there people that found out about this and intentionally did it. yes. there was.

was there people like me that just leveled through each zone on 2 toons / accounts on the same bnet and got to 80 and then got hit by this unknowingly? yes. i can verify this personally.

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“4 Day” bans. 2 days, 15 hours of ban time that actually impacts them in any meaningful way.

Not enough imo.

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Yea you had to have 2 with tww when you hand in the threads quest

Makes me happy that I wait for expansion sales before buying for the second account :stuck_out_tongue:

They should have a suspension scale

Do it once? May have been an accident, no suspension, to, have rank 25 threads? 2 weeks, take that person out of rwf

tbh I feel those who attempt to cheat should face steeper penalties as well. In specific if the reason they use to cheat is to get an advantage in a competition disqualification from that competition should be the first thing on the table. Next all ill-gotten gains removed along with any fruits of the poison tree. Meaning if you got gear from that renown that helped you get other gear and rewards all of it would need to be removed, lastly the account should be permanately and forever marked as a cheater and closely watched when new competitions are nearing.

I don’t think they need to go scorched earth. But I would like them to have put them in a situation where they have to no-life like 48 hours straight before the race began just to get through splits or something.

So since their bans all lift at 5 pm EST on Friday, I’d have liked them to like on Sunday instead. They will be able to make up for the lost time with this punishment.