Blizzard Banning Players Exploiting Reputation

ban evasion is encouraged. They know people buy new accounts after a game ban, they setup their volcano with this in mind. It was all documented when the new penality structure was announced.

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I feel like this is highly relevant, since folks seem to have this weird idea that exploits should be used when you find them. First of all, no. Just report 'em and donā€™t make use of 'em. Secondly, this seems like it would be Blizzardā€™s general attitude towards it - I sincerely doubt it has changed since Thor left the company:

Donā€™t exploit things, just report and move on.
(The system heā€™s talking about likely isnā€™t the same one, since any infraction is now the same as any other infraction. But the whole watching players thing may be a real thing.)


Lol it let me post onc3 and once only. You can look at thr characters r25 severed rep achieve and decide that for yourself.

exactly what happened to me. i am not rwf. i dont mythic raid. i got early access and leveled 4 toons through all the quests and side quests. had no idea about this until now. because i leveled 4 toons they all got the warband rep supposedly with nothing to gain from it. so yes there are many innocent people with multiple games on 1 bnet that got caught in the cross hairs.


What are they gonna do if these players just make all new accounts though?

They could have a new character or two up to 80 in no time and geared up fast.

What? everyone understands the concept behind splits man. Are you under the illusion that when itā€™s time to gear -----====raider 3 and 4 that they donā€™t literally get most of their gear from that run? All the other splits on their ā€œaltsā€ are so they dont have to bring 17 pugsā€¦

I also just enjoy Thorā€™s content in general, but I think heā€™s got some great respectable takes. Thanks for posting.


Iā€™m not sure many of them will bother. Itā€™s a four day suspension and youā€™d spend most of that time getting said new account up to 80 and geared up to the place itā€™s supposed to be only to throw it in the garbage once your main is unsuspended. Doesnā€™t seem like something worth paying for a second license for.

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I wouldnā€™t put it past some players tho as long as the character got good enough loot.

What might get missed is how he drew the graph, those people on the low end benefited from the exploit, but did it on accident. Probably didnā€™t even realize what they did. Or if they did, avoided repeating it.

An example is I found a way to exploit gems back in Cataclysm. Want to know why you have to socket gems 1 at a time now? This is why. Did it once, noticed I had more gems than I should have. Didnā€™t do it again. I benefited, but I did not get a ban because Iā€™m not a scumbag.

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Any excuse to post a Thor short Iā€™ll gladly take!
Especially when it is a thought that I have held for many years. After all, his opinions are overwhelmingly just based on sound reasoning but he has the experience and expertise to make those statements moreā€¦ profound? Authoritative? Something along those lines at any rate.

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Yeah I wouldā€™ve never figured this out, as Iā€™ve never multiboxed lol

Funny thing, someone in trade chat the other night was talking about how their profession knowledge got rolled back. Their defense was that oh, knowledge drops were Unlimited shortly after launch so I spent all of that time Gathering profession knowledge and they were surprised when the bug was fixed and their knowledge was rolled back.

People are dumb, especially when they explain exactly how something is bugged and how they exploited it and then were surprised that they didnā€™t get to keep what they gained from exploiting.


True you can even accidently dupe items in games. Itā€™s happened to me during a server crash and items were duped, but I wasnā€™t actioned cause it wasnā€™t intentional.


Yeah, agreed! Authentic is another word Iā€™d use.

I wouldnā€™t doubt that there is some innocent people hit. However I am also not one to be so gullable to believe everyone who says their innocent is actually innocent. Know what the first thing a criminal often says when they are caught? Iā€™m innocent. Lets be honest here, someone breaking the rules probably donā€™t have the integrity to tell the truth. So if true, it sucks you got hit in the crosshairs and you should try to appeal it, but there really is no way for us to know if your one of the exploiters weaving a tale, or someone who was genuinely affected.

TL;DR Appeal if true, forums canā€™t do much for you even empathizing is difficult cause we just canā€™t know if true.


Well, i suspect this.

I overheard a conversation between WoW programmers i accidentally met in real life where one of them complaining that the game was released without a QA.

But the other one responded that it was not her decisionā€¦ someone above her made the decision and besides her team corrected everything that was seen on Beta.

The issue is if some exploits get discovered not caught by Beta. But at least, Blizz knows what to do if that happens. And it happened.


Does the post mean the accounts are linked like RAF is?

yes i did. all they need to do is look at my account. i leveled 4 toons and done. there was no repeat actions or exploiting. but i understand how this happened at least. but it is really sad on their part that they will tar everyone with the same brush. i am not rwf. i dont even mythic raid. i have nothing to gain by this. i leveled 4 toons naturally via quests and left the zone and just geared them in heroic dungeons until i got the suspension tonight.

but at the end of the day it is really nice to see how blizzard does things. sad cause anyone with multiple accounts and leveled multiple toons would of gained this unintentionally and now caught in the cross hairs from the people spamming this.

maybe, but i think you overestimate how long it takes to level and gear when you can have your geared rwf player pals power level you, feed you dungeon gear, and craft 590 boes for you